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Library esoteric Malysheva (LEM).
Who such God? The question serious, is necessary so serious and the answer.
But also you,
The reader, for understanding of the given answer should have the certain level
Logic, abstract thinking, knowledge. What is the complex(difficult) system?
It is System
Consisting of set of complex(difficult) systems which in turn consist of others
Complex(difficult) systems which in turn consist of new complex(difficult) systems
Let's consider, for example, a physical body of the person. It consists of set
of systems
Managements of a various level. So there is a control system of a physical body
At an electronic level, a molecular level, a cellular level, a level separate
Bodies of a physical body, a level of systems of a physical body etc. Such complex(difficult)
Systems are nervous system of the person,
System of supply of an organism energy through food, system of supply of an
The person energy with the help of oxygen etc. etc. Thus, physical
Body of the person - extremely complex(difficult), harmonious system manager(managing),
Developing, keeping a physical body of the person approximately on 50 %, and
even is higher
Besides consciousness of the person of the person. Each instant of human life
in it(him)
Body there are billions the reactions not realized by consciousness of the person,
Realized by complex(difficult) system of the manager through subcrustal departments
of a bark
Brain, a back and belly brain a physical body.
The physical body of the adult person consists approximately of 120 billion
Being extremely complex(difficult) systems. Thus, the world environmental
The person - the world of complex(difficult) systems. But if we shall agree
with this statement, we
We have no the right to give up in harmony, to such complex(difficult) systems
as planets, star
Systems, galaxies, etc. the Modern science studies supergalaxies complex(difficult)
Systems, for example there is " a supermolecular photochemistry ",
studying behaviour
Molecules and their formations(educations), the sociology studying behaviour
of groups of people etc.
How the person is arranged? It(he) easily enough learns and recognizes existence
Complex(difficult) systems is lower than it(him) on a level of management (for
example, fauna, plants,
Or complex(difficult) systems at an atomic, molecular or cellular level), but
To understand and recognize existence of complex(difficult) systems more a high
level of management
( a level of management of peoples, races, biosphere as a whole, planets, star
Galactic systems) for the person extremely difficultly. But, I shall be repeated,
They do not exist, these complex(difficult) systems more a high level of management,
How, for example a control system of biosphere of the Earth or Solar system?
The systems managing such complex(difficult) systems as people, race, biosphere
of the Earth
People from an antiquity, name thousand years "god". And pay attention,
"God" name only the control System of the physical universe. Lower
To the status of a control system of complex(difficult) systems, for example,
with reference to the Earth
The question is management of such complex(difficult) systems as people, race,
Simply "god". Lower under the status of a control system of complex(difficult)
Carry the name "angel", "spirit", "satan", "soul"
etc. it is necessary me
To use the terms which have reached mankind from an extreme antiquity, that
To do(make). The modern civilization is too young and unreasonable, is engaged
Knowledge of the physical world also has no in "luggage" of more modern
Terms, such for example, as " п - an electronic body ", " Group
consciousness ",
" The Information universe " etc., and would be time to enter similar
terms, for a long time
It is time. So, we shall try to understand, that "God" or "god"
- a control system complex(difficult)
Group physical, physical system, and anyone, whether goes speech about
Separate organism, or about a supergalaxy, race, people, group of plants,
Animals etc., concerning one population to a class, group, a sort.
- Well, - the person will tell, - I am ready to agree with it. But tell, what
The image occurs management of complex(difficult) group system? Also show me
the God.
- That means " show me the God ". His(its) physical body? There are
no problems, it is physical
The universe. As if to consciousness of the God as the Information universe,
How it is possible for the person to show non-material object? It all the same
what to tell
To the person, задавшему to me such question: " Show me the consciousness,
memory, system
Logic and the analysis, system of emotional perception(recognition) of the world
environmental you? "
Certainly, nobody in a condition of it to make. But, and this most important,
The consciousness of any person can be comprehended(overtaken), and figuratively
speaking "to see", if
Long time to study behaviour of the concrete person. In the same way studying
Behaviour and acts of the God managing the physical universe, and also the god
Managing lower control system, for example that or other people,
Race etc. we in a condition both to learn and to study the God. Yes about it
it(he) and
Constantly asks the person.
39. Investigate Писания (Old Testament, the Gospel, the Koran) for you think
чрез them to have life eternal; and they
Testify to me (God).. The Gospel from John. Гл 5. 39.
77 ( 75 ). There is nothing latent neither on heavens, nor on the Earth that
would not be in clear
To the book (consisting of the Old Testament, the Gospel, the Koran.)
The koran. Sura 27. 77.
There are two kinds of the universe:
1. The physical universe.
2. The information universe.
The physical universe - a physical body of the God. The information universe
- consciousness
The god which incorporates memory of all processes occuring in physical
The universe during a cycle of its(her) development, equal tens billions years.
You have consciousness, memory, what for with the God of her(it) to deprive,
you see you a part of It(him), as well as
All on the Earth. If with knowledge of the physical universe at the reader of
problems not
Arises, with knowledge of the Information universe arise big
Complexities as I shall be repeated, it is impossible to touch, see her(it),
but not this most
The main thing. Scientists have already indirectly recognized existence by the
Information universe,
Investigating a brain of the person and his(its) consciousness. They have found
out, that if
The consciousness of the person of the person processes the information acting
from environmental
The world with speed of 100 bats in unit of time, so-called "superconsciousness"
( and it also is "god" or as I still name this reasonable formation(education)
The information universe) processes the information acting to the person with
In the speed up to 1 000 000 000 bats in unit of time. Scientists also have
found out, that in
The daily life the person uses approximately 5 - 7 % of neurons of a bark
Brain, that is uses the brain on 3 - 4 % of the opportunities. And
Who uses a brain of the person on 96 - 97 %? You only try to ponder in
These figures.
The nature of a brain is arranged in such a manner that it(he) always aspires
to minimize
The activity, therefore, if who - that, but not the person of the given person
Used a brain of the person, it(he) for a long time would degrade and would be
reduced up to
The acceptable sizes, I shall tell to you directly, till the sizes of subcrustal
Brain with insignificant on the sizes a bark of a brain. Researches
Show, anything so promptly does not develop in a physical body of the person,
As a bark of a brain. Thus each person on the Earth is
The essence having:
1. A physical body.
2. The person managing a physical body and learning world around.
3. The external control system, named people soul,
The god (Group consciousness) or the Information universe. I research only
The external control system of the person named people by the god (Information
The universe or Group consciousness), on it also we shall concentrate the attention.
In view of
That that the external control system works on huge speeds (up to 1 000 000
000 bats of the information in unit of time) the person of the person processing
The information for speed of 100 bats of the information in unit of time PHYSICALLY
not in
Condition neither to understand nor to comprehend the God or the Information
universe. But... The God
Or the Information universe is arranged in turn from set of systems
The managements, working on various speeds of processing of the information.
The system is and in your physical body. With the maximal speed
Processes the information your brain, especially a bark of a brain.
Speed of processing of the information subcrustal departments of a bark of a
brain already
It is less. This structure operates a physical body of the person, instead of
his(its) person, and
The person of the person perceives the commands(teams) acting from subcrustal
departments of a bark
Brain to address of the person of the person as those or other desires,
Instincts, pains etc. with smaller speed processes the information belly
Brain of the person. It(he) submits to subcrustal departments of a bark of a
brain and
Helps this brain in management, there is an original redistribution
Duties, everyone is responsible for work of the system. A spinal cord of the
Processes the information with the minimal speed, but also it(he) too "thinks"
Primitively, but "thinks". The control System is in precisely the
same way arranged also
The god or the Information universe. Yes, Its(her) maximal speed of processing
The acting information - 1 000 000 000 bats in unit of time (conditional
Parameter), but the subordinate control systems (god) managing for example
As galaxies work for speed of 100 000 000 bats of the information in unit
Time (conditional parameter), control systems (god) managing star
Systems process the information with speed of 10 000 000 bats of the information
Time unit (conditional parameter) etc. thus, a control system
(God), managing biosphere of the Earth processes the information for speed
Only 10 000 bats of the information in unit of time. The information universe
is similar
On a puff pie, which each layer - individual Group consciousness-
Bioserver (for example " Group consciousness " - a bioserver of a
galaxy, or Solar
Systems, or biosphere of the Earth, a civilization, race, people etc.), having
The certain level of Reasonable consciousness (RQ). Everyone " Group consciousness
Operates with the help of mental influence by this or that group of people living
On the Earth in the different countries and being representatives given "
Consciousnesses ". Everyone " Group consciousness ", as well
as each person on the Earth,
Perceives commands(teams) of a higher control system as own ideas.
It is possible to present consciousness of the God or the Information universe
Information network "Internet". Each Group consciousness - developing
The bioserver uniting set of processing located below on speed
The information acting bioservers - " Group consciousnesses "
People, animal, the plants incorporated at a level of the souls and
genomos in this or that a reasonable organism - " Group consciousness "
- a bioserver. On
Level of consciousness all for example people entering the souls
In this or that " Group consciousness " - a developing bioserver live
in different
The countries and cities of the world, have families, interests, obligations
etc., but only
At a level of consciousness. At a level of superconsciousness or the soul all
people, animal, plants etc. having an identical level of development
genome, so resounding on the same group of frequencies ПЭМВ of waves
Are incorporated by overall aims and problems(tasks) into a certain uniform
reasonable organism, which and
carries the name depending on a level of development "god", "angel",
"spirit", "satan",
"Features" etc. And more modern name - " Group consciousness
" or
" Developing bioserver ". I you see do not inform anything new. Look
Papyruses of Ancient Egypt on which the ladder conducting to the Sun is represented.
The sun - the conditional God, a ladder - the Information universe, each step
Ladders - this or that " Group consciousness ". And all alive in the
physical universe
Figuratively speaking "clambers" on this ladder from "satan"
(so name
The Scriptuses the physical universe) to the God (the Information universe).
... 3. At the God, the lord of steps of a ladder. 4.ii which angels and spirit
niciaiey.авт) go back to it(him) (to the God. авт.) within day, which continuation
Fifty thousand years. " The Koran in G.S.Sablukova's translation. Sura
70. 3 - 4.
Each person, depending on a level of own spiritual development
Processes the information acting from the outside with various speed. So animal
As I also spoke the world, a physical body of the person, subconsciousness earlier,
The information with speed 5 - 10 bat of the information in unit of time (conditional
Parameter). An introvert, the person with domination of the Emotional component
Consciousnesses (EQ) processes the acting information with speed 20 - 40 bats
Information in unit of time (conditional parameter). An extrovert, or the person
Domination Intellectual making consciousnesses (IQ) processes
The information with speed 50 - 70 bats of the information in unit of time (conditional
Parameter). With the maximal speed, 100 bats of the information in unit of time,
The person reasonable (or as it(him) makes processing the acting information
The Bible " the person names the believer "). The god, is arranged
also, as well as
The person, on the same principles. Thus, consciousness of the God, as well
as the person
Represents the sum of consciousnesses of the reasonable individual organisms
which are included in
Structure of the God. So the consciousness of the God consists of the sum of
consciousnesses of all objects
The physical universe, processing the information with various speed.
The consciousness of the person is unconditional be most valuable for the God,
but His(its) consciousness forms
Both animal, and flora of biosphere of the Earth. The consciousness of the person
also consists
From the sum of consciousnesses, conditionally speaking, all 120 - 140 billion
the cells(cages) which are included in
Structure of a physical body of the person. Yes, all cells(cages) of a physical
body have
Consciousness, primitive, but consciousness, and molecule DNC, included in everyone
Cells(cages) of any biological organism, during the life will carry out(spend)
Constant record of all processes occuring in the given cell(cage). But for consciousness
The person the most valuable is that information which fix at itself
Nervous cells(cages) of a brain of the person. Not so it is a lot of them, all
Billions, but they also do(make) of the person of the PERSON REASONABLE. Thus
The consciousness of the person is created and formed. It is in precisely the
same way formed and
Consciousness of such reasonable organism as the God, only with others time
In spatial parameters. Whether all is clear? We shall continue. With what it
is possible
To compare the God? I shall be repeated, with a huge developing bioserver,
Uniting in itself of a bioserver of supergalaxies, galaxies, Solar systems,
Planets. All representatives of biosphere of the Earth at a level of consciousness
саморазвивающиеся biocomputers are included in a bioserver of biosphere of the
Earth. As
The God on development and formation of the physical body, such as works
The physical universe? With the help of commands(teams) which it(he) through
the consciousness sends
In subordinate control systems as group consciousnesses of which consists
Consciousness of the God which I name the Information universe. And everyone
The control system perceives commands(teams) of the God as... Own ideas, and
Starts them to carry out. The god decides global problems(tasks), each control
Solves own problems(tasks) within the framework of a galaxy, biosphere, people
or separate
The person, but, I shall be repeated, each subordinate control system perceives
Commands(teams) of a higher control system (which is the god for subordinate
Control systems) as own ideas. So for a physical body of the person
The god is his(its) subconsciousness, for subconsciousness the god is the consciousness
The person. For consciousness of the person the god is it(him) oppress (superconsciousness),
for superconsciousness the god is " the group consciousness " etc.
You perceive commands(teams) of the soul as... Own ideas. Present itself
The god within the framework of an own physical body. You decide what - or a
problem(task) in
The physical world environmental you, tell me, you frequently ask thus the
Cells(cages), аксоны, синапсы etc. how to do(make) and what to do(make)? Is
not present certainly,
For example you need to move a subject. And your consciousness gives a command(team)
to billions
Cells(cages), hundred billions chemical reactions occur in your physical body
Only to move this or that subject. Tell me, the God, deciding(solving)
Problems(tasks) of own development, whether will ask sanctions you on those
Other actions? Is not present certainly. All of us live in this fine harmonious
Performance under the name "life", where beside and a pain, both pleasure,
and life, and death.
And in what meaning of the life of the God, the person? In spiritual development.
What for? To borrow(occupy)
Higher status in the control System of the Information universe. What for? That
To proceed(pass) from management with the help of consciousness an own body
to a control system
Group of people (management of " Group consciousness "), from a control
system of group
People to a control system of people (" Group consciousness " people),
from system
Managements of people to a control system of race (" Group consciousness
" races),
Civilizations (" Group consciousness " civilizations), biosphere ("
Consciousness " biosphere), Solar system (" Group consciousness "
System), a galaxy (" Group consciousness " galaxies) etc. How?
Increasing during life on the Earth speed of the consciousness that gives
The right to the person, after death of his(its) physical body on the Earth
to borrow(occupy) higher
The status in consciousness of the God, in the control System of the Information
universe more
High level.
The person is immortal? Certainly, but not at a level of a physical body, and
at a level
Consciousnesses of the person. Each biological object of biosphere of the Earth
besides physical
Bodies has also the certain level of consciousness that connects given
Biological object with consciousness of the God through so-called п - an electronic
The biological object named his(its) soul. After death of a physical body
Biological object on the Earth, his(its) consciousness makes in Information
The power throw also borrows(occupies) with the universe in the Information
universe new
Step of management, passing gradually (after death of a physical body
Biological object) on a new step of " Group consciousness " God or
The information universe, entering automatically in new, as a rule higher
Control system (except for murderers, tyrants, mercenaries, terrorists,
Villains, maniacs, cannibals etc.). With reference to terrestrial conditions
Corresponds(meets) to gradual moving of consciousness of biological object from
" Group consciousness ", for example plants, in " Group consciousness
" fauna,
From " Group consciousness " fauna in " Group consciousness "
world of people. All
It also is movements of reason on evolutionary "ladder" of spiritual
I repeat. The consciousness of each biological object is fixed on certain(determined)
Steps of management of the Information universe with help DNC biological
Object. Certainly the level of consciousness is fixed first of all in DNC -
Nervous cells(cages) of biological object (not a bone or muscular fabric). In
Process of life of biological object on the Earth, there is a process constant
Complications of his(its) consciousness which is fixed in a DNC of biological
After death of a physical body of biological object on the Earth, his(its) consciousness
The soul) is as though reconstructed (similarly to process
Reorganizations on other radio station in a radio receiver) also it is fixed
already in new
To control system of the Information universe, higher under the status, than
The previous life given п - an electronic body. For example thus consciousness
(Soul) of a plant can get in a control system of those
Or other animals and to be born already on the Earth in a body of an animal.
Consciousness (soul) of an animal in a condition to proceed(pass) after death
Bodies of an animal on the Earth in a control system of the world of people
and to appear already on
To the Earth as consciousness (soul) of this or that person.
In precisely the same way consciousness of the reasonable person having a high
Processings of the information after death of a physical body on the Earth in
a condition to proceed(pass)
On a new step of management (" to get in Paradise " as speak the Scriptuses)
For example in a control system of the following civilization, star system,
The galaxy etc. thus occurs process of spiritual development
Any object of the physical universe, including you, and the God. Does not follow
To count the God the certain completed, generated organism. It is far from being
In the Information universe there is only one law - the law evolutionary
Development. It is impossible to stop in the spiritual development to the person,
the God.
The god same саморазвивающийся an organism, as well as the person who develops
Other spatial and time parameters, but develops. The god on block
Level it is similar to the device of the person. It(he) has a physical body
as physical
The universe and consciousness as the Information universe.
The god - the developing reasonable organism which is taking place during the
The following stages of development, as well as the person:
Physical (FQ).
Emotional (EQ).
Intellectual (IQ).
Reasonable (RQ).
During the spiritual development during tens billions years the God
Makes gradual transformation energy the physical universe in spiritual
Energy Reason. In it and sense of existence of the God, in process
Transformations energy the physical universe in energy of consciousness Information
The universe. Also the person on the Earth also develops. Passing all stages
of the life:
The childhood, youth, maturity, old age, the person gradually increases a level
The maximum(supreme) spiritual energy, translating energy Physical making consciousnesses
(FQ) in the Emotional component (EQ), Intellectual (IQ), Reasonable (RQ).
In precisely the same way the civilization on the Earth develops also. She(it)
also passes
Stages of development: Physical, Emotional, Intellectual, Reasonable. So in
Present time white race is at a stage of intellectual Development,
The yellow race is at a stage of Emotional development, and the black race passes
To a stage of Emotional development. Some peoples included in white race,
Especially the countries of Northern Europe gradually pass to a stage Reasonable
The development named people by democracy. The civilization will finish the
Existence then when the black race will pass a stage of Reasonable development.
In the same way and life of the physical universe will stop the existence
Then, when the God will finish a stage of the Reasonable development in borders
The universe.
So the purpose in existence of the God following, during existence physical
The universe to try is greatest possible to increase a level Reasonable
Making the consciousness (RQ), that will allow to make development
The physical universe more controlled and harmonious. Besides after disintegration
The physical universe existing nowadays (her(it) " death), and creations
The information universe for the account more a high level of Reasonable consciousness
It will be possible "to grasp" in the management the greater volume
of a unguided matter,
Taking place in a condition of "chaos", it also is the purpose of
the further development of the God.
Also there is no in it limit.
Copyright © 1999-2003. Malyshev Ivan.