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Library esoteric Malysheva (LEM)
Nizhny Novgorod
Phone: (8244) 5-22-44
So who these essences? These are GROUP CONSCIOUSNESSES - a bioserver, uniting
To itself at a level of a resonance of consciousness - genoms people living,
or living on the Earth and
Having about the same level of development of the genoms. It is conditionally
Essences still can be named self-developing bioservers in which are included
Consciousnesses self-developing biocomputers of plants, animal, people having
Identical level of development genom. But consciousnesses of plants, animal,
Work on various speeds of processing of the acting information. Also it is solved
Was, that as that to distinguish from each other " Group consciousnesses
" to name most
High-speed and reasonable "angels", "spirits", and the least
Group consciousnesses low on reason people, animal - "draw", "satan",
"devils" and
What all - таки in the image operates the Information universe (God) through
" Group consciousnesses " the representatives on the Earth, people,
the DNCs
"Resounding" same " Group consciousness "?
Civilizations on the Earth develop on cycles. During a cycle the civilization
The following stages of the development: Physical, Emotional, Intellectual,
Reasonable. Accordingly also during a cycle everyone develops also " Group
Consciousness " - a bioserver. Yes, gradually, in process of development
of a civilization everyone
" The Group consciousness " "is gradually filled" with consciousnesses
- souls
( p-electronic bodies) people, "resounding" at a level of molecules
of a DNC with the data
" Group consciousness ". Consciousness of the died person, being united
after death
The person with his(its) soul (p - an electronic body) gradually turns for the
Reduction Physical making consciousnesses (FQ) also "enters" into
the " Group
Consciousness " - a developing a bioserver, bringing in him(it) all memory
of life,
Lived the given person on the Earth. So it is gradually formed individually
Memory of everyone of " Group consciousness " during a cycle of development
of a civilization. Such
Precisely processes occur in any information network, when the winchester
Server it is filled by the information acting in a server from all computers,
Included in a concrete server.
And memory of one of " Group consciousness " differs from memory
of another
" Group consciousness " just as memory of one person differs from
Memories of another. It as though individual "sight" of everyone "
Consciousnesses " on development of a civilization. Agree, each person
on one and
The same processes of world around looks on the. That is meanness(low act) for
One person is norm for other person. To what it is connected? Yes
Simply each person looks at the processes occuring in environmental it(him)
The physical world " from the point of view " spiritual development
own " Group
Consciousnesses " " the points of view " a level of development
Reasonable (RQ) making consciousnesses.
In the given work I do not examine(consider) processes of spiritual development
" Group
Consciousnesses ", having concentrated on managerial process by the physical
world from the party(side)
This or that " Group consciousness ". Whereas memory of everyone "
Consciousnesses " it is formed many thousand years, everyone is certainly
" Group consciousness "
Forms the, individual sight on managerial process by development
Civilizations. Do not overlook, depending on a level of development making consciousnesses
- Physical (FQ), Emotional (EQ), Intellectual (IQ), everyone " Group
The consciousness " is at this or that stage of the spiritual development:
Emotional, Intellectual, Reasonable. But, if a civilization in physical
The world develops gradually, passing GRADUALLY all above named stages of the
Development the Information universe is arranged differently, in it(her) it
is constant as though
There are " group consciousnesses " simultaneously both Physical,
and Emotional,
Both Intellectual, and the Reasonable stage of spiritual development, in it(her)
there is a process
PARALLEL spiritual development.
The same processes occur in any information network. Exist
Local networks, these local networks of a network are incorporated in global,
global in
Even more global etc. Also each local network - "microcommunity",
The "microstate" deciding(solving) this or that problem(task).
The same processes occur and in a brain of the person, this information
Networks carrying the name "consciousness". Each nervous centre, an
original bioserver
Works at the level. Also solves the problems(tasks), but also in a brain exist
Managing nervous centres, and the local nervous centres. All these centres have
Various levels of development and managements, are at different "steps"
Managements and development, but work synchronously in uniform production,
Carrying the name " life reasonable ".
" Group consciousnesses " in the beginning of development of a cycle
of a modern civilization... Are empty,
For on the Earth there were very few people taking place on a stage reasonable
Intellectual development. Here it is possible to lead(carry out) analogy to
the device of memory
The newborn child. Memory at the child is present from birth, but she(it) is
empty, so
As it is not filled with conditioned reflexes, as those or other pictures -
The majority of mankind in the beginning of a cycle of development of a civilization
was at a stage
Physical development, and partly Emotional, these " Group consciousnesses
- A bioserver also "were as much as possible filled" with consciousnesses
- souls (p-
Electronic bodies) people, other representatives of biosphere, I have in view
Representatives vegetative, fauna. And now all
The civilization is conditionally divided(shared) into huge reasonable communities,
" Group
Consciousnesses " - a bioserver which are at those or other stages spiritual
Development, I shall be repeated: Physical, Emotional, Intellectual or
Reasonable, and accordingly and all people "are connected" to those
or others " Group
To consciousnesses ". Each person, depending on domination of those or
Making consciousnesses, I shall be repeated: Physical (FQ), Emotional (EQ),
Intellectual (IQ), Reasonable (RQ), " the Group consciousness " enters
into this or that.
Irrespective of, to what race, people, a sort or a clan the person belongs
This or that person, his(its) consciousness - soul (p - the electronic body)
To reasonable group formation(education) - to a bioserver which I also name
" the new form
Lifes ", or Group consciousness ". Certainly representatives of this
or that
" Group consciousness " live in the various countries and realize
in these countries that
Or other concept of development of a civilization which can be presented as
the plan
Development of a civilization within the framework of given " Group consciousness
". People on the Earth, in
The physical world in practice try to realize concepts of development own
" Group consciousnesses ". And it is not surprising, that one person
on the Earth realizes ideas
Christianities, and another socialisms, one of fascism, and other democracy,
the cannibal, and another of humanism. I shall be repeated, all these concepts
Own to " Group consciousnesses ", and the person of people only in
Try to realize their ideas, plans, dreams.
Dreams and plans of " Group consciousnesses " very much frequently
also are not global, all
Depends on a level of spiritual development of this or that of " Group
consciousness ". One
" The Group consciousness " would like to operate all Earth, and on
the Earth appears
Napoleon, Gitler or Stalin, " the Group consciousness would like "to
lift" another on
More a high level art and consequently makes all efforts for realization
The given idea. In whom the given idea, in what person is realized? All depends
Level of development itself " Group consciousness " that on the Earth
Shakespeare has appeared,
Newton, Rafael or and Bethoven. But it is still very important for the representative
of the
" Group consciousness " to create such conditions which would promote
Talent of this or that genius, unimportantly, in what area of art, a science,
Managements, business or manufacture this or that tries " Group consciousness
To realize the plan for the Earth.
This whole art, costs(stands) for the representative to " Group consciousness
To create on the Earth exclusive conditions as glory, honours, authorities,
Riches how to operate such person from party(side) " Group consciousness
All becomes more complex(difficult). The person of the person instantly forgets
the purposes, plans, ideas
The " Group consciousness ", being betraid completely to pleasures
The world indulging in all to the physical body. It is not surprising, that
on the Earth
The creator only the one who is hungry. Look at those who is at authority who
It is notable, rich are creators? Poor essences. It is normal process, the person
Creates only in a hungry condition, the full person - the parasite of biosphere,
is one
From organic laws of development of biosphere.
And only "brake" as Reasonable (RQ) making consciousnesses, which
The reasonable person feels in itself as feeling of shame, to conscience serves
Restriction of own needs(requirements). We shall be fair, all depends on a level
Spiritual development of the person. The reasonable person and being at authority,
Riches, glories in forces to struggle with the lacks, and for the account
Self-restrictions to continue to remain the creator, but it is not enough such
On the Earth though I shall be objective, the number of such people in the world
constantly grows, differently(otherwise)
The civilization simply would not become more reasonable. But development
Civilizations it is rather long, though from all this time piece a stage
Reasonable development of a civilization the shortest.
For realization of the own plan for development of a civilization this or that
" Group
The consciousness " should not for the representative on the Earth create
and such conditions,
At which the person of the person spends all basic energy for a survival
Own physical body. Certainly, in this case any spiritual
Development of the person of the person, his(its) consciousness - souls (p -
an electronic body), and
Means also it(him) " Group consciousness " does not occur. For the
most effective
Development of the person, people, civilization as a whole it is necessary,
that a level of a pain and
Pleasures in the world were approximately identical, observance of conditions
" gold is necessary
Middle ".
As far as the person of the person is free in the choice in the physical world?
Have already answered this question.
" The Behaviour of the person is defined(determined) by interaction of
hereditary factors and
The world environmental us " H. Marcl, the chapter of a German scientific
organization of a name
Macsa the Rod.
Who posesses " hereditary factors " person? To his(its) group consciousness,
With the help of the genom this or that person is adjusted on this or that
Own group consciousness. Psychologists name " hereditary factors "
The big five " into which enters:
1. Extrovert.
2. Emotional stability.
3. Conscientiousness.
4. Good nature.
5. Readiness for mastering new.
On the business to list(transfer) " hereditary factors " it is possible
indefinitely long.
Scientists come to the fact, that during reaction to this or that more and more
Event the person of the person, and his(its) consciousness - soul (p - an electronic
body), and
Means and " Group consciousness " 50 % accept approximately equal
participation, that is on
50 %. But, emotionally it is necessary to the person of the person to be excited,
as this
The proportion is instantly broken, at this moment already " the Group
consciousness " starts
To supervise over the person of the person and his(its) physical body, leading
up this process up to 100% in case of the maximal emotional excitation of the
person - furies,
Hatred, love, mercies, pleasures, happiness. The person becomes " itself
The " as frequently people express a similar condition, consciousness -
soul of the person (п-
Electronic body) so and " Group consciousness " incur completely
Management of the person of the person and his(its) physical body. But that
occurs in
The moments of the big danger to any person.
I already spoke earlier, that " Group consciousness " - a bioserver
of any person
Processes huge quantity(amount) of the information acting from sense organs,
Certainly, it "foresees" the future of the person of the person in
this or that measure,
His(its) physical body. And "ideas" sends the person of the person,
people frequently
Name similar "ideas" "intuition". Therefore the person should
learn " to catch
Intuition ", or reaction own " Group consciousness " on those
or others
The events occuring in the physical world. Ideas of the person of the person
frequently as though
"Cover" "ideas" of " Group consciousness " (you
see they "more powerfully" on power
Ideas of " Group consciousness "), in result very much frequently
the person does not react on
Possible(probable) danger to the physical body on the part of other people,
those or
Other events. And as the result - the person frequently perishes, becomes crippled
Or the patient, for the simple reason, it(he) listened to advice(councils) of
the friends, relatives,
At last the person, - and about the most important friend and the adviser, the
Consciousness - soul and furthermore " Group consciousness " "has
forgotten", "has heard",
"Has seen(overlooked") etc. Therefore each person should learn to
react on
Commands(teams) of the of " Group consciousness ", instead of the
person, circumstances environmental
The world etc., the person is obliged to learn itself to supervise своею over
Other processes occur when " Group consciousness " having analysed
a situation
Has come to a conclusion that can not operate the person of the person and his(its)
Body that occurs in case of heavy illness or in case of danger,
Menacing human life. " The Group consciousness " as though "throws"
The representative on " an arbitrariness of destiny ". Frequently
in such cases " Group consciousness "
Will carry out(spend) evacuation п - an electronic body (soul) as consciousness
of the person from
Physical body, and the person loses consciousness, there comes a shock, coma
Condition. In this case management of a physical body of the person and his(its)
"Incurs", subconsciousness of the person as Physical (FQ) a component
Consciousnesses. The person the fear, horror, catalepsy, or unguided seizes
Fury, hatred, rage, process of thinking is sharply braked, for "thinks"
any more
Consciousness of the person, and his(its) subconsciousness, " animal consciousness
", subcrustal departments
Bark of a brain. It also is Physical (FQ) making consciousnesses of the person.
Certainly, subconsciousness " animal consciousness ", being afraid
of loss of a physical body
Extremely severely, at a level of animal instincts struggles for a survival
Physical body otherwise, for example a panic. In the event that
" The Group consciousness " feels active resistance to the commands(teams)
of management
On the part of the person of the person and his(its) physical body - "
the Group consciousness " can
Is simple to leave on some time of the person " on an arbitrariness of
destiny ", having switched
The attention to other representative of the of " Group consciousness ",
living in
The other place or the country, and engaged in other business. In particular
Occurs then when the person persistently does not notice commands(teams) of
the " Group
Consciousnesses "," lives against the conscience ", people here
is how name the given condition.
It occurs then when the person lives not the attitude, and " goes on
To occasion " at close people, the family, friends, colleagues and so on.
Certainly, " the Group consciousness " in a condition is severe to
punish the person for such
Neglect to itself as such person does not carry out the program which
Given " the Group consciousness " would like to realize on the Earth.
Punishment can be
And as illness, a mutilation, long "period of failures", the strongest
All aforesaid concerns to high reason to " Group consciousnesses ",
but it
Small part of the Information universe. Basically she(it) consists from
low on reason" Group consciousnesses " - bioservers, which representatives
To the Earth people of a low level of development of a bark of the brain, having
"Young" genom, with domination Physical making consciousnesses (FQ)
Organism. Such person is not capable to live in modern dinamical
Society, without extraneous support as parents, the state,
The charitable organizations etc. Such person without extraneous support
Promptly starts to degrade, filling up numbers(lines) of losers, homeless,
Vagabonds. In the same case if the given person has except for a low level
Intellectual making consciousnesses (IQ), has also a high level
Physical making consciousnesses (FQ) - more than the probability of that is
Such person becomes a criminal. In this case depression at such person
Does not come, do not come also feeling of shame for behaviour,
Dissatisfaction, as " Group consciousness " such low on reason the
Simply does not develop similar commands(teams) aside the person of the person.
Simply so
There were circumstances for life of the given person in the given epoch, in
Place, at present. Such people huge quantity(amount) in the world, as in the
world not
There is any miracles, and everyone " Group consciousness ", as well
as each person,
evolution, rigidly, and frequently and severely solves problems in a course
Evolutionary development of biosphere.
Among people there are deep errors of that consciousnesses-
Souls of people (p - electronic bodies), " Group consciousnesses ",
The universe, all these power formations(educations) named earlier "God",
"Angel", "spirit", "satan" etc. have with what
- that special
Superopportunities, ability to predict the future. All this is unconditional
Lie. If the future is known - who will develop, you, Information
The universe, the God? There are no certainly, plans detailed development of
Managements, whether it be the Earth or other reasonable formation(education)
certainly are, but
Only for higher reasonable formation(education). For example.
You can plan life of flora, fauna to create the provisional plan
Own development for tomorrow, but the plan of own development for months, years,
You have no life. It is in precisely the same way arranged also everyone "
Consciousness ". It in a condition to plan development of less reasonable
" Group
Consciousnesses ", but can not have the detailed plan higher " Group
consciousnesses ".
Such fine harmonious system is created by the Information universe,
The god. Yes, system of the analysis, forecasting of this or that of "
Group consciousness "
Certainly exceed opportunities of the separate person, but you see all this
is explained
And it is clear. At the same time it is necessary to note and the raised(increased)
complexity of problems(tasks)
Decided(solved) by that or other " Group consciousness " as it solves
problems(tasks) not only
One physical body of the person, and many physical bodies of people which are
included in
Concrete " Group consciousness ". The inhabitancy extends also. If
one person
Lives and operates in scales of one settlement, area or in extreme
Case in scales of the country " the Group consciousness " lives and
develops in
Scales all of the Earth.
So it for such reasonable formation(education), " Group consciousness "?
We shall continue
The further detailed elaboration of so important and complex(difficult) question.
In what image, the ambassador
The beginnings of a modern cycle of development of a civilization appear consciousnesses
- souls of people
( p - electronic bodies) in this or that " Group consciousness "?
Certainly on a measure
Development genom this or that person during life on the Earth. Everyone
The person can pay attention to how at him(it) sights constantly vary on
The world environmental it, it is especial in the childhood, youth, it is less
already in maturity. That
It? Simply it goes process of gradual complication genom the given person,
Growth Reasonable making consciousnesses (RQ), saved up during life on the Earth.
And after death of the person on the Earth, the saved up level of the Reasonable
Consciousnesses (RQ), taking place together with memory of the person and his(its)
consciousness in п-
Electronic body (soul of the person) it is summarized with Reasonable consciousness
" Group consciousness " and so the level of Reasonable consciousness
(RQ) is increased already
Concrete " Group consciousness ". All thus develops
The information universe, consciousness of the God.
During the thinking each person constantly the consciousness-
Soul (п - an electronic body) " the Group consciousness " moves in
this or that. In
The person occurs in process thinking constantly dynamically changed(changeable)
Process of moving energy making consciousness depending on external
Influences on the person in this or that component. Depending on a level
Perception(recognition) the person, a physical body of those or other processes
Around of the person and acting to it(him) through sense organs, there is a
Potentials making consciousnesses of the person: Physical (FQ), Emotional (EQ),
Intellectual (IQ), Reasonable (RQ). It is resulted to that by the person of
Soul - consciousness (p - an electronic body) instantly moves in this or that
" Group consciousness " the Information Universe ("is connected"
to this or that
to " Group consciousness ".)
At the moment of fury, hatred, rage at the person the level instantly grows
Physical (FQ) making consciousnesses and soul (p - an electronic body) the person
It appears "connected" to these or those low on reason to " Group
consciousness "
( adjoining on a level of speed of processing of the acting information to
To group consciousnesses of fauna), sated with ideas, episodes of hatred,
Rage, cynicism, the rudeness, collected as memory at given " Group
Consciousnesses " for all cycle of his(its) development. It is terrible
memory given " Group
Consciousnesses " which people name "hell". In given " Group
consciousness " - a bioserver
Consciousnesses - souls (p - electronic bodies) people living on the Earth and
Having a high level Physical (FQ) making consciousnesses. Certainly
The data " Group consciousnesses " realize those or other concepts
of violence on the Earth,
Such as nationalism, fascism, cannibalism, a genocide in this or that form.
And already
In narrower form there is a display of such phenomena (at a level separate
The persons being in this or that measure representatives low on reason
Group consciousnesses) as a sadism, hatred, rage, vindictiveness, fury,aspiration
to humiliate other person in this or that form, sexual Perversity etc.
Therefore existence of "hell" really, as really in each person existence
In this or that measure of those or others " dirty ideas ", but conditionally
speaking will get
Whether or not in "hell" the consciousness of the person after death
on the Earth, depends first of all from
The person as far as it(he) in a condition was to suppress in itself(himself)
during life on
To the Earth Physical making consciousnesses (FQ). How it is done(made)? Yes
it is very simple,
Only it is necessary to cultivate within long years in itself kindly,
The morals, mercy, compassion to other people, also is all will change
Gene of the person, reducing a level Physical making consciousnesses (FQ), and
Increasing certainly a level Reasonable making consciousnesses (RQ). In everyone
The person "animal" which is meant as energy Physical is incorporated
Making consciousnesses (FQ), you see all our consciousnesses - souls (p - electronic
"Have left" fauna, and each person so the PERSON, as far as it(he)
To itself has suppressed "animal" as fury and greed, vindictiveness
and suspiciousness,
Meanness(low acts) and cynicism, egoism and rudeness.
I ask you to understand, that the person thinks or with the help of subcrustal
structures of a bark
Brain, Physical making consciousnesses (FQ) and then it(he) is connected
To " Group consciousnesses " - to bioservers, which all ancient religions
"Hell", or with the help of a bark of a brain, Emotional (EQ) and
(IQ) making consciousnesses and then it(he) is connected to " Group consciousnesses
To the bioservers, named all ancient religions - "Paradise". "
Hit in Paradise "
Occurs certainly provided that the person has made alignment
Potentials the maximum(supreme) making consciousnesses Emotional (EQ) and
Intellectual (IQ). Depending on a level of spiritual development, at the person
Different ideas have various power. So at low on reason the person,
Thinking basically with the help of subcrustal departments of a bark of a brain,
Physical making consciousnesses (FQ) such feelings as fury, envy,
Vindictiveness, rage have a high level of energy, for this reason
low on reason it is extremely difficult for person to suppress them in itself
or as speak
"To dismiss". High reason to the person it is much easier, to it(him)
" dirty
Ideas "e" do not occur ", except for that it(he) it is easy them
suppresses first of all
On power, you see it(he) should think basically the maximum(supreme) components
The consciousness (Emotional (EQ) and Intellectual (IQ)), a bark head
Brain. Therefore as a reference point in a level of spiritual development can
serve quantities(amounts)
" Dirty ideas " in a head of the person and, as far as the person
in their condition
To suppress. Should tell you directly, than more person works above itself,
It(he) is more for many years suppresses in itself(himself) " dirty ideas
" - that it(he) all
More and more becomes high reason the person. It is heavy work, very much
Heavy, and I would wish each person of successes in this work.
For correct spiritual self-development it is necessary to try many years doing(making)
Or other affairs to rely not on subconsciousness as subcrustal departments of
a bark
Brain, namely on consciousness of the person, it is constant and in all of
Supervising at a level of logic, the analysis. Well and that in the practical
Represents that other " Group consciousness "? I spoke earlier, that
Consciousness, it first of all general memory genetically close p - electronic
(Souls) of people on the Earth, living during one cycle of development of a
civilization. That
It turns out, the person, is more exact his(its) consciousness - soul (p - an
electronic body)
Moving in the " the Group consciousness " loses in this case individuality,
Time his(its) memory, to be exact " consciousness of the person "
enters into the general(common) memory " Group
Consciousnesses "? No, and in what singularity of such formation(education),
as " Group
Consciousness ". Each member of " Group consciousness " considers,
that it(he) is it(him)
The owner. Thus, after death of the person on the Earth and gradual
Movings of his(its) consciousness to the " Group consciousness ",
it(he) becomes it(him)...
The owner regardless of the fact that in given " Group consciousness "
can enters
Hundreds more, thousand, millions people as their consciousnesses - souls (p
- electronic
Bodies). And each of people perceives the " Group consciousness "
Own so this reasonable formation(education) is arranged.
As becoming(beginning) the owner of such reasonable formation(education) as
" Group consciousness ",
Which has memory of processes occuring on the Earth many thousand years, and
Capable simultaneously to work in many countries of the world through people,
Given " Group consciousness ", it is possible for them to supervise
over representatives? It is necessary
To understand, that all co-owners concrete " Group consciousness "
lived earlier in
The certain regions of the world. And after the death they "supervise"
the former
Regions, continuing to be engaged in that favourite business in which were engaged
and life on
To the Earth. For example, I shall supervise development Reasonable making consciousnesses
In Russia. But I can do(make) this work and in Egypt, France, Zaire and
etc. Though certainly in these countries not I actually shall work, I those
Representatives of mine of " Group consciousness ", living there is
no time in Egypt, France,
Zaire etc. and included in mine " Group consciousness ".
How it looks practically? For example I mentally want to make in Egypt that
- that
And that - that. My partner in mine to " Group consciousness " perceives
my idea...
As the, and accordingly I perceive his(its) idea as the. Clearly? Such
In the image each of representatives of one of " Group consciousness "
perceives an idea
Another as the also performs work in this or that country. As to me to work
There, where there are no my representatives, for example in Czechia? It is
necessary for
Representatives of the of " Group consciousness ", working in other
To create such conditions at which who - or from them would go to Czechia
( business trip, marriage, a constant residence etc.).
How " the Group consciousness " supervises over people on the Earth?
I already spoke, creating
Various conditions for representatives of the of " Group consciousness
" on the Earth, in
Current of many years, you see the plan for development of a civilization (provisional)
has everyone
" Group consciousness " for many years forward. If there is a plan
(and it(he) is created
Higher on a level of development " Group consciousnesses ", which
low on reason
" Group consciousnesses " perceive as... Own ideas) it is possible
to start
To his(its) realization. Yes you and itself, not noticing, will realize the
plan of the on the Earth
" Group consciousness ", everyone laziness and each hour. You do not
believe? Believe me, yours
The physical body Physical making consciousnesses (FQ) too does not trust, that
The person, him(it) you operate. What you to it(him) will tell? " Yes to
spit that you to me not
You believe ". And " the Group consciousness " speaks yours to
you too most. And if you
To command(team) of the of " Group consciousness " you will not listen
(you will act " against
") - to you it will be very hurt the conscience, very much. And there is
in life, I
Spoke earlier, that the purpose of your life is known already at your birth,
Analyse the children's dreams. And if you will realize these in the life
Dreams - you are happy, if are not present - is not happy. Try to realize the
purpose of the
Lifes, and your pain will be stopped.
Whether there can be a consciousness of the died person there, where it(he)
and veins to death, with
Friends, the relatives familiar? Certainly, if at given died
The person there is a representative of the of " Group consciousness ",
living near to it(him)
Family, familiar etc. the Representative of this or that " Group
Consciousnesses " on the Earth is and there are eyes, ears etc. consciousnesses
of the died person on
To the Earth, and any miracles. And if there is no representative? Means there
is no also information. But
Usually, if given it is necessary for " Group consciousness ", it
starts to model
This or that situation on the Earth, with the purpose of promotion of the representative
of the
" Group consciousness " on this or that post, district, the social
status and etc.
People so frequently exclaim in surprise concerning this or that event,
Promotions on a service ladder of " grey persons ", good luck in money
and glory
Completely undeserved people etc., not understanding, that " not they do(make)
a history ".
From an extreme antiquity to us there came such definitions, as "angel",
"satan". Here it is possible to include and "god", "shaitan",
"features", "demon" etc. who
It? I shall be repeated, all this ancient names of " Group consciousnesses
" - bioservers,
Having a various level of Reasonable making energy - consciousnesses (RQ). Was
It is necessary what - or in the image to detail the God, or his(its) consciousness
The Information Universe, also thought up the given definitions. Whether it
is possible
To tell, that one person copes an angel, other satan, the third - spirit,
The fourth - a demon etc.? Certainly, the person reasonable, moral,
Conscientious, bashful, merciful, kind copes angels, well on extreme
To measure spirits. The boor, the villain, the cynic, the murderer, the tyrant,
a criminal, the egoist, the person
Malicious, severe copes a devil, a satan, a demon, a devil, the shaitan etc.
Accordingly and after death on the Earth the consciousness of each person "is
In the " Group consciousness ", and it is easier to tell, one in "Paradise",
and another in "hell",
One to "angels", another to "devils". Happy journey, everyone
receives that
Has deserved.
And what this such "Paradise" and "hell"? Well at once let's
be defined(determined), that "Paradise", it
Not " кущи heavenly ", or "sources", it first of all the
sum most
high reason "Group consciousnesses ", "earned" a maximum
Reasonable making consciousnesses (RQ) during a cycle of development of a civilization.
To tell more precisely, it is memory of all goods, light, reasonable, that occured
On the Earth during a cycle of development of a civilization. Certainly this
Consciousness the most worthy people living have is no time on the Earth and
Nowadays. If to speak more the modern language "Paradise", is a bioserver
The Information Universe working at a level of planetary, galactic systems.
"Hell", it not " boilers with boiling pitch ", it low on
reason " Group consciousnesses ",
Adjoining to " Group consciousnesses " the fauna, "earned"
Level Reasonable making consciousnesses (RQ) during a cycle of development
Civilizations. If to tell more precisely, it is memory of all low, severe,
Terrible, mean, that occured on the Earth during a cycle of development of a
Certainly, this consciousness - memory the most unworthy people living have
There is no time on the Earth and living nowadays. In what group you will find
yourself, to you to decide.
So the person lives on the Earth 50 - 80 years, the cycle of development of
a civilization proceeds
About 5 184-12 000 (provisional parameter), and what then? In what sense
Existence of the Information universe? On the Earth periodically there is a
One civilizations also there are others, it is evolutionary process passes on
the Earth
Many thousand years. But the maximal damage to biosphere of the Earth and mankind
Those or other global accidents falling periodically to the Earth. These
Accidents very much frequently reduce prospering mankind to a condition of an
Survivals. And whereas as a rule by virtue of the ignorance people
Appear not prepared to approaching cataclysms, a level of a degradation,
Destruction and degeneration of mankind reaches(achieves) extreme values. It
is accident,
First of all power, named "doomsday", conditional "death"
Civilization existing nowadays. As a result of this event occurs
Redistribution spiritual energy, reasonable " Group consciousnesses "
included in
"Paradise" move on a new step of management, keeping completely the
And memory of life in the previous civilization. And in the following 5 000
- 12000 years
( provisional parameter) representatives of the data high reason " Group
consciousnesses "
Will develop biosphere of the Earth (so also a new civilization), but
Representatives of "Paradise" will not appear and live any more on
the Earth in physical bodies
People. It also is the "gods" widely described in the Greek mythology.
What will be with "hell", representatives low on reason " Group
consciousnesses "? They in
Result of power cataclysm completely lose memory and consciousness of life
In the previous cycle of development of a civilization, but a level individual
Consciousnesses (RQ) do not lose, and in a new cycle of development of a civilization
"will start" in
The physical world, in physical bodies of people each soul (p - an electronic
body), from
The " Group consciousness ". That's all, to whom, also what is not
© 1999-2003. Malyshev Ivan.