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Library esoteric Malysheva (LEM)
© Malyshev Ivan 1999 - 2003
Men with what group of blood frequently become homosexuals? B (III) and АВ (IV). Why? 1. Men with the given groups of blood are people with "old" genes. In genes men with with group of blood B(III) and АВ (IV) very low level Physical making consciousnesses (FQ). In what it is expressed? In a low level of man's hormones, such as androgen, a testosteron. The level of female hormones of the man inclined to homosexuality is very high. A basis homosexualism is first of all genetic features of an organism of the man.
2. Modern food stuffs of animal industries are extremely rich female sexual to hormones, such as an oistrosgenos. Why? So for example chemical sterilization animals assumes uses of female sexual hormones for suppression of man's sexual hormones males which meat has from for man's sexual hormones not absolutely pleasant taste. As you understand, for suppression of the man's reproductive device of an animal "horse" dozes of hormones and chemical substances are required. The part of these hormones remains in meat which consumes then the man, reducing thus a level of own man's sexual hormones. An example resulted(brought) by me only one, from the big list of female sexual hormones "pressing" from different directions on modern men. With "young" genes having 0( I) and A(II) groups of blood it is easier to men to consult(cope) with pressure upon their organism female sexual genes, and to men with B (III) and АВ (IV) it to make much more difficultly, it is especial with age when own, man's hormones promptly disappear, and their place borrow(occupy) female, resulting to an early man's climax as excess weight, an impotence etc.
3. Influence of electromagnetic fields. Scientists carried out(spent) experiences on flies - drozofils. A magnetic field of the Earth equally approximately 0,5 эрстеда. Insects isolated from a magnetic field of the Earth almost completely, up to 0,05 эрстеда. Appeared, that in so low magnetic field as a result of mutations there was a growth of number of individuals of a male. According to growth of an electromagnetic field number of insects of a female was increased also.
Not to me to you to speak, influence on the modern person of various electromagnetic fields is however great, and the opportunity of failure in genetic programs accordingly is however great at conception and development of a fruit.
3. A role of parents in probabilities displays in their children of possible(probable) homosexuality. She(it) is great? It is extremely great, moreover, determining. Failures in the genetic program of the future child are shown first of all at parents having "old" genes, groups of blood B (III) and АВ (IV). What I have in view of? Than the bark of a brain as making consciousnesses Emotional (EQ) and Intellectual (IQ), and than below a level of development Physical making consciousnesses (FQ) is more advanced at parents of the future child, the probability of especially is great that your child will be declined to homosexuality. If to lead(carry out) researches (and can be such researches already and were carried out(spent)) that you will see, that children inclined to homosexuality are born as a rule in those families where parents are the intellectuals having high levels of factors IQ. And on the contrary, the level of intellectual development of parents - the less probability at them there is less than failure of the genetic program at conception and mature the future child, and birth at them the child - the homosexual.
But what would not be external conditions for occurrence of homosexuality - the genetic basis is determining, dominant, the basic.
At once externally it is easy enough for you to see domination of those or other hormones in the person. So for example the boy, the man inclined to homosexuality has very many "female" features in behaviour.
Acts not realized by consciousness and behaviour extremely precisely show sexual orientation of the person as at such moment the person does not supervise the behaviour, over him(it) his(its) nature supervises:
- At removal of clothes (a sweater, футболка) the woman takes a fabric on each side and pulls upwards. Men suffice a fabric on a back and pull upwards.
- Yawning the man closes a mouth a fist, the woman - a palm.
- going down from mountain the man widely places legs, the woman goes down sideways.
The man, looks at the пятку simply turning the to stop, the woman turns around for a back and lifts a leg.
The woman goes on the heated pebble on a beach on tip-toe, the man - coming only on heel.
The woman stretching bends hands in elbows and presses them to sides, the man stretching widely scatters or lifts hands.
Hide from noise the man closes ears palms, the woman - stops up ears with fingers.
The man bears(carries) weight on a breast, the woman bears(carries) weight sideways, pressing an elbow.
The man sitting never tuck in under itself a leg, the woman does(makes) it frequently.
Observe behaviour of men, and you among them will find many, having those or other female behavioural programs. It does not speak that such men are homosexuals, it speaks that in an organism of these men the level of female sexual hormones an oistrosgenos is great. The way from such men, up to the man of the homosexual, obviously weighed man's beginning is very far, and it is quite probable in the greatest measure will be shown in children or grandsons such men. But it can and be avoided, if for example the man as the wife will choose the woman with group of blood 0( I), A (II). Same will add in a gene of your child a level Physical making consciousnesses (FQ), and such child will not have any more a high level of female sexual hormones.
Whether homosexuality good or bad, decent or indecent is? Our world who that in it(him) gives birth who that invents is those, works, studies. Anybody you see does not reproach the person of traditional sexual orientation for aggression, nonsense, low creative activity. It is not necessary to reproach and people having other sexual orientation, the lack they with interest compensate to the an ingenuity, talents in a science and art, peaceful disposition and condescension to world around. I for example badly present myself the homosexual the murderer, or the person which bears(carries) to world around rage, hatred. Unless it is bad? In process of development of a civilization and its(her) "ageing" the quantity(amount) of homosexuals in world around will be increased constantly, and it is absolutely natural process. Whether it is possible to change it(him)? There are no problems. It is enough to enter into this or that "old" people I skin blood from less advanced peoples for example Asia, Africa, due to marriages(spoilage) and birth of joint children as the level of homosexuals in "old" people at once will decrease. As you can see, all is very simple.
Development of a civilization, is the same creative process as cultivation of plants, animal husbandry. You can receive one result, can another, all depends on you and your intelligence, and furthermore reason.