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Library esoteric Malysheva (LEM).
Question of contact at a level of consciousness of the person of the person
from it(him) " Group consciousness "
( the Information universe, the God) not so it is simple, as it seems. Here
it is necessary
To understand very simple fact, the person - a part of biosphere. In same "
The consciousness " besides you can enter huge quantity(amount) of people
living in different
The countries of the world. Everyone " Group consciousness " - an
individual reasonable organism (in
Ancient myths of the past " Group consciousnesses " had even names
and images, for example
Apollon,Hermes,Hera etc.) which solves on the Earth problems(tasks) own
Development, and also development of biosphere of the Earth which very much
frequently do not coincide with
That this or that person being the representative given wants to do(make)
" Group consciousness ". Your physical body too is reasonable, more
Primitively, than you, as the person, but too are reasonable. Controlled subcrustal
Departments of a bark of a brain, it automatically for your consciousness develops,
Preserves your physical body. Billions reactions occur every second in yours
Body, wars and revolutions at a level of cells(cages) and bodies and т. д..
You feel all
The processes occuring in your physical body? Is not present certainly, if only
The physical body will not send "inquiry - pray" to address of you,
as person, which
You will feel as a pain or desire. Whether much you think of the physical body?
Is not present certainly if it strongly does not disturb you, you think only
of the
Persons and its(her) lifes in the world environmental you. Yours " Group
consciousness ", with which
Your person is connected through your soul (п - the electronic body) reacts
to you,
As the person, in precisely the same way. You the executive mechanism of the
" Group consciousness " here, on the Earth. To this it is not necessary
to be surprised,
To take offence, so the world is arranged. The pray is your "inquiry"
as persons to address of
The " Group consciousness " (the Information universe, the God). And
what will be
Your "inquiry" on power - such you also will receive result.
Certainly, anyone " the Group consciousness " is glad to help the
representative on
To the Earth, also it is glad to contact to the representative on the Earth
at a level of consciousness. You
Only present, if your physical body was reasonable and completely obediently
To you, as it to you as it would be pleasant for the person. You could "
read ideas "
The physical body and people environmental you to understand more "closely"
the world
Animals, plants. You could not start the physical body and is duly
To treat it(him) instead of then, when already late etc. etc.
to " Group consciousness ", but first of all to you as persons, contact
is important with
You, at a level of consciousness, but!!! Yours " the Group consciousness
" will help you and
Messages on life it is more conscious only in one case - if you understand and
You accept that plan which yours " the Group consciousness " is going
to realize on
To the Earth through you, and actively you promote performance of the plan of
the " Group
Consciousnesses " in daily life. Remember, you will realize in daily life
Interests of the physical body, the person, familiar, relatives, authorities
т. д., namely the " Group consciousness ". In this case the person
lives on
To the Earth it is poor, but it is quiet and worthy. In real life such variant,
Services to the to " Group consciousness " (to the Information universe,
the God)
It is combined enough, therefore each person himself chooses, to whom it(he)
serves in it
The world, to the God (the Information universe), or a satan (the physical world).
Here all depends on a level of spiritual development of the person. The person
physical (with
Dominant Physical making consciousnesses (FQ), introvert (the person
Emotional, with dominant Emotional making consciousnesses (EQ)),
Extrovert (the person intellectual, with dominant Intellectual
Making consciousnesses (IQ)) serves the physical world and at a level of consciousness
Recognizes existence of the God the Information universe. Only the person
Reasonable, fair, moral, bashful, conscientious - named in
All Scriptuses " as the person the believer " more God, Information
The universe, to the to " Group consciousness " it is more, than to
the relatives on the Earth,
Familiar, to authorities etc., not overlooking(forgetting) certainly thus relatives(native),
Familiar. The person reasonable has a highest level of development of a bark
Brain, but the most important, it(he) has harmoniously advanced bark of a brain.
That is, at the person reasonable a level of development of the maximum(supreme)
making consciousnesses
( Emotional (EQ) and Intellectual (IQ)) has approximately identical potential
Development. Each person himself makes the choice on the Earth, an appeal
One - to make of the information universe each choice on the Earth in daily
Lifes is realized and it is independent. I shall be repeated, it is not necessary
to borrow(occupy) extreme a position
In the life; or service to the physical world (satan), with full denying
Existence of the God (the Information universe), or service completely to the
God and in
His(its) person of the Information universe with nonparticipation in development
of biosphere of the Earth in that
Or other form. All this the extreme measures resulting(bringing) in this or
that pain. To reach(achieve)
In questions of belief and disbelief in a condition only the person having is
enough harmony
High level of spiritual development.
Why in the Scriptuses, others texts everywhere there is an appeal to
To the person about that each person is obliged to make in life this or that
Independently, instead of under influence of circumstances of environmental
life, a position
Relatives, managements(manuals) etc.? All business in what is more independent
The person in the acts and behaviour - that develops a bark head faster
Brain of the person, the number neuron communications(connections) grows and
their speed is increased
Establishments so there is a growth Emotional (EQ) and Intellectual
Making consciousnesses (IQ), Reasonable consciousness (RQ) not only the person,
First of all his(its) group consciousness, so also the Information universe
"It is better to be engaged in own business, even carrying out it(him)
with mistakes, than
It is good to carry out another's..." Бхагават - Гита. Chapter 18. The
text 47.
"Everyone yes tests the business and then will have a praise only in
itself, instead of
In the friend; 5 For everyone will incur(carry) the burden." The Gospel.
The message to Галатам. The chapter 6. 4 - 5.
Let's proceed(pass) from the theory to practice. Each person in the physical
world lives so
Happily also it is unhappy, as far as it(he) submits to management of the "
Consciousnesses ". The reasonable person will challenge hardly fidelity
Statements, and unreasonable, well with it(him) to do(make), all the time.
"Only faithless people, the lowest among people, the betrayed illusions,
whose mind(wit) serves
To demonic nature, do not serve me.
Four types of people faithfully serve me:
Those who in a trouble,
Those who searches for riches,
Inquisitive and reasonable,
Those who knows things such what they are.
From them reasonable, staying in full knowledge and constantly borrowed(occupied)
Service to me, it is especial to me it is expensive(dear), and I to it(him).
Бхагават - Гита. Chapter 8. 15-17
Whether it is possible to understand, you obey in the daily life to the "
To consciousness " or on the contrary, you that - or do(make) favourable
first of all to you as
The person, or to your physical body? Certainly, to this serve such feeling
As a condition " quiet conscience ". It exact parameter speaking about
that, truly
You act, whether or not. If your conscience is quiet, you do not have feeling
Discomfort from those or other acts - you mean live in harmony with
Own soul, " Group consciousness ". If on the contrary, from made by
Affairs or an act of you "turns out", you feel "remorse",
You feel discomfort, depression - you most important means has done much harm
to itself, and
To the to " Group consciousness ", and punishment will come(step)
by all means. People frequently to
To similar cautions concern indulgently, not understanding that
Punishment can come(step) and tomorrow, both in one year, and in 10-30 years
etc. in that
Or other form. " The Group consciousness " concerns to the representatives
Frequently and severely, that for a long time have already noticed also scientists.
Do not overlook, in one " Group
The consciousness " enters set of people living on the Earth, being representatives
Given " Group consciousness " and if one of them will be punished
as that or
Other pain, violence, depression - that that in it bad. And " Group consciousness
Will work at this time with other obedient representatives, in others
Regions of the Earth while the punished person will not be corrected.
But it is not necessary to think that the person is possible for " Group
consciousness ",
" The Group consciousness " consists of the sum of consciousnesses
of people living on the Earth, or
Living there is no time on the Earth. For this reason anyone " the Group
consciousness " will be in
Current of human life on the Earth in every possible way to promote his(its)
spiritual development.
Small reason" the Group consciousness " even will indulge the representative,
Creating from him(it) an image "minion of fortune". But so behaves
small reason " Group consciousness ", as a rule the attitude(relation)
of " Group consciousness "
To the person it is rigid, even it is severe, but simultaneously and fairly.
Well and if
The person will not be corrected - " the Group consciousness " simply
will destroy the
The representative on the Earth. It is tragedy, as as a hobby the person, and
for it(him)
" Group consciousness ". The question as can itself " Group can
Consciousness " to destroy the own representative on the Earth? And what
to do(make), if
The person does not submit to the to " Group consciousness "? Present,
that suddenly yours
Hand, or eyes have decided to live " own life ", distinct from your
body. That
You would began to do(make)? To treat, operate etc., in this most is engaged
" Group consciousness ". Why I so long describe mutual relation between
The person of the person and it(him) " Group consciousness "? Because
it is very important for
Any person to find harmony in mutual relation with higher system
Managements to live more quietly and without violence. All not so
Simply, as it seems.
For example that such depression? It first of all loss by the person vital
Reference points. When it occurs? People frequently speak: " When good
luck from me
Has turned away ". All is true, only not good luck "has turned away",
and "has turned away" before
In total " Group consciousness " from the given person. I spoke you
earlier, that in one
" Group consciousness " many millions representatives - people enter
Living worldwide. Each person on the Earth - " executive
Body of the " Group consciousness ". In spite of the fact that "
Group consciousness "
Has a high level of speed of the consciousness (processes up to 1 000
000 000 bats of the information in unit of time), it can not " hold in
a field of the
Attention of " all representatives of the " Group consciousness ".
You you see not " hold
In a field of the attention " all 140 billion cells(cages) of the physical
body. Such
In the image " Group consciousness " "scan" representatives
of the " Group
Consciousnesses "," paying the attention " on those from them,
that come from the activity
On the Earth it is interesting given to " Group consciousness ", and
at everyone " Group
Consciousnesses " the interests on the Earth. Who - that likes to have
a meal well who to put on who
- That is engaged keen in sociology or astronomy, and who - that cannibalism
Or robberies etc. and etc.
That!!! As!!! " That it(he) bears(carries) "-, the sceptic will exclaim,
on what I shall answer: " Not
It is pleasant - pass past, I not to you address, it is all not for you. You
Animal, you react only that you see. And then you shout from a pain, blaming
It all world around, not understanding has created that else is a lot of years
back itself
Conditions for reception of a today's pain. That from you to take ". As
are pleased
People, not paying in money for travel to public transport, deceiving
Controllers. They do not understand that through 5 - 20 years transport on their
fault, not
Repaired(under repair) and not updated will start to go with delay, seldom,
and when - that
In such overloaded tram or the bus it will be crippled their mother, the wife
Or the child. They do not understand that when - that the mechanic dismissed
To reduction of the staff from tram - trolleybus depot from - for absence
Financings at attempt of a robbery will kill whom - нибудь from them. No, they
of it not
Want to understand today, cheerfully sharing details of how have deceived
Controllers - auditors.
You heard such expression: " the Soul sings "? As it seldom happens
unfortunately. So
, when you to " Group consciousness " likes your work, your creativity,
- that at you " the Soul sings your rest ". You want that you visited(attended)
similar more often
Sensations? And you repeat more often that is pleasant to yours to " Group
consciousness ",
" Live on conscience ". Yes do not confuse, to " Group consciousness
", instead of a physical body, and
That people frequently confuse one to another. So, " the Group consciousness
" supports in
The physical world only that representative who realizes on the Earth
The plan for development of the of " Group consciousness ". And that
occurs to that person, on
Which " the Group consciousness " "does not pay attention"?
The person runs in
Depression, period of failures, illnesses, probably death. Therefore to interest
" Group consciousness " own activity to involve in itself " his(its)
attention "-
It at all so is simple, and one of methods is the pray - the reference(manipulation).
Simply for the reason, that I shall be repeated, yours " the Group consciousness
" is not constant
You as the representative supervises, it supervises and works only with
That representative who WORKS FOR the BLESSING of the of " GROUP CONSCIOUSNESS
What is the pray, meditation? It first of all power inquiry - the reference(manipulation)
To the God. It is one of ways to draw to itself attention of yours " Group
Consciousnesses ". I already spoke earlier, that your physical body also
sends to address of
You as persons those or other inquiries - references(manipulations) which you
perceive or
As a pain, also instantly you try to react to them, or as that or
Other desire (to be pulled, eat that - or to go where - or to make that-
Or for the blessing of the physical body). You probably met cases in
Daily life when this or that person in an extreme situation showed
Not human efforts? I have in view of cases, when for the sake of rescue of the
child mother
Overturned the machine, the child pulled out jamming door at the automobile,
the man
Rescueed from the bus which has fallen in water of people, the person has rescued
from numerous
Villains the family etc. As it has taken place? Has taken place instant
The concentrated inquiry - despair from the person of the person to address
of the
" Group consciousness ", in the same way, what sends painful inquiry
Physical body to address of consciousness of the person - and... " The
Group consciousness " " has turned
The attention " on the representative, and then instantly also has helped
it(him). As
Occurs practically? At the moment of the strongest emotional excitation the
Turns in the robot, his(its) consciousness is disconnected, and " Group
consciousness "
"Directly" operates a physical body. The physical body as though "stiffens",
Becomes tolerant to a pain, in a head " costs(stands) ", all movements
of a body
Get automatism, the person starts to look at the actions " as though with
The parties(sides) ". All this is accompanied by huge power losses from
the party(side)
Persons of the person, with the subsequent strongest headache, loss physical
Forces. I have set an example of painful inquiry - references(manipulations)
to address of the " Group
Consciousnesses ". Generate such appeal many people on the Earth can not.
In another way inquiry - references(manipulations) to the to " Group consciousness
" is
Pray. It is the same inquiry - references(manipulations), but not instant, but
constant, in
To attempt to cause to the person constant attention from the party(side) "
Consciousnesses ". If the person conducts a stable way of life for many
years and
Actively uses in the inquiries - references(manipulations) of a pray, настанет
the moment,
When " the Group consciousness " "will pay attention" to
the representative and will help
To it(him). But, it is necessary to understand, on what you can expect, addressing
Prays to the to " Group consciousness "? If your prays coincide with
the purposes and
Problems(tasks) given " Group consciousness " - you will receive both
the help, and support. If
Is not present - that "what cannot be cured must be endured". If the
purpose of your life (so also yours
" Group consciousness ") - humanitarian development of the person,
people - that is not present sense
In prays to ask money, authority etc.
All desired things necessary in life will be given by gods, will award being
Satisfied with worship of the person, but who having received gifts of nothing
gives that
In exchange - that is similar to the thief. Бхагавад - Гита. Chapter 3. The
text 12.
If the purpose of your life - authority above the person, people - that is
not present sense in prays
To ask the help in the field of humanitarian development. Thus in prays-
References(manipulations) to address of the " Group consciousness "
you should understand, that you
You want, and that you will receive. Very much, it is very important to understand
it. You can succeed in
This world in what - that one. To understand in what, and to ask for the "
Consciousnesses " supports in it is your right and if you can make it
Properly - you will receive support, but beforehand should tell is
Very uneasy. What is uneasy?
1. To understand in what sense of your life.
2. To learn to pray correctly, correctly to be adjusted on this process.
To understand in what sense of your life is your problem(task) and to learn
To pray, correctly to formulate inquiry - the reference(manipulation) - mine..
To whom in prays
You can address? In the best way to the best instance in Information
The universe - only to the God. It both is more worthy, and more exact, as in
The universe does not have personification. Personification of the Information
Exists in the physical world as names of those or other gods of Ancient Greece
Names sacred, angels etc., but this employment(occupation) not for reasonable,
adult people.
13. Great oppress, about son Prithi, Search shelter in a divine nature, Serve
Deviating mind(wit), Also know an inexhaustible source of creation.
22. But having concentrated on me, Those who correctly worship, they are always
To me and преданы, And I take them under the protection.
23. Having bowed to other god (Моисею and Будде, to the Christ and Мухаммаду.
авт) the
Belief worship also to me, But only, about son Kunti, they worship incorrectly.
24. I the purpose of any victim, Pleasure God - too I, But they do not know
me, And
Therefore fall downwards.
25. You will bow sacred - you will go to them, you will Bow to ancestors - you
will go to
To ancestors, you will Bow to spirits - you will go to spirits, my servants
to return to me.
29. I am equally located to all alive, to me nobody opposite and is not pleasant,
Devoted to me - in reasonable consciousness For I am reasonable. Бхагавад-Гита.
9. Correct worship.
The basic problem at the reference(manipulation) to the Information universe
- to minimize
Activity Physical making consciousnesses (FQ). A physical component
Consciousness (FQ) it is minimal at the moment of dream of the person. As soon
as the person wakes up,
Growth Physical making consciousnesses (FQ) begins, becomes more active
Intellectual consciousness (IQ) the person, the left half of bark of a brain
His(its) daily ideas, cares which easily suppress "hammer",
Deform energy of a pray, inquiry - references(manipulations). Therefore desirable
time of a pray
- After dream, and dream quiet after which the person wakes up itself. In
This case it is possible to minimize a level Physical making consciousnesses
Sharply minimize a level Physical making consciousnesses (FQ) the person so
Named "post", i.e. artificial decrease(reduction) of a level of physical
energy of a body
The person due to restriction of reception of food stuffs especially an animal
Origins (fats, carbohydrates).
The pray should not be long, she(it) is any under the maintenance(contents).
Why? All business
In that before a pray is necessary "to be adjusted" on the Information
To make active the soul (п - an electronic body). Activization of soul (п-
Electronic body) it is possible to find out on process "онемения"
parts of a back and a head.
Still this process it is possible to name " a frost on a leather(skin)
", it and is an attribute of activization
Souls (п - an electronic body) the person, expansion of his(its) external part
Never pray, if you do not feel " a frost on a leather(skin) ", it
is waste
Time. Whereas to cause activization of soul (п - an electronic body)
Extremely difficultly, the pray as a rule does not happen long, its(her) duration
Depends as well on external conditions - silence, self-isolation.
And when you pray, not be, as hypocrites who like in synagogues and at corners
Streets stopping to pray to seem пред people. Truly I speak you,
That they already receive the award the.
You, when pray, enter a room yours and, having shut a door yours, pray
To the father to yours, Which secretly; and Father your, seeing secret, will
render to you obviously.
And praying, do not speak superfluous, as pagans; for they think, that in verbosity
The will be heard;
Do not assimilate to them; for father knows yours in what you have need, before
Applications at him(it). The Gospel from Матфея. Chapter 6. 5 - 7. 46.
About you which have believed! Do not come nearer to a pray when you are drunk,
Will understand, that you speak, or profaned (dirty, tired,
Angry, aggressive. авт.) - except for as being travellers in road
- Will not be washed yet. And if you are sick or on travel, or who - нибудь
from you
Has come from toilet, or you touched women and have not found some water. That
be washed
Pure(clean) sand also wipe off your persons and hands. Really, Allah (God) excusing
Forgiving! The koran. Sura 4. 46.
The person - complex resonant system, concern to itself responsibly(crucially)
Very accurately. Has not prayed today, make it tomorrow, but do not transform
Process in a daily, routine ceremony, as a pray - process creative, not
All accessible, it is especial in youth, in conditions of a high level Physical
Making consciousnesses (FQ). As to an arrangement praying be relative
The parties(sides) of light, arrangement of your physical body in a premise(room)
at the moment of a pray
Are all attributes and the rituality which is not having any attitude(relation)
to process
Dialogue of the person with " Group consciousness ", the God, the
Information universe. So,
That it is necessary for a successful pray - references(manipulations) to the
for " Group consciousness "
( to the Information universe, the God). Do not hope for the instant answer
and result,
Any miracles are not present, to " Group consciousness " it is necessary
for yours to lead(carry out) work on
To the Earth through other people to help you. It can borrow(occupy) several
Months, and even years, all depends on set of factors. For you main(main thing),
the BELIEF, PERSISTENCE, PERSISTENCE, but the main thing, is BELIEF. If Power
of yours
Pray - inquiry it will be too small - yours " Group consciousness "
The universe, the God) simply "will not hear" you so will not react
and will not help.
So, besides belief that else promotes a successful pray to a call for help:
1. Silence, rest, absence external noise.
2. The minimal activity of a physical body.
3. "Adjustment" on process of dialogue as " a frost on a leather(skin)
Copyright © 1999 -2003. Malyshev Ivan.
Nizhny Novgorod