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Library esoteric Malysheva (LEM).
Nizhny Novgorod
Part 1.
The pain operates the person, but it start to understand only then, when she(it)
Has passed. (Author).
I shall introduce you to evolutionary psychology which differs from a little
The traditional psychology used by an official science. What is such,
Evolutionary psychology? In process of development of a civilization knowledge
and develop about
Psychologies of the person. In a basis of evolutionary psychology it is put
first of all
The information on gradualness and evolution development of the person, as kind,
Being a part of biosphere of the Earth, her(it) created, and her(it) controlled.
Yes, the person
The most advanced representative of biosphere of the Earth is Its(her) part,
Copes, and Her(it) develops. Therefore in evolutionary psychology all are incorporated
Directions of theories of the person: Z.Frejd, K.G.Jung, A.Maslou, K.Rodzhers
For the basic for me is search of true, instead of an accessory(a belonging)
to this or that
To group, this or that direction in studying natural sciences, psychology,
Religions, cultures, etc. the Modern psychology is more and more than philosophy
and more
Comes to a conclusion about multiregularity of consciousness of the person which
is not stacked in
The three-dimensional physical world.
If to transfer(translate) an aforesaid phrase to more clear language she(it)
will sound
Thus: modern psychology (and evolutionary psychology I to add to
Modern psychology though she(it) exists already many thousand years), studies
Only the person inside the physical world, but also tries to connect in uniform
the person
With biosphere, the Earth, space and so on. If to tell even more clearly,
The evolutionary psychology tries to reveal, classify and explain development
And behaviour of the person not only from a position of his(its) life in the
physical world, but also and
From a position of the spiritual world named some scientists(scientific),
The information universe, " area human unconscious ",
" holotrope consciousness " etc. In spite of the fact that as a whole
Ability of a civilization for the present is not ready to so deep perception(recognition)
The person, the difference between traditional psychology (psychology is too
The majority I would name her(it), as the traditional psychologist compares
Individual with behaviour of the majority of people of this or that social
Groups, "adhering" an individual to concrete time, social,
Political, cultural etc. to a stage of development of a civilization. Never
The traditional psychologist will not go against the majority of a society,
in which it(he)
Lives, for serves not to true, and certain average " psychological
To the standard ", dictate the majority of a society). Evolutionary psychology,
and to it(her)
I also would attribute(relate) to a certain extent and transpersonale psychology,
Humanistic psychology is first of all psychology of the person, when
The psychologist compares behaviour of an individual to some his(its) (step)
Spiritual development (or compares a researched individual with known,
Mentally healthy person whom from an extreme antiquity the religion names
The person the believer, the reasonable, moral, conscientious, bashful person,
The modern psychology names such person "superego" (on Z.
Frejd), " the mature person " (on G.W.Allport), " the productive
person " (on
E.Fromm), " self-actualization the person " (on А.Maslou), "
it is high-grade the functioning person ", on Charles Rodzhersu).
"... If we want to know opportunities for spiritual growth, growth of values
Moral development of people then I assert, that we can learn(find out) more,
Studying our most moral, ethic or just people (them and
The evolutionary psychology, comprehending through studies them all other world.
The author.). " (A.Maslou).
In the work I do not try at all to resist to an official science and her(it)
To development, I give the same knowledge that conducting psychologists of the
world offer, this knowledge
Were generated at the initial stage of development of a civilization, millenium
back, and it
Some other sight on the world environmental the person who are taking into account
Modern science. Evolutionary development of biosphere assumes, first of all,
Evolutionary development of the maximum(supreme) nervous activity of the person.
Nervous system
The biological objects included in biosphere of the Earth has steady
The tendency to constant development, improvement, more and more complex(difficult)
Dynamical, than other parts of this or that physical organism. With
By backlog of physical development from the maximum(supreme) nervous activity
it is connected
Occurrence fold on a bark of a brain of the most advanced animals, the person,
Included in biosphere. During evolution the brain of the person has increased
in the
Volume in 3 times, any body of a human body did not develop in such rate. And
When so prompt way of development of the maximum(supreme) nervous activity began
The person on the Earth? Then, when on the Earth the group of primates of a
class has appeared
Mammal which have appeared approximately 60 million years back with the beginning
Period Paleocena. The Australian scientists Sajmon Istilo and Zhenev'eva Hebert
Have reconsidered " molecular hours " the person and chimpanzee, whose
genotypes coincide on
99 % also have defined(determined), when two types were divided(shared). Appeared,
it has taken place about(near) 4
Millions years back. The group of primates consist of huge quantity(amount)
of kinds
Monkeys (from this group now remained all - only about(near) 200
The kinds, the pity rests of the former power). Start thus was made to
To development of the person on the Earth. During struggle for existence, mutational
Genetic changes kinds of primates, progressing in development of a bark have
come to light
Brain. The given changes were fixed in a DNC - РНК nervous cells(cages)
Progressing kinds of primates that resulted to that the subsequent individuals
The given kind had already at a genetic level the raised(increased) abilities
To training and comprehension of new experience which at relatives was fixed
The acquired reflexes transmitted by right of succession.
Denying Charles Darvina's theory about evolutional development of biosphere,
so and
The person, scientists can not understand in any way, that development of all
Group of primates went not consistently, when from one kind of group of primates
Less perfect during evolutionary development there was more a perfective aspect
Primates, and then and the person. This big error. Process evolutionary
Development of group of primates there was IN PARALLEL, and a modern person,
" the person
Reasonable ", first of all only the most ancient representative of group
of primates. Up to ours
Civilizations there was a set of civilizations, and after a modern civilization
New civilizations will live and develop. In far last(past,in the past) modern
The person was at a level of spiritual development of modern tribes Central
Africa, Southern Asia or South America. And inside a modern civilization
There are big distinctions in a level of spiritual development of all three
races: white,
Yellow and black. All three races, developing in parallel, gradually will pass
Stages of spiritual development:
1. Physical (Physical making consciousnesses (FQ) dominates above
Emotional (EQ) and Intellectual (IQ).
2. Emotional (Emotional making consciousnesses (EQ) dominates on
Physical (FQ) and Intellectual (IQ).
3. Intellectual (Intellectual making consciousness (IQ) dominates above
Physical (FQ) and Emotional (IQ) making consciousnesses.
4. Reasonable (Intellectual (IQ) and Emotional consciousness (EQ) dominate above
Physical (FQ).
And after destruction of a modern civilization development of biosphere will
proceed, but
Then, will develop new civilizations already descendants of those who runs while
To jungle of Africa, South America or Юго - East Asia. Scientists (Дж. K.Loelin
The Texas university, Н. Wander also A.Krouli (USA), Хуберт Маркль, the chapter
The German scientific organization of name Macsa the Rod,), consider, that:
" The Behaviour of the person is defined(determined) by interaction of
hereditary factors and
The world environmental us ", scientists I think, that the person:
1. On 40 - 50 % (I shall insist that not less than 50 - 60 %) copes
Also it is formed during life genetically with the help of the program which
have been written down in a DNC
Each person. In this program it is written down not only how to build and
To develop a physical body, but also the basic program of development of a cell(cage)
And the person during his(its) life on the Earth), development of the maximum(supreme)
nervous activity
The person communication(connection) with the Information universe, soul (group
also is carried out
Consciousness) cells(cages), the person. Only extremely naive person in a condition
To consider, that the physical body of a cell(cage), an organism in a condition
to develop under
Management of a molecule of a DNC, and the maximum(supreme) nervous activity
of the person - process
Unguided. Such unreasonable person is to be asked: " And that, in
The person his(its) most important "meat", or in it(him) still there
is something valuable, for example
Brain, logic, the analysis, feelings, emotions, in the sum making consciousness
of the person?
It that, not the main thing in the person? " Well and time main(main thing)
it is necessary validly
First of all to speak about a brain, sense organs, consciousness of the person,
and already then
About all other "meat". Scientists have named that part of a DNC which
is engaged not
Development of a physical body, and is responsible for development of the maximum(supreme)
nervous activity
The person " a gradient of consciousness " " the big five "
cells(cages), the person, which
Consists of the following qualities: and extrovert. Emotional stability.
в. Conscientiousness. Good nature. д. Readiness for mastering new. So
Each person who is born on the Earth, has the certain level of development
The genom consciousnesses - energy which operate him(it) in the physical world
on 40
- 50 %, it also refers to as predefiniteness, destiny of this or that person.
Further I shall offer you 12 types of persons on a basis energy, incorporated
in you on
Genetic level. Note this very important item(point) for itself(himself) for
it(he) is
The basic in development of each person. Why? Because:
2. On 7 % the person copes and formed due to a moral climate in
Family, behaviour of parents, close relatives.
3.On 33 - 43 % the person copes and formed due to the world environmental it.
Alive on the Earth passes the following stages of the development:
а. Physical. The person thinks with the help of subconsciousness of Physical
making(component) (FQ)
Consciousnesses. Subcrustal departments of a bark of a brain enter into subconsciousness,
And a spinal cord.
б. Emotional (the person - the introvert), psychologists names such person-
The manipulator which in the maximum(supreme) display of the development becomes
any more
The manipulator, and agent. Religions of the world name such people
"Non-believers". The person - an introvert, depending on a level own
Spiritual development that thinks with the help of subconsciousness (the Physical
Consciousnesses (FQ)), it is especial at the moment of emotional excitation,
with the help
" Consciousnesses of the person ", created with the help of a bark
of a brain Emotional
Making consciousnesses (EQ).
в. Intellectual (the person - the extrovert), psychologists names such person-
The manipulator which in the maximum(supreme) display of the development becomes
any more
The manipulator, and agent. Religions of the world name such people
"Non-believers". The person - an extrovert, depending on a level own
Spiritual development that thinks with the help of subconsciousness (the Physical
Consciousnesses (FQ)), with the help of " consciousness of the person ",
first of all Intellectual
Component (IQ) consciousnesses.
Reasonable, psychologists name such person "self-actualization",
"superego", " mentally healthy person "," it is high-grade
The person ". Religions of the world name such people "believers".
The reasonable person
Thinks with the help of a bark of a brain, or Emotional (EQ) and Intellectual
(IQ) making consciousnesses, aspiring to minimize activity of subconsciousness
Kind Physical making consciousnesses (FQ). Each alive object of biosphere
Develops only up to the certain level, for example plants pass a stage
Physical development also end the development at the Emotional stage. Nobody
Will deny presence at plants of reaction to those or others external раздражители.
It is "ceiling" in development of flora. The fauna ends the
Development at the Intellectual stage, showing in separate samples
Rudiments of thinking at a level of formation and development of the acquired
reflexes. And
Only the person, gradually developing, whether individually, or in structure
of group
( people, the country, race, a civilization) passes gradually and evolution
The above-stated stages of the development, becoming gradually the person reasonable-
Wreath of creation of biosphere of the Earth that the person became the person
Reasonable the Earth, biosphere and everything also is created, that her(it)
occupies. That has resulted to
To what a kind " the reasonable person " became the person, instead
of this or that kind
Group of primates?
1. The age of this or that kind, time of his(its) "start" is extremely
important in
Evolutionary process. There can not be younger kind more reasonable, advanced,
Than a kind generated on some hundreds, thousand, millions years earlier.
Scientists from England (Робин Кромптон,) have created the Liverpool university
The computer program also have entered into it(her) skeleton Lucy (прародительницы
At the present stage of development of the civilization, living in East Africa
One million years back) also have forced a skeleton to move. Appeared, that
Normal human gait would provide to it(her) worthy existence (instead of
Manner of movement шимпанзе or round-shouldered gait).
2. What does(makes) uniform development of biosphere, in what unity of all alive
on the Earth?
The role of the keeper of the hereditary information belongs to a DNC. All alive
on the Earth has the basis as a spiral of the DNC, included in
Structure of any cell(cage), forming and developing this cell(cage), and whereas
The organism of the person consists approximately (at weight of a body of 70
kgs) from 140
Billions cells(cages) it is possible to speak, that molecule DNC forms and develops
All organism as a unit. Creation of a DNC has taken place during chemical
Revolutions which passed on the Earth during 2 billion years. But we shall not
To detail this theme, we shall stop on a question of self-improvement of a DNC.
To manage "to spread out" a molecule of a DNC of the person (as can
do(make) scientists in
The future) it would be possible to see that evolutionary way which has passed
Molecule DNC. Now this way can be seen only during development
Fruit of the person in a placenta of mother, i.e. not as a way of one molecule
of a DNC, and
The whole organism. So a fruit, in process of growth in a body of mother and
The information which have been written down in a DNC of cells(cages) of a fruit,
gradually passes stages of development,
Peculiar to fauna. The germ of the person has branchiate cracks, as at fishes;
Heart the foul place as at putting eggs represents a pulsing tube. In
Age of 1,5-3 months at a germ the tail department of a backbone is appreciablly
The brain of a monthly germ consists of 5 brain bubbles reminding a brain of
Conditionally the DNC can be divided(shared) into two parts:
а). The part of a DNC with the help Physical making energy of consciousness
(FQ) forms
Physical body of this or that biological object, including person,
It is transferred from parents that is shown in the person as general(common)
with parents
Physical attributes: gait, behaviour, etc. everything, that is connected in
the person with
The unconditioned reflexes controlled not by a bark of a brain and subconsciousness
Kind of the intermediate brain, created much before a bark of a brain, and
Means earlier and joined in process of formation and development of the person.
Part of a DNC formed on the basis of longitudinal electromagnetic waves (ПЭМВ)
Refers to as "aura", "phantom" and it is well visible in
so-called " beams
Кирлиана ", specially organized lasers.
б). A part of a DNC which is submitted in the person as such concepts as
" Gradient of consciousness ", " the big five " " group
consciousness ", this part of a DNC
It is formed with the help of the maximum(supreme) making consciousnesses: Emotional
Intellectual (IQ), Reasonable (RQ). The given part of a DNC also is formed
Parents of the child, also it is mounted with the first part of a DNC at the
moment of conception and
Development of a fruit. But this part of a DNC is connected not only to parents
of the child, and
First of all with ancestors of parents. It is easier to tell a DNC of each person
has the
"Age". At one person the age of a DNC "is young" and in
the person dominates more
Physical making consciousness (FQ), than Emotional (EQ) and Intellectual
(IQ) a component. The fine sportsman, the soldier, a criminal, the person also
is born
Having all life excellent(different) physical health, but do not demand from
The person of high intelligence or эмоциональности. Such person can not be
The artist, scientific. I shall be repeated, the reason is rather simple - such
person genetically
It is too young. Other person has from the ancestors more a "old"
DNC, in
Which the greater level Emotional (EQ) and Intellectual (IQ) is made
Making consciousnesses, than Physical (FQ). Such person in a condition to reach(achieve)
Good, fine, ingenious results in a science, art, business,
Management etc., but... As a rule have an imperfect physical body, early
Illnesses, especially illnesses of senile age. There are some more names at
the given part
DNC, this "superconsciousness", "soul" of the person (the
concept is taken from the Scriptuses)
Or " Group consciousness ". This part of a DNC with the help of a
resonance is connected to that or
Other (Group consciousness) the Information universe, but in given clause(article)
I examine(consider) only the person, only slightly concerning soul (superconsciousness,
Group consciousness) and the Information universe. What is, Information
The universe? It is the reasonable organism, the new form of life for the person
after death
His(its) physical body on the Earth. As analogue you can present
The information universe as a computer network the Internet. Present, that at
You are not present a physical body, but only electronic as your consciousness.
The electronic body is placed on what that a server (well what for on one server,
Let's make copies and we shall place your electronic body on several servers,
Located worldwide). And you... You live in electronic
Computer network of type the Internet (though I shall tell at once, the Information
Is more complex(difficult) in construction, and the Internet is only simplified
The information universe). Scientists have already learned to register п - electronic
Part of a DNC, but not as the whole organism, and as registration at a level
Molecules of a DNC. In 1985 group of researchers under the direction of the
The scientific employee of the Department of theoretical problems АН the USSR
( I Thank for Michael Dmitruka's information, clause(article) " the Phantom
of death " .Journal
" Miracles and adventures " ? 3 for 1997) .Scientists shined(covered)
a beam of the laser a molecule
DNC, registering the reflected radiation with the help of a spectrometer. Appeared,
The spectrometer fixes presence п - electronic analogue of a molecule of a DNC
and at
Absence in a ditch of a biological molecule of a DNC. I.e. scientists have registered
Existence p - an electronic copy of a biological molecule of a DNC. Accordingly
Exist p - electronic copies of any biological object of biosphere, in that
Number and the person named in use " the phantom of the person ",
" Aura of a physical body ", consisting from Physical making consciousness
All cells(cages) of a physical body of biological object. Invisible in usual
Conditions electromagnetic (though not only electromagnetic) radiation of that
Other biological object (it is necessary to not forget, that electromagnetic
Are not only perpendicular to a direction of a field, but also parallel
To direction of a field and carry of his(its) most energy, so-called "
Electromagnetic waves " (ПЭМВ), having extremely high penetrating
The ability, having quantum of energy in 100 000 times surpassing quantum of
Cross electromagnetic radiation). Such carrier p - electronic (ПЭМВ)
Energy in a condition to influence long-distance distances small number
High-energy quantums also becomes seen at application special
Devices, or at photographing definitely (for example with
Use of " beams Cirliana"). At each biological object aura
It is individual and bears(carries) the huge and diversified information on
this or that
Biological object. On changes of aura it is possible to make early diagnostics
Various diseases, Hokkanen Valery is engaged in such work for example
in Institute information - wave technologies. And if the first part
The DNC forms and stabilizes this or that kind at a physical level, the second
The part of a DNC named " group consciousness " after death physical
Bodies, whether it be the cell(cage), or the whole organism "moves"
on higher
The power level, also can be mounted already with a physical body more
High level of physical development, passing for example from a class amphibious
Class kowtowing, and from a class kowtowing in a class mammal. Such
The image reaches(achieves) evolution "oppress" (superconsciousnesses,
" group consciousness ")
Any biological object on the Earth, and first of all the person. Speaking about
To "aura", first of all it is necessary to understand as it(her) п
- an electronic body of the person,
Which all 140 billion cells(cages), for example create the adult person in weight
Kgs. "Aura" or the most part п - an electronic body of the person
It is connected not to a bark of a brain, and with a subcortex of a brain (subconsciousness,
" Animal consciousness "), animal instincts of the person. Aura create
Cells(cages) of a physical body of the person, to nervous system of the person
concerns not
More than 20 billion nervous cells(cages) of an organism, from total 140
Billions, and nervous cells(cages) of a bark of a brain form 2 part of a DNC,
"Superconsciousness", "soul" of the person, a concentration
Emotional (EQ) and
Intellectual (IQ) making consciousnesses. You remember the image golden
Semicircle on ancient icons around of heads of sacred people? So ancient people
The most valuable part of "aura", p - an electronic body such biological
Object as the person, showing a place of a concentration in "aura"
or p-
Electronic body the person of the maximum(supreme) making consciousnesses: Emotional
Intellectual (IQ) .Но in any image artists of an antiquity did not represent
"Aura" of a physical body of the person, concentration of his(its)
Physical component
Consciousnesses (FQ), a concentration of animal instincts of the person, frequently
Realized by consciousness of the person and assisting to subcrustal departments
of a brain
To keep, develop a physical body of the person, besides his(its) consciousness.
Than above
Level of development of a bark of a brain, the device of logic and the analysis,
intelligence, that
Less person feels on itself the realized influence of "aura", the
Instincts, or the soul (p - an electronic body) the intuition, rejecting
Such categories as: " to me has seemed "," I had presentiments
"," I feel
On itself "etc." Nonsense all this " frequently speaks this or
that external influence
Extrovert - the intellectual, expecting on only on the brain which is
For him(it) almost the god. But it(he) not rights, and it is confirmed with
Scientists. Millions experiments made by laboratory on research
Engineering anomalies Prinston... of university have shown, that people in a
To influence mentally computers when they work in a mode of the generator
Random numbers. Moreover, if on the computer one person influenced not, and
Group of people the quantity(amount) of cases of influence grew by the computer.
In that
Case when the level of development of a bark of a brain is low, the person with
Domination Physical making consciousnesses (FQ) frequently with the help
The subconsciousness (" animal consciousness "), "aura"
at levels of instincts
Feels the world environmental it. The person with domination of the Emotional
Consciousnesses (EQ) (introvert) feels world around any more only with the help
of the
Instincts, but also with the help of intuition that speaks about closer communication(connection)
of the person with
"Soul" (superconsciousness, " Group consciousness "). Similar
The organizations of consciousness have children, experts,
Parapsychology, magics, introverts or people emotional and ets, I shall be repeated,
The extrovert (intellectual) is deprived opportunities to feel world around
with the help
Instincts, intuitions for is guided first of all by a bark head
Brain, the device of the analysis, logic, memory. The animal world, and also
low reason people having a high level of development by the Physical component
Consciousnesses (FQ), ведя a gregarious way of life, having a maximum level
Making consciousnesses (FQ) and a minimum level Emotional (EQ),
Intellectual (IQ) making consciousnesses, extremely strongly use the
Subconsciousness (" animal consciousness "), "aura" as instincts,
"... At the same time we know, that in each neuron - now it is proved-
There are biofields (I them name p - electronic fields. авт.); they reflect
Essence of functions of each neuron because in a neuron per one second proceeds
from above
10 (10-12 degrees) chemical transformations. It complex pulsing fields. "
The director of Institute clinical and medicine of the Siberian branch
V.I.Kaznacheev's Russian Academy of Medical Science.
You can be asked a question, what for to me to know for example laws of physics?
It is necessary
To know, if you want to be the good expert in the business, but also also
Philosophy and anatomy, the literature and art, sociology and culture, electronics
And astronomy, all this should know, even it is a little, the modern person.
Let's consider an example of communication(connection) of physics with biology,
psychology. From the point of view
Biology, psychology the behaviour of crowd, "gregarious" precisely
is impossible to explain
Feeling in the person, animal. Any person saw synchronism of movement and change
Directions of movement of a jamb of fishes, herds of animals. Than synchronism
is caused
Behaviour of fishes, animal? All the matter is that the animal copes with the
Instincts, unconditioned reflexes. Than below a level of development of an animal,
a fish,
That easier arranges a unconditional reflection, smaller quantity(amount) of
neurons participate
As reaction to this or that external irritation. Accordingly easier and
The command(team) acting from a brain, as reaction on external irritation. In
view of that,
What is the commands(teams) created by neurons of nervous system is first of
Electric pulses, they certainly create electric fields, which
Are reflected in "aura" (p - an electronic body of an animal, a fish)
bearing(carrying) in itself analogue
Concrete command(team) to muscles of an animal or a fish. The above a level
of irritation, the
It is more level of excitation of an animal or fish. In a quiet condition anyone
The animal, the person is always ready to reception of the information through
the sense organs or
Through "aura" ("soul" or п - an electronic body, practically
the sixth body
Feelings). But the power of the information transmitted through "aura"
is insignificant, and a fish,
The animal poorly reacts to similar external commands(teams). At the person
also in such
Cases there are emotions as "uneasiness", inexplicable feeling
Uncertainty, no more that. The person easily enough suppresses similar
External influence with the help of the intelligence, a bark of a brain. But
The excited condition any biological object radiates energy in "aura"
Higher on capacity, and a fish, an animal going for example in "head"
of a jamb
Fishes or herds of animals starts to radiate through "aura" (subconsciousness
or п-
Electronic body) the command(team) generated in the brain as reaction on external
irritation. The biological field of the excited animal, a fish, tends
As though "to extend", covering the big area of an environment, than
Quiet condition, involving in action of own "aura" (subconsciousness,
Electronic bodies) and other animals, fishes. Whereas system of commands(teams)
It is simple and approximately identical to ONE kind of fishes or animals, the
increasing and
A lot of animals, fishes passes in the excited condition and start
To react to a command(team) of the first animal, a fish..., as on own. In
Result the behaviour of herd, flight gets surprising synchronism in
Movement. And the reasons of occurrence in crowd of people of a hysteria, a
panic, occurrence
Group emotions as delight, horror in this or that group formation(education)
It is connected to that what - that the part of people of crowd generates these
Emotions with the help of the general(common) commands(teams) through "auras"
(subconsciousness, п - electronic
Bodies) on all other people which perceive this information on
The instinctive, intuitive, not realized level as own feelings, emotions,
That results in occurrence not realized by consciousness of the person of feelings
of fear and
Pleasures, hatred and delight. And people are raised first of all with
The undeveloped bark of a brain, with low levels of development Emotional
(EQ) and Intellectual (IQ) making consciousnesses, but with a high level
Physical (FQ) making consciousnesses. To you an example of how it is possible
to receive
Complete picture of those or other processes due to knowledge in those areas
of a science,
Parapsychology which to psychology have no the direct attitude(relation).
And how the brain of the person developed? In process of development of group
of primates, the increasing
Value accepted development of a bark of a brain, thus group of primates
More and more "came off" in the development other fauna, which
Could develop extremely due to development of an intermediate brain. "
The Person
Reasonable " more and more also lost during evolutionary development of
a kind unconditional
Reflexes, development of conditioned reflexes, memories were accepted with increasing
Moreover, accepted "avalanche" character, though and stretched(dragged
out) on time
Evolutionary development of biosphere. The physical body had not time for
Development of a bark of a brain, therefore a bark of a brain gradually
"Was compressed", with formation(education) on its(her) surface furrow.
Extremely important was and
Disintegration of herds, tribes on fineer formations(educations), as group,
family etc. In
This case the person could expect for the " animal consciousness "
ever less,
Subconsciousness, "p - an electronic body " as intuition, the instincts,
connected with
Others п - electronic bodies some kind of, herds, a tribe, accordingly it(he)
Gradually coped on the part of a subcortex of a brain ever less,
Unconditional reflection some kind of, a tribe, herd. Should tell, what exactly
Through "auras", " p -an electronic body" all animals also
get electronic bodies so-called
Unconditioned reflexes of the kind. " p - electronic bodies " ONE
kind of animals(animal),
Incorporated into one " Group consciousness " (" Group consciousness
" given kind
Plants, fishes, animal etc.) serve some kind of " the tank of memory "
Kind of animals. And being born on the Earth each animal from given " the
Memories " receives all unconditioned reflexes necessary for it(him) for
a survival in
The physical world. We shall continue. And so, being divided(shared) during
Development on fineer groups, to people it was necessary more and more and to
develop more
Other five sense organs, a conditional reflection, so a bark head
"... Probably at the first stage of our evolution each person with other
Was incorporated by fields ("aura" or " p - electronic bodies
". The author), and on what
Distance there would not leave a member of family or a primitive horde, all
these people each other
Saw, knew - that is it is telepathy, distant communication(connection), figurative
vision the friend
The friend in holographic images (nowadays seen only in case of this or that
Mental disease, reception of narcotic preparations. At the present stage
Development of a civilization " an analytical brain " left half of
bark of a brain
Steadily enough "blocks" penetration into the person of images, ideas,
Etc. from a uniform field of biosphere, the Information universe. The author.).
It was
Basis of our intelligence. Not the separate person, namely the group incorporated
This one field, also made a basis human, the most initial
Planetary intelligence. And only subsequently, when this complex(difficult)
intelligence in
To dynamics(changes) of a survival it starts to be improved, there is a need(requirement)
Simple, more imperative information mechanism, there is the first
Signal, sounds, words. The director of Institute clinical and
Medicine of the Siberian branch of Russian Academy of Medical Science In. Item.
Inside a kind, in a tribe, a sort, conducting position borrowed(occupied)
more and more not only
The person having the big physical strength, but also the person having good
Capable is fast to acquire the received information to process her(it) and to
The true decision. That kind, a sort, people, a tribe, where a priority of physical
Dominated over mental faculties, or veins in heavy climatic
Conditions - developed first of all in the field of development of a bark head
Brain i.e. making consciousnesses Emotional (EQ), Intellectual (IQ).
Each sort, people, race is first of all the group formation(education) incorporated
The general(common) genetic roots and general(common) " p - electronic
bodies " at a level
Physical making consciousnesses (FQ). Yes, each person on the Earth is individual
At a level Emotional (EQ), Intellectual (IQ) making consciousnesses. On
Level Physical making consciousnesses (FQ) all people are incorporated general(common)
Genetic roots so also general(common) "p - electronic bodies " in
this or that
Tribe, sort, community, people, race. Group reasonable formation(education)
as that or
Other " Group the consciousness " develops in the same way, as well
as a brain
Individual. The brain of the person consists of the neurons having various purpose(assignment),
These are sensitive, transmitting pulses from sense organs in back and head
The brain, impellent neurons transfer pulses from back and a brain to
To muscles and internal bodies. These are executive neurons, but there are neurons,
Which operate both sensitive neurons, and executive neurons, it
нейронные the centres - organizers of a brain. neuron the centres is not
Last instance in management of the person, neuron the centres conditionally
Operate the certain zones as bodies, and sense organs, a brain. General(common)
The one who posesses management of 100 % of neurons is engaged in management
of an organism
Brain of the person, it " Group consciousness ", and in the given
work I not
It is going it(him) in details to consider(examine). Your brain is, do not overlook,
The group formation(education) consisting from approximately 10 - 15 billion
neurons (and it
80 % of volume of a brain) .Everyone the neuron has memory as the DNC - РНК,
"Writes down" all processes happened with a neuron during his(its)
life. So
The sum of mini-consciousnesses of all neurons of a brain also forms consciousness
of the person,
Animal etc. Inside a brain passes the same evolutionary process
Self-development and perfection, as inside people, race, a civilization. Note
For themselves, cells(cages) of a physical body of the person are born, live
and die, nervous
Cells(cages) of a brain are engaged only in one process, self-development and
Self-improvement, accumulation during life of the Reasonable component
Consciousnesses (RQ). In development of the person on the Earth in stomach a
There is a process of transformation tube cells(cages) in nervous cells(cages)
Under conditions of CONSTANT DEVELOPMENT of the BRAIN. So experiences with rats
Show, that at the rats who are taking place in rich impressions to conditions,
Making active their various actions, the bark of a brain becomes larger,
To thickness, more hardly, than at the animals who are taking place in psychologically
Conditions. There are specific changes in a chemical compound of a brain advanced
Rats. The quantity(amount) ацетилхолтна - the enzyme participating in is increased
for example
To transfer of nervous pulses. In what individuality of each person is shown?
In opinion of the scientist, the head of laboratory of nervous system of the
person of scientific research institute
Morphology of the person of Russian Academy of Medical Science of Sergey Savel'eva
that a bark of a brain
Each individual it is divided(shared) into group of zones, each of which supervises
over that or
Other system of an organism. So are available an impellent zone and leather
- a muscular zone,
Flavouring and olfactory zones, a visual zone and an acoustical zone etc. Such
In the image, the bark of a brain carefully supervises over all bodies of an
Individuality of each person is, that quantity(amount) of neurons in that
Or other zone it is distributed(allocated) extremely non-uniformly. For example
the great musician
Can have extremely a plenty of neurons in an acoustical zone, but
Lack in impellent and leather - a muscular zone. Yes, such person can be
Physically underdeveloped, but extremely gifted in the field of hearing, music,
Etc. Scientists have noticed, that at artists is extremely advanced and is larger
In the sizes, than usually, a field ? 17, connected to sight. Appeared, that
In addition to the big field ? 17 it is necessary for art talent still
Some the advanced components providing accuracy of a hand, feeling of a composition
Etc. But main nevertheless - 17 - е a field. And than his(its) structure is
more and
More variously, the it is more and оригинальнее talent. Thus, the future development
The person it is defined(determined) already at his(its) conception and formation
of a body in a womb of mother.
How? Here I am ready to offer you researches of scientists. In one
The person zones of a bark of the brain, responsible for development are more
Physical body and then the person with success of realizes in sports, armies,
Extreme situations, but it is impossible to demand from this person much in
Arts, sciences etc. Other person becomes the fine musician,
The artist, but can not remember in any way, how many will be twice two. The
The person will succeed in the exact sciences, at full absence of desire to
Nature, art, culture. I bring to you extreme measures in development of this
or that
The person, the person - the genius realizing in very narrow area of culture,
Sciences, the person is a little physical development, such people on the Earth,
"Is leveled enough" from the point of view of domination in it(him)
of those or other consciousnesses.
Making consciousnesses which form the person, and first of all his(its) head
Brain, during formation of a fruit, I name spiritual energy-
Making consciousnesses which belong to "soul", " p - to an electronic
body ",
to " Group consciousness " person, also names Physical (FQ), Emotional
(EQ), Intellectual (IQ). The modern science in a condition already to define(determine)
that or
Other making consciousnesses on those or other rhythms, radiation a brain
The person. But... Radiations of a brain as those or other biorhythms is not
Potentials making consciousnesses, it is all only the ATTRIBUTES showing presence
Various kinds making consciousnesses in an organism of the person. Are required
Practical researches for definition and classifications spiritual energy -
Making consciousnesses, it is work of scientists of the future, I the theorist,
and try to inform
Up to people the general(common) picture of development of the God as the physical
universe and
The information universe. Each person initially, from conception has
The certain set such spiritual energy - making consciousnesses, which
Develop a fruit of the person, and then and the person during all his(its) lifes
To the Earth. I did not begin energy to represent these as uncertain "
a gradient
Consciousnesses ", or " the big five ", and I name them completely
how they and
Work in an organism of the person. But not only a level of development of those
or other zones
Bark of a brain the level of spiritual development of this or that is defined(determined)
The person, his(its) type of the person.