Evolutionary psychology.

biocomputer, consciousness, neurons, EQ, IQ, FQ, RQ, biosphere, civilization, reasonable, brain, subconsciousness, depression, introvert, extrovert, intellectual, development, mental, egoism, pragmatism, superconsciousness, spiritual

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©Malyshev Ivan.1999-2003

Part 2.

Scientists have defined(determined), that the level of development of this or that person depends not
Only from volume of a brain, but also from number of communications(connections) between neurons of a brain and speed
Their establishments. Average speed is 1\1000 seconds. Parameter-
Speed of a bark of a brain it is individual at each person and it is given
To each person from birth as "age" of his(its) development genom - consciousnesses.
The person - a developing the biocomputer, but each person is a biocomputer
The certain capacity. We shall lead(carry out) analogy to the modern computer world. On
At one person " the consciousness of the person " is represented to this analogy as
The biocomputer such as "Микроша", at other person - as " 486 РС ", at the third-
As " Пентиум III ". Should tell and all fauna, vegetative also
It is possible to present as the same computer analogy. Simply it is necessary to carry out(spend)
Comparisons any more with the world of computers, and with the world of controllers, or others
Primitive units of logic. Whether in a condition the person at life on the Earth it is conditional
Speaking "to change" the biocomputer (well for example with "Микроши" on " 486 РС "),
To raise(increase) a level of development of the consciousness due to increase of speed
нейронных communications(connections) and increase of speed of their establishment? Yes it is unconditional, and it
It is reflected in constant increase of number of neurons in those or other zones of a bark
Brain. But, at once should tell, that increase of a level of development of a bark
Brain of the person can take place only then, when the person during
Lifes on the Earth actively sates with neurons those zones of a bark of a brain, which
Are responsible for the maximum(supreme) nervous activity of the person. Under what conditions occurs
Growth of the maximum(supreme) making consciousnesses of the person Emotional (EQ) and Intellectual
(IQ)? The question on which is impossible to answer with one phrase, it(he) is combined enough, and
All my activity is connected to attempts to inform up to people of knowledge of what
In the image it is possible to become the person reasonable (all religions as a synonym
Use a word not reasonable, but "believer"). If to answer on put
Question shortly it occurs ONLY UNDER ONE CONDITION which the person
Practically tries to realize in life:
39 the Second similar to it(her): " love near yours, as itself "; the Gospel
From Матфея. Chapter 22. 39
From the practical point of view development of the maximum(supreme) making consciousnesses is
First of all increase of speed of " consciousness of the person ", his(its) bark head
Brain that is similar to increase of levels making consciousnesses Emotional (EQ)
And Intellectual (IQ), with simultaneous reduction of influence by consciousness
The person his(its) Physical (FQ) making consciousnesses, or subcrustal formations(educations)
Bark of a brain. The purpose of human life on the Earth is:
1. Acceleration of migration of substance in biosphere of the Earth from a lifeless nature in alive and
On the contrary, that promotes acceleration of development of biosphere of the Earth.
2. Spiritual development of a civilization with the help of constant transformation энергий
The physical world, the forces consisting of four types working between
Elementary particles in spiritual energy - making consciousnesses
The information universe, named me: Physical (FQ), Emotional (EQ),
Intellectual (IQ), Reasonable (RQ).
3. Gradually, during the life, the person expanding " the outlook " with the help
Knowledge, and applying the given knowledge for the blessing not only, but also other people
Increases speed of a bark of the brain (that similarly to increase Reasonable
Making consciousnesses (RQ), gradually turning from an introvert or an extrovert
In the person reasonable (but it is extremely complex(difficult) process accessible no more
10-20 % of inhabitants of the Earth).
" The Person reasonable ", as against all other people thinks more bark
Brain as the maximum(supreme) making the consciousnesses, than " an animal
Consciousness " as subcrustal departments of a bark of a brain. Alcoholic
Intoxication, strong weariness sharply reduce speed of a brain,
Transforming the person in an animal. Yes, yes, than speed of a brain of the person is higher,
That it(he) is farther from fauna, from the person emotional, intellectual, and
The closer it(he) on the development to the person reasonable. And on the contrary, than below
Speed of an establishment of communications(connections) between neurons of a brain, than below it(him)
Speed, such person especially is aggressive, unguided, unreasonable.
Низкоразумный the person starts to think not " consciousness of the person " as more and more
Bark of a brain, and subconsciousness, " animal consciousness " when "is connected" to
To process thinking first of all a subcortex of a bark of a brain. Researches
Show, that those or other mental diseases arise from - that
The brain of the ill person during attacks sharply reduces the speed. In
Many researches scientists specify reduction at patients with schizophrenia in
Some areas of a brain of quantity(amount) of neurons or abnormal development of cells(cages).
Similar infringements are fixed in various areas of a brain, switching
гиппокам, таламус and various zones of a bark of a brain olfactory,
Impellent, префронтальную and others. At research однояйцевых twins,
One of which was sick schizophrenia, and another is not present, it was revealed at the patient
Reduction of inflow of blood in a frontal share of a brain of the patient, together with in others
Departments of a brain - гиппокампе, парагиппокампальной areas. That reduction means
Inflow of blood in this or that area of a brain? It speaks first of all that
The quantity(amount) of the energy acting in this or that area of a brain decreases, that
Results in decrease(reduction) of speed of the given area of a brain. And this circumstance
Has instantly an effect for behaviour of the patient with schizophrenia of the person. It(he) stops
Complex(difficult) cogitative activity during an attack. Even performance of the elementary
Operations, such for example as the perception(recognition) of a picture of world around becomes
Complex(difficult), for a uniform picture of world around дробится on separate, untied
Among themselves fragments which to the patient are extremely difficult for joining in uniform
The whole. Even reaction to one external раздражитель, sound or visual
Becomes complex(difficult). So for example, the patient with schizophrenia, as a rule, pleasant
To watch on TV cartoon films and other specific programs, but to understand
Subject films they frequently become are not capable. From sports meets
The boxing is perceived more easy, than baseball or football. From shows it is the best way
The circus or ballet on ice, but not drama performances are perceived by patients
By scientists it was marked, that a general picture of electric activity of a brain of the patient
Schizophrenia of the person differs from a picture, characteristic for a brain healthy
The person. Changes электроэнцефалограммы at patients with schizophrenia are observed
Approximately is twice more often, than at patients with mania, and is twice more often, than at
Patients with depression. About what speaks this fact? First of all what
Reduction of speed of those or other zones of a brain, and quantity(amount)
Neurons in the given zones this or that mental disease is defined(determined).
The slowest activity of a brain at the person with paranoid schizophrenia.
The a little bit greater speed of a brain at the person with непароидальной schizophrenia.
The person suffering manically - a depressive psychosis has higher
Speed of the brain, it(he) already can and during attacks
To supervise the cogitative activity. Etc., etc.
All aforesaid reminds a certain vertical where below there is an animal, and
Above the person reasonable, and than more more perfectly activity of a brain of the person,
That it(he) is closer on the development to the person reasonable, passing preliminary
Stages of development: Physical, Emotional (интроверсию), Intellectual
(экстраверсию), gradually raising speed of a brain concerning certain
The "starting" individual potential received at birth on the Earth,
Which is classified as one of 12 types of the person which I would like
To result to you is lower. Never can comprehend(overtake) this or that animal the world of the person,
Yet will not raise speed of an own brain, the person on the contrary, in
Condition to be lowered(omitted) up to a condition of an animal, if by those or other measures
To limit speed of thinking of his(its) brain, quantity(amount) of communications(connections) between
Neurons of a brain in unit of time (a pain, narcotic intoxication, extreme
Degree of weariness). If for an example we shall consider a sight on same
Extreme situation from "point of view" of the person of emotional (introvert),
The person of intellectual (extrovert) and the person reasonable we shall see, that
The person emotional (introvert), as a way out from an extreme situation
Will offer two variants, and will choose the worst, the person intellectual
(Extrovert), will offer 8 variants, and all of them will be favourable only most
To extrovert, the person reasonable will offer 4 variants, and all of them will be favourable
To maximum quantity of people environmental the reasonable person. Whose brain in unit
Time has made a maximum quantity of operations (if to lead(carry out) analogy of a brain
The person with the computer)? Certainly the person reasonable for it was necessary to it(him)
To analyze not only the information concerning personally the person reasonable, but also
The information concerning interests of environmental people, that certainly demands
Additional нейронных resources.
Parameter: number of communications(connections) between neurons and speed of their establishment - the basic
Parameter of evolutionary development of biosphere of the Earth. The minimal speed
Brain the person having domination in of the Physical component has
Consciousnesses (FQ), thinking subconsciousness, " animal consciousness ". A little bit above
Speed of a brain of the person having domination in Emotional
Making consciousnesses (EQ) (introvert). This person thinks that with the help
Subconsciousness, " animal consciousness " (it is especial in excitation), with the help
" Consciousnesses of the person ". Speed of a brain of the person having is even higher
Domination Intellectual making consciousnesses (IQ) (the person is more and more and
More thinks with the help of " consciousness of the person "), the person reasonable has
The maximum level of speed of a brain on the Earth, also thinks practically always
With the help of " consciousness of the person ", also never practically aspires to think with
The help of " animal consciousness ". That speak researches of scientists. The scientist(scientific)-
The psychologist has compared results of researches of an intellectual level of development
American children in 1932 and in 1997. As it was found out, index IQ,
Determining this level, in 1932 at half of children did not exceed 100, and
Only at half was higher. And in 1997 at half of children this index reached(achieved)
120, at the others was even higher. The tendency this is characteristic for all countries of the world,
One in the greater degree, others in smaller. But law everywhere same,
The the country - the above dynamism of its(her) further is more intellectually advanced
Intellectual development, development gets as though avalanche
Character. But, should notice, and recourse of the person, people, race, a civilization
Comes also promptly and avalanchely, for any progress of this or that
Group formation(education), does not matter, people it, or race, a civilization-
It and the beginning of recourse of this or that group formation(education). How it occurs?

Scientists studied behaviour of monkeys in conditions when they had not to struggle for
The existence, живя in territory of a temple complex. As against wild
Monkeys, "temple" monkeys two questions in the life, it interested only
Sex and struggle for authority. Certainly, живя in conditions where there was no necessity
To struggle for the existence, "temple" monkeys degraded, for scientists
It is proved, that at domestic animals the brain becomes less size, than at
Animals wild whereas his(its) many functions become unnecessary, from - for
Too much comfortable life. The brain and an animal and the person is arranged interesting
In the image, it(he) aspires to minimize the power expenses, and for that,
That it has not taken place, the person reasonable is compelled constantly, during life,
To load the brain with this or that cerebration, frequently through violence
Above itself (here all depends on as far as the concrete person tries
To realize itself the person REASONABLE, instead of " the monkey with the passport ").
Researches show, that the the person is more formed, the it hurt in him(it) more often
Head (the data of researches of physicians from University of Marseilles). It hurt more often
Head at those who studied at university more than five years. On often headaches
52 % of women and 49 % of men complained. At the same time among those who has left school
And college, on a headache 24 % of women and 22 % of men complained only, and at those,
Who has stopped to study in the age of from 12 till 16 years, this parameter is absolutely insignificant-
14 % of women and 12 % at men.
Let's return to a question why, after progress of this or that group formation(education)
There is a process of recourse and a degradation, does not matter, Ancient Rome it, Ancient
Egypt, Babylonia, or Russia, America, Holland etc. All the matter is that
Simultaneously with development of this or that people, in such people grows and
The number of " temple monkeys ", is present in view of people rich, children of those who has made
The basic contribution to development and prosperity of this or that country. Yes, parents
Worked and what to do(make) to children having authority, money, glory? To degrade, that
It is clearly observed at the "radical" population of this or that country in constant
Growth of number of addicts, sexual minority, people with those or others
Mental diseases which are expressed in " a leaving(care) from the validity " in
Various sort of sect, group etc. it Is manic - a depressive psychosis
It is distributed among prosperous layers of a society.
Evolutionary development of this or that group formation(education) is those,
For example the white race now passes that way, which I and
Has shown you as recourse. The person, people, race is not capable long
Time is intense to develop. As soon as conditions of existence of this or that
People become more favorable - the part of people becomes worse to work.
Stimulus for the further development of people are lost. The majority of citizens starts
To refuse from низкоквалифицированного work, giving workplaces
To the immigrants having a high level of a dissatisfaction by the position.
The indigenous population of the country "is stratified", the part of the population (smaller) starts
To get the increasing level Intellectual making consciousnesses (IQ),
экстраверсии, that results in growth of such parameter of people as egoism -
Pragmatism. In turn growth of intelligence of the most advanced part of people
Results in growth of egoism - a pragmatism as men, and women that results to
To disintegration of a basis of any society - families. Growth of egoism - a pragmatism results to
To that the indigenous population gives birth to children less and process begins
Self-degeneration of people. At the most intellectual part of people appears
Impotence that results in faster degeneration. Immigrants it is more and more
And supersede indigenous population from the workplaces that results in those more
Or to other social conflicts. Other part of radical people (big), not
Having a due level of development Intellectual making consciousnesses (IQ),
And given out part of the workplaces to immigrants gradually turns in
" Temple monkeys " as there is no already necessity for the constant(constants) intense
To work, and work in sphere of service, service does not stimulate brain
Activity of the person and gradually a bark of a brain of this part of the population
Starts to decrease, but hypersexuality, a narcotism sharply grows,
The nationalism, occurs sharp growth of sexual minority. To what all this
Results? To that through 100 - 150 years on the Earth any more you will not meet
Representatives of white race, she(it) самоуничтожится, and the rests of white race
Assimilate with yellow and black races.
And what such recourse of an individual? As soon as the person calms down, and starts
To live " for itself ", instead of for a science, the industry, management, a society, family, and
Etc., immediately the person turns to " the temple monkey " and starts
To degrade. That in a condition to prolong progress of the person, people, race,
Civilizations, automatically having limited process of a degradation? Only work, a pain,
Low standard of living are engines of progress of all alive on the Earth,
Reception of pleasures and inaction is an attribute of recourse and a degradation. Life
Extremely logical and rigid thing which does not suffer(bear) thoughtless to itself
Let's consider briefly spiritual energy - making consciousnesses.
Physical making consciousnesses (FQ) are formed with a physical body of any object
Biosphere, the person, operates him(it) with the help of an intermediate brain, automates
Work of all systems of an organism, it is most низкоскоростная, poorly governed with
The parties(sides) of a bark of a brain energy, wild and unrestrained, the person feels her(it) in
To itself as those or other desires, instincts, this subconsciousness " an animal
Consciousness " the person. It is extremely strongly advanced in vegetative, fauna,
Decreases in process of growth in the person of the maximum(supreme) making consciousnesses, Emotional
(EQ) and Intellectual (IQ), and also in old age, in process of ageing physical
Organism. The fine indicator of a level Physical making consciousnesses (FQ)
The level of sexual energy in this or that person is. Researches
Show, the above I.Q., reason of the person, the earlier for such
The person there is a decrease(reduction) of a level of sexual energy, as the maximum(supreme) consciousnesses
Simply supersede sexual energy from an organism. My words can confirm
Researches by scientists of group formations(educations), white race for example. Among all races,
Living on the ground, the white race is the oldest, and as result - twice
In 20 century the white race reduced the number, and only world wars gave
"Burst" of birth rate. At the present stage of development, I have in view of 2001,
The white race gradually reduces the number. Researches of scientists
Show, that else in 1978 a parameter of electric activity of a brain in
Time of the sexual certificate(act) at men and women it was equaled to 190 units, in 1997 - 1998
To year - already 170 and when it(he) will be lowered(omitted) up to 150 men and women will lose
Need(requirement) for a sexual inclination to each other. The new name has appeared:
Sexual depression sexual LSD. But the given problems yet do not disturb yellow,
And furthermore black races, as younger, and not having high potentials
The maximum(supreme) making consciousnesses: Intellectual (IQ), Reasonable (RQ). Slavs
Also, as the least advanced part of white race, so having higher
Level Physical making consciousnesses (FQ), yet are not concerned with growth
Impotences, but this time phenomenon, and as soon as IQ. of peoples,
Included slavs will increase, then the level will decrease also
Sexual energy. One more parameter describing a high level
Making consciousnesses (FQ) aggression in behaviour is physical
The person, people. Most низкоразумными people in structure of any people
People having a high level Physical making consciousness (FQ) are,
They also borrow(occupy) posts, work there where as much as possible can be shown them
Abilities, it is criminality, murderers, maniacs, mercenaries, спецвойска, army, those
Or other bodies of suppression, sportsmen of contact kinds of sports, people heavy
Physical work, (I have in view of people which do not notice weight of the
Work, get used to it(him), and even brag that they carry out operations which
Already not people, and mechanisms) for a long time should carry out. A sight on world around with
Positions of force, violence, physical suppression of the person with which contacts
низкоразумный the person - an attribute of the person with domination in an organism
Physical making consciousnesses (FQ). It not the creative person, and the person-
разрушитель. To break, take away, humiliate, offend, all on what it(he) is capable.
The brain of the person with domination Physical making (FQ) does not give consciousnesses
To the owner it is too many variants of the decision of this or that question, and therefore
The owner of such brain frequently searches for an output(exit) from this or that condition as
Violence. The below a level of spiritual development of this or that people, the more often
The person with domination Physical making consciousnesses (FQ) becomes
The national hero of such people about whom compose fairy tales, legends, verses,
Awarding such hero various enthusiastic epithets as pride,
Boldness, etc. Actually all is much easier than courage, the person about domination
Physical making consciousnesses (FQ) has no neither boldness, nor courage,
- it(he) does not know bravery, that this such. Simply at the moment of excitement, the person with
Domination Physical making consciousnesses (FQ) extremely quickly loses
Ability to any rational activity, turning to the physical instrument
For performance of that problem(task) which it(he) has apprehended before excitement. Well and
Further - and is farther " put engineering ". Not зря Alexander the Great selecting itself
войнов put them in this or that condition, entering examinee in excitement
( for example entered into a cell(cage) with wild animals). In that case if the person
The examinee reddened (in the person the hormone ноадреналин) dominated and dominated
Physical making consciousness (FQ), it(he) became войном Alexander
Macedonian. The person with domination Intellectual making consciousnesses
(IQ) one minute of danger turns pale (the hormone adrenaline) for does not lose is allocated
Rational activity, that certainly can be perceived as fear,
Cowardice. Survival rate of the person with domination of the Physical component
Consciousnesses (FQ) minutes of danger are higher, than the person relying in minutes
Dangers on the rational activity, for the person physical, having lost
Of ability rationally to think at the moment of danger on 100 % it is necessary on the
Unconditioned reflexes which at him(it) are greater, and they work better, than at
The person rational, which during physical life, frequently on intuitive
Level " pressed in itself an animal " so it is possible to name suppression of a unconditional reflection
In the person. Each civilization begins that in it(her) dominate
People with prevalence Physical making consciousnesses (FQ), and only then, in
Process of evolution and development of a civilization during 5000 - 12 885 years (provisional
The parameter), gradually, occurs reduction of number of people, to domination
Physical (FQ), Emotional (EQ) making consciousnesses (introverts), also grows
Quantity(amount) of people, with prevalence Intellectual (IQ) (extroverts), and that
More reasonable making consciousnesses (RQ). The person with domination Physical
Making consciousnesses (FQ) - the person living outside of laws of a human society,
Frequently masking the behaviour, but is necessary to such person to be fidgety a little,
Anyhow to lose the control above the behaviour (and it is to the person with
Physical making consciousnesses (FQ) are extremely easy for making prevalence)
As it is easy to see, that before you an animal only having a body of the person.
The reason first of all in extremely weak development of powers of thinking
Persons of the person with domination Physical making consciousnesses (FQ), and at
The slightest emotional excitation there is a blocking cogitative
Activity, the person starts to cope unconditioned reflexes. I shall be repeated,
The reason first of all in one, the weakest development of the left half of bark
Brain, so-called " analytical mind(wit) " that results the person not
To judgement of the behaviour in an extreme situation, and on the contrary, to
Activization of the reflection, instincts, which person with domination
Intellectual (IQ) and Reasonable (RQ) making consciousnesses in a condition
To block and limit.
Attributes of the person with domination Physical making consciousnesses (FQ):
1. High physical survival rate.
2. The steep, simplified speech, use as a sheaf of words
Not normative lexicon, aspiration to make the speech as more as possible simplified.
3. Fast transition from a quiet condition in excited with loss of ability
To rational activity.
4. Love to violence in any forms, love to sports competitions (it is especial
To contact kinds of sports), to severe films, rigid, loud "зомбирующей"
To music.
5. Limitation in interests, aspiration to primitive forms of life (absence
Necessities for comfort).
6. Aspiration physically to suppress and subordinate to itself of environmental people.
7. Low speed of processing of the acting information demands from the person with
Domination Physical making consciousnesses (FQ) long to detain the
Sight on those subjects which cause in him(it) an enhanced attention.
8. Sharp, "guttural" speech, it is especial at the moment of nervous excitation.
9. Inability to empathy in relation to other person.
10. An extreme degree of the egoism, full absence of feeling of fault (" All around
Are guilty, but only not I ".)
11. At conversation with that or other person the aspiration to approach as is possible closer, at
It steadfastly looking in eyes of the person (in this case occurs
Blocking by "aura" (п - an electronic body) низкоразумного the person of "aura" (п-
Electronic body) the interlocutor. The reason of such behaviour низкоразумного
The person in what. In any person there is a constant struggle of subconsciousness,
" Animal consciousness " as subcrustal departments of a bark of a brain, Physical
Making consciousnesses (FQ) with " consciousness of the person " as Emotional (EQ) and
Intellectual (IQ) making consciousnesses. низкоразумный the person extremely
Frequently, it is especial at the moment of emotional excitation thinks not " consciousness
The person ", not a bark of a brain, and subconsciousness, " animal consciousness ". It
Occurs at the moments for example a panic, horror, when behaviour низкоразумного
The person it is similar to behaviour of an animal. At the person высокоразумного, even in so
The critical moments for life " the consciousness of the person " continues to operate,
" Analytical brain " bark of a brain, doing(making) behaviour высокоразумного
The person even at the critical moments of life intelligent. And whereas a level
Physical making consciousnesses (FQ) низкоразумного the person it is highest, it(he)
Easily in a condition to suppress Physical making consciousnesses (FQ) the
The interlocutor that can be expressed in feeling of fear, discomfort, horror,
Occurrence of inexplicable excitement at a level of consciousness of the person. I could
To result it is a lot of attributes allowing to classify person with domination
Physical making consciousnesses (FQ), but the most important is speech of the person.
I wish you never in life to meet similar type of people, and if
The destiny has reduced you with such person - беги, беги as it is possible further, perhaps and
You will stay it is alive, or perhaps mentality yours, health yours will not be final
It is undermined.
Emotional making consciousness (EQ) dominates in the person emotional,
Introvert. I the slav, also am more emotional, than representatives of a science of the countries
The west and Northern America, naming introverts and extroverts also
Manipulators. Certainly, I try to not oppose myself universal
Psychologies and consequently I shall refer frequently to its(her) coryphaeuses, in something arguing, that-
That rejecting. At you the question can arise: whether " I Have on this right? ", on this
Question I shall answer very simply: " Certainly I have, for nobody has rights on
незыблимость knowledge, true. The world only on that also develops, that people
Constantly reconsider, specify, reject and give new definitions by old
To knowledge. " I not the manipulator, and the person looking for true, it is far from being one and too.
If number of people, with domination Physical making consciousnesses (FQ) I could
To limit 10-20 % of the population of the Earth number of introverts on the Earth I am ready
To express in figure 50 - 65 %, the basic part of the population of the Earth are introverts.
The reason in that if the person living with domination of the Physical component
Consciousnesses (FQ) energy is supervised and copes basically with the help unconditional
Reflections in the greater degree an intermediate brain, than a bark of a brain,
The introvert basically thinks already with the help of a bark of a brain. But an introvert, in
Difference from an extrovert, yet has no эволюционно advanced " analytical mind(wit) "
Formed at an extrovert - the intellectual in the left half of bark head
Brain, it(he) thinks that " animal consciousness " " consciousness of the person ", but it is usual
" Animal consciousness ", it is especial at the moment of emotional excitation. At
Introvert during thinking the right, emotional hemisphere is involved.
Here once again it is necessary for us to look at activity of a brain more closely(attentively)
The person, conscious and unconscious. Scientists have defined(determined), that on 100 bats
It is necessary the information realized by the person of 1 000 000 000 bats not realized
The person of the information. It is easier to tell a brain - the huge biocomputer fixing
And supervising world around of the person with the help of sense organs. The person
Meaningly uses the brain no more than on 3-5 %. Pay attention, how you
You listen. You choose from a stream of sounds of world around (accent the
Attention) only on those sounds, which you as the person, interest,
Perceiving as noise all other sounds. Your brain supervises and
Remembers all sounds which hear your ears. Pay attention to, how you
You look. From all panorama which passes at you before eyes, you choose
Separate objects which interest you, poorly supervising all other
Panorama which gets in sight your eyes. Your brain supervises,
And besides remembers all panorama which gets in sight your eyes.
Whether the person can realize all of 100 % of the information which gets in " a field
Sight " his(its) sense organs? No as it is connected with huge power
Expenses, the person is not capable to put in a brain with the help of blood such
Quantity(amount) of energy. Except for that the control of 100 % of the information acting from
Sense organs of the person is a prerogative of superconsciousness of the person, which
People name thousand years " soul of the person ", " Group consciousness ". And that not
Less, essence of spiritual development of the person is that the person aspires as
It is possible to supervise in the greater volume world around with the help of consciousness,
Constantly developing a bark of a brain, raising speed of an establishment of communications(connections)
Between neurons of a bark of a brain.
How the person was ingenious, I do not think, what even at the moment of peak of the
Cogitative activity (which last extremely short time
Intervals) it(he) would be to involve in a condition even 30 % of neurons of a bark
The brain. Certainly, for specification of such parameter are necessary
Researches of scientists. The person should understand, there is a life of other level
Consciousnesses in which it(he) is all - only a part of an event. For example
The worker of firm, factory of a local control link is a part
Production, but it(he) can not know all process occuring on
Firm, factory for has no the information from the maximum(supreme) control system, and in
Condition to use only guesses, conjectures. Present for one minute of
For example as a cat, and a higher control system of processes on the Earth in
Kind of the world of people. Has presented? What you interests as a cat? Food, calmness
After meal, dream, game, sex. It is more in your world there is nothing, that you
Has interested. You need meal, you say sounds, and suddenly before you
There is a cup with meal. And you " in a head does not come ", that that
Before you to put a cup with meal to higher system it was necessary in Argentina
To plant(put) seeds and to bring up plants, to fatten them animals, in laboratories
To fulfil diets of cats, to make from the received meat food for cats,
In competitive struggle to defend interests of the food stuffs in the world to result
Forage for cats to Russia. The owner of a cat should earn money buy a forage
And to feed a cat. Such extremely complex(difficult) evolutionary "chain", which
It is shown on a primitive example. Whether in a condition the cat to realize all
Above-stated "chain"? Certainly is not present, the cat simply will reject even
Opportunity of existence of a higher control system. And nevertheless this
The system is, but only the representative of the most such control system in a condition
To realize and explain its(her) existence and the device. Precisely same processes
Occur and in the world of people. Than below a level of spiritual development of the person (a stage
Development of the person: Physical, Emotional, Intellectual), the it is more
The person in the behaviour reminds an animal who is interested only with a cup
With meal and which completely denies presence of a higher control system
Needs(requirements) " the person physical " are not far from needs(requirements) of an animal. " The Person
Emotional " (introvert) already aspires to learn the world fine, as paints,
Colors, ища itself in culture, art. " The Person emotional " yet
Involves world around as a policy(politics), managements, business, a science, development
All processes on the Earth, it(he) both does not understand, and does not accept them, for a brain
The emotional person it is not adapted to long cogitative work.
" The Person intellectual " (extrovert) has the advanced "analytical" brain, but
Limitation of an extrovert is determined by a level of own egoism, it is that
"Screen" which blocks a level of expansion of knowledge intellectual
The person from the world environmental it, speed of his(its) brain. And only having suppressed
Own egoism, becoming(beginning) " the person reasonable ", social, the person in a condition
To look at the world environmental it REALLY, having understood and the purpose of the existence, and
The purpose of existence of the world environmental it. A level of development of this or that
Which person has the person direct dependence on that volume of a brain,
Uses in the daily life. So the person with domination Physical
Making consciousnesses (FQ) uses 0,5 - 1 % of neurons of a bark of a brain;
The person emotional (introvert), with domination of the Emotional component
Consciousnesses (EQ) - 1,5 - 2 %; the person with domination Intellectual
Making consciousnesses (IQ), an extrovert - 3 - 5 % of neurons of a brain;
The person reasonable, with domination Reasonable making consciousnesses (RQ) - 5 - 7 %
Neurons of the brain. To learn world around REALLY with
Use of so limited volume of a bark of a brain extremely
Difficultly. Present, for example in 1 - 3 years you used 0,1 - 0,2 % of neurons
The brain, and in 60 years of-5 %. Now present, even in imaginations,
What would be, if you could use 20 - 40 - 60 % of the nervous cells(cages)? You
Would know the future development of people, the countries, races, civilizations, for your level
The analysis and the forecast would be extremely high and many-sided. You could invent
New kinds of engineering to do(make) opening etc. It not imaginations, it is the fact, but
The fact inaccessible to mankind for the person can not reach(achieve) such level
Development of the maximum(supreme) nervous activity, without catastrophic consequences for
The brain. It not under force and to computers, for the computer in a condition
To simulate Intellectual making consciousnesses (IQ), but be not capable
To simulate Emotional making consciousnesses (EQ), so also Reasonable
Making consciousnesses (RQ).
The western civilization long praised to the skies development of the Intellectual component
Consciousnesses (IQ) in the person, his(its) intelligence, but only now, when number of people
Intellectuals - extroverts in the countries of Europe and Northern America has exceeded
Quantity(amount) of introverts, people emotional, a management(manual) of the countries of Europe and Northern
America gradually start to realize approaching danger, for intelligence,
Overwhelming world of emotions and feelings and expressing in egoism - a pragmatism so
It is dangerous to a civilization, and even it is more, than " the person physical "or" the person
Emotional ". The reason that if " the person physical ", as well as " the person
Emotional " - the introvert can be dangerous to the person or group of people on
Local level " the intellectual robot " - extrovert in condition to threaten
Already to peoples, races, all civilization, and examples for this purpose in the twentieth century
There is no number. The mankind now tries to approach to the decision of increase
Speed of "brain" of a civilization collectively, using conditionally speaking "brain"
All civilization, the memory which have stayed from former generations as books, subjects
Cultures, arts. It is unique a true way, though also heavy, long and
But completely evolutionary. In process of development of a cycle of a modern civilization
The mankind becomes gradually more reasonable, and at people having asymmetry
The brain, expressing in a high level Intellectual making consciousnesses
(IQ), there is a chance, having used bank of the knowledge which has been saved up by a civilization,
Is constant to accelerate evolutionary developments of a civilization. But the genius
Realizes itself always in extremely narrow spectrum of knowledge, for example sciences or
Arts for and for this realization huge power expenses are required
Organism. The sum of knowledge saved up by a civilization, it first of all that level
The help which the civilization offers the genius for example that it(he) could
As it is possible "to jump" in the spiritual development with the minimal expenses above.
Whereas a level of development Intellectual (IQ), Reasonable (RQ)
Making consciousnesses of a civilization it is constantly increased, occurs constant
Growth of spiritual development of a civilization, and her(it), conditionally speaking, "brain". Speaking about
"Brain" of a civilization, I certainly have in view of the collective body consisting from
Individual "neurons" - brains of the individuals living on the Earth. So in
Present time "brain" of a civilization can be presented in consisting of 6 000 000
000 people living on the Earth, and a level of memory (I have in view of reason of people, there is no time
Living on the Earth) and to imagine difficultly. Speed of "brain" is unconditional
Civilizations, as collective body, much above, than speed of a brain
Individual there is a process of constant self-development, when "brain"
Civilizations development of a brain of an individual stimulates, and that in turn
Accelerates development of "brain" of a civilization, this process is not eternal,
It(he) will be finished approximately 2800 - 2900 of our era when will pass stages
Gradual development of races of people occupying the Earth, it is white, yellow, black
Races. I would not borrow(occupy) your time with the information on "brain" of a civilization, but I wanted
To you to show, that speed of a brain of an individual has restrictions, and
Any "superperson" to create or develop it is artificial it is impossible without dangerous
Consequences for mankind, and process of increase of speed of "brain"
Civilizations - process evolutionary, less egoism, so more reasonable and
Part 3.

Part 1.

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