The information for my advertising agents
Library esoteric Malysheva (LEM).
I shall not list(transfer) names of numerous prophets living on the Earth or
Living nowadays, we shall talk first of all that it for the phenomenon, as it
Arises and why one person in a condition to know the future, and the majority
What in general such to know the future? Many people will tell, that for this
It is absolutely unessential to be the prophet. To have what - or extraordinary
Abilities, the behaviour and most is enough to analyze
To predict the future. For example if the person does not want to study, not
It is necessary to be the prophet to understand - his(its) future has no any
Prospects in management, the finance, business, formation(education) etc. the
Such person - poverty or larceny.
In precisely the same way it is possible to predict (to expect) the future(in
future) of that
Or other people. If people does not show the initiative, enterprise,
If people hopes to the aid the states, instead of for own forces-
The future of such people - poverty, wars, famine. If people chooses
The president of the country of the militarian it is not necessary to wait for
Democratic freedom, development of formation(education), culture, medicine.
So, what underlies exact forecasting? Volume received
Information and speed of its(her) processing. The given terms are applicable(applied)
To computer engineering but as so far as the human brain is
Developing the biocomputer - terms used in computer
To engineering are applicable(applied) and to the person. So for example to
The meteorological forecast performance of such requirements as is necessary:
1. Increase of volume of the acting information from meteorological
2. Application of more high-speed computers and more perfect
The programs, allowing to give more exact weather forecast.
As you see, there is no mysticism or that - or unusual.
Thus, the detached onlooker will tell, it is necessary to increase speed
Processings of the received information by a bark of a brain of the person -
and it(he)
Will be the prophet, will know the future? Not all so is unequivocal, but in
Principle truly first of all from the point of view of the physical person,
not беря in
Calculation his(its) soul (п - an electronic body) or it(him) п - the electronic
world as
"Superconsciousnesses" or " group consciousness ". And it
is valid, you see at a level
Consciousnesses the person processes 100 bats of the information, and at a level
Superconsciousnesses - up to 1 000 000 000 bats of the information is a huge
Information. Thus, if to manage to increase volume processable
Brain of the person of the information - that can be predicted with the greater
The future. We shall consider all over again a question of forecasting of the
future with
The points of view of the physical person.
It is necessary to note that fact, that first of all a brain of the person-
The biocomputer consisting of three biocomputers:
1. The central biocomputer - it practically a bioserver, named
" Group consciousness " - "soul" of the person - the superconsciousness,
The acting information with speed up to 1 000 000 000 bats of the information
Time unit (parameter conditional) and using in the purposes 100
% A bark of a brain.
2. The auxiliary biocomputer named " consciousness of the person ",
Using 5-7 % of neurons of a bark of a brain, that is
Using brain on 3 - 4 % of the opportunities, processing
The acting information with speed no more than 100 bats in unit of time.
3. The auxiliary biocomputer named "subconsciousness", which
Includes subcrustal departments of a bark of a brain, back and
The belly brain managing and developing a physical body of the person on
By his(its) consciousness, and 1-2 % of neurons of a bark using in the work
Brain. Speed of processing of the acting information - till 20-30 bats in
Time unit.
We with you any more animal, therefore shall not consider(examine) "subconsciousness",
But also not "gods", therefore we shall not consider(examine) and
" Group consciousness "
The person, the "superconsciousness", named thousand years his(its)
"soul", "angel", "spirit",
"Satan" etc.
In the GIVEN CHAPTER we shall consider only the auxiliary biocomputer named
" Consciousness of the person ".
How to begin the prophet, how to learn to predict the future the or others
People? It is necessary to try to increase speed of speed
The auxiliary biocomputer named " consciousness of the person " as
It is possible it is more, that even it is a little to come nearer to work
Central to the biocomputer = to a bioserver, named " Group consciousness
The person, superconsciousness.
As it is possible to increase " consciousnesses of the person " (there
is even a term " to expand
Consciousness ") to speed up process of formation(education) of communications(connections)
between neurons of a bark
Brain and to raise(increase) their speed?
Here two ways:
1. A natural way, when during many lifes (yes, so)
There is gradual "expansion" of " consciousness of the person
" for the account
Gradual reduction of a component Physical consciousnesses (FQ)
The person that is similar to reduction of a level of "subconsciousness"
in " consciousness
The person " and increases of a level of " consciousness of the person
" due to growth
Emotional (EQ) and Intellectual (IQ) making consciousnesses. And everyone
The person on the Earth passes this way, evolutionary, heavy,
Painful(unhealthy), but other way of spiritual development on the Earth is not
2. An artificial way time " expansions of consciousness " with the
help of those
Or other narcotics. It(he) consists that is necessary
To increase delivery of energy in a bark of a brain of the person, having increased
Process of splitting by a brain of glucose and reception not 38 molecules АФТ,
and 45
- 50. From an extreme antiquity increase of the energy acting in a brain
The person it was reached(achieved) with the help of those or other narcotics.
Various sort mushrooms, those or other drugs, ЛСД - 25, hyperventilation
Easy etc. etc., various ways a plenty. But... The data
Ways result " expansions of consciousness " to raised(increased) expenses
of energy
Organism, and in opinion of professor D.I.Dubrovskogo, energy
It is necessary to take away from other bodies and systems of an organism that
results to
To premature deterioration of it(him). Should tell, as "light" prophets,
Condition " to expand consciousness " not on a constant basis, and
With the subsequent long rest. It both V.Messing, and Vanga,
Nostradamus, etc. Casey was easier, it(he) received the information in
Process of self-hypnosis, and it not so strongly injured physical
Organism of the prophet.
" Psychological experiences is my work, and she(it) is completely not easy!
To me
It is necessary to collect all forces to strain all abilities,
To concentrate all will, as to the sportsman before a jump, as
the smith before impact by a heavy sledge hammer. My work is not easier than
the smith and the sportsman, and those who was on my psychological
Experiences, sometimes saw the drops of sweat acting at me on a forehead...
Open Company " firm " Publishing house AST ", 1998. V. Messing.
Here is how prophet Vanga speaks about influence on it(her) representatives
The information universe, dividing them on a level of speed (spiritual
Energy Reason) on " small forces " e " the big forces ".
" That not I, others which are always near me. One I for
Myself I name " small forces ", they have told through me to you
About your day, and is also " the big forces ". When they start to
In me, is more true through me, I lose a lot of energy, to me it becomes bad,
Long i am in despondency. "
Question: And you remember, when fall into a trance?
Vanga: No. I do not remember almost anything. After a trance I feel very much
Badly all day
" We have advised (to visitors to Vanga at which the son was lost) to them(him,it)
to take
With itself a room flower because the recent death can cause at
Vanga a heavy mental condition, and even an attack ".
" The Truth about Vanga". C. Stoinova.
On the given page I examine(consider) only "light" prophets, people,
" Expanding consciousness " by artificial image to me are not interesting,
and you I
Sincerely I do not advise itself to be engaged in artificial stimulation
Brain to contact to people engaged similar
Experiences, it is very dangerous. That can take place with you if you
You will ignore my prevention(warning)? You can get this or that
Mental disease. A brain of the person - extremely complex(difficult) part
Physical organism which demands to itself an enhanced attention.
Who such "light" prophets?
Very well the God speaks about it in the Scriptuses. His(its) definition "
Light " prophets easily to you will allow to solve in the future. With
whom you have
18 I shall erect him(it) (to people. авт.) the Prophet from the environment
of brothers of them, such as
You (the reference(manipulation) to Моисею., also I shall enclose
words mine in lips of It(him), and it(he) will be
To speak them (to people. the author.) everything, that I shall order to it(him);
19 And who will not listen to words of mine which the Prophet that will speak
My name, from that I shall collect,
20 But the prophet whom will dare to speak my name what I not
Has enjoined it(him) to speak, and which will speak a name of gods of others,
Such prophet betray death.
21 And if you will tell in heart yours: " as we learn(find out) a word,
which not
God spoke? "
22 If the prophet will tell a name Sirs, but the word that will not come true
and not
It will be executed, not God spoke these a word, but the prophet spoke these
Impudences of the, - be not afraid of it(him).
The Old Testament. Второзаконие. Chapter 18.
I already spoke earlier, that approximately on 50 % the person of the person,
and yours, and
Over mine our soul supervises, or speaking the modern language - " Group
consciousness ",
Superconsciousness. Having an opportunity to process the information acting
in an organism
From an environment on 5 - 6 orders are higher, than your consciousness, she(it)
Defines(determines) and designs also yours
Present, and your future. It is very difficult for person to agree with such
The statement as I the person, and suddenly cope whom - how an animal.
What to tell in this occasion, there is on the Earth other form of life, to
To which comprehension the mankind gradually comes nearer, I try for
People to detail the new form of life to show as she(it) lives,
Develops, operates biosphere of the Earth. This new form of life under
The name " superconsciousness, Group consciousness - the Information universe
" and
Defines(determines) on 50 % with what purpose you will be born on the Earth,
what problem(task) of the
Group consciousness you
On the Earth you will carry out.
As the superconsciousness, Group consciousness through (soul of the person)
supervises over the person
The person on the Earth?
Let's consider examples.
1. Superconsciousness, Group consciousness long time carried out(spent) training
Such prophet, as Vanga lifes without sight.
"... To it(her) it was executed 11 years. Vanga nursed the brother,
Thought out such games in which could play and itself. And once
Has thought up new game which has a little disturbed its(her) parents. In
Court yard, in the street, near a house in secluded уголке she(it) hid what-
нибудь a subject, more often a simple toy, then came back
Home, closed strong - strong eyes and started, as blind, to the touch
To search hidden. Persistently, again and again, she(it) played "blindly",
Any threats and interdictions of the father with the stepmother could not stop
C.Stoinova. " The Truth about Vanga".
And in one year Vanga it is valid blind, having got in hurricane. Thus
Group consciousness, superconsciousness the manager Vangoj, has prepared her(it)
To the future test. Whether the superconsciousness, Group consciousness to allocate(remove)
Vanga from its(her) misfortune, whether knew Group consciousness, that with
Vanga will take place
Similar misfortune? Certainly, but it had no right to rescue in this case
Sight Vanga for only his(its) loss has allowed Vange to concentrate all
The forces on own spiritual development, as has resulted to that through
Pain, sufferings also there was such prophet, as Vanga. What to do(make), only
a pain
Conducts to spiritual development as it will not seem at first sight
The person you see precisely also develops those or other bodies physical
Bodies (for example sportsmen) for achievement of this or that result in
World around.
6 For God whom loves, punishes that; beats any son,
Which accepts "
The Gospel .Послание to Jews. Chapter 12.6.
" Now many scientists try to understand, to that Vanga is obliged to
Theomancy, but she(it) has an own explanation. " The Ambassador
The big storm when I have lost sight and round the clock cried and
Asked the God that it(he) has not left me such defenceless, a burden of mine
To poor family, it(he) has heeded mine мольбам. This gift was given to me by
the God! It(he)
Has deprived with me human sight, but I have given me other eyes, with which
I can survey all seen and invisible world. There was so, that I,
Which has remained the invalid and itself I need in the help, first(all over
To help all страждущим and became for them a support and hope. "
Believe me, observe yourself and if you are the outstanding personality you
You will see, that to those or other results in the life you went years,
Gradually, but steadily. Moreover, environmental people that or otherwise
"Stimulated" in you the certain bents and abilities. Especially it
Appreciablly, if to observe, how children's dreams, plans, a hobby of the person
are realized.
You want to live life happily - not предавай the children's dreams, as it
That idea, for the sake of which
You also have appeared on the Earth.
"... I would like to help people ", - have told Casey and all life
in childhood Casey
Was engaged in it. I can result an own example, I from the childhood wanted
to be
Either the singer, or the writer whom became, perhaps not absolutely good, but
Began. And it I have brought in my private life harmony and understanding of
I do(make) that is necessary. Though I also do not see an end result, but all
the same, I
I know, that I do(make) all truly, that it and is the purpose of my life, that
I and you
I wish.
So we shall return to a question of " expansion of consciousness ".
Sense organs of the person in
Condition to submit to a brain huge quantity(amount) of the information, but
first of all
As a hobby the person, his(its) Group consciousness. In opinion of scientists
each of
Neurons has several receptors. Each receptor perceives
Only the "the" signal laying in certain(determined) information and
Power ranges. In blocking of the excessive information are engaged
So-called " serotonin neurons ", that is neurons, at which
mediator is serotonin. Thus, one of ways
Increases of a level of perception(recognition) of the external information
easing is
Influence serotonin neurons, but at artificial easing
Influences serotonin neurons there is a premature deterioration
Bodies of a physical body. A natural way of easing
Activity cerotonin neurons spiritual development of the person is, with
Gradual evolutionary decrease(reduction) Physical (FQ) making consciousnesses,
Accordingly growth of the maximum(supreme) making consciousnesses - Emotional
(EQ) and
Intellectual (IQ).
So, desire to make the given person the prophet - desire not most
The person, his(its) consciousnesses, and first of all his(its) superconsciousness,
Group consciousness,
Which supervises over the person of the person. Do not overlook, you, as the
person, also
to operate a subordinate control system which you is
Physical body. For performance of so high mission Vanga was
It is subjected to blinding. Has undergone to violence on the part of the superconsciousness
And oustanding prophet Edgar of Casey, and at all once. However as well as Vanga.
But, Casey itself could not find a true direction of future(future,next,in
future) in any way
Development, and consequently to an external control system on behalf of Group
Once again it was necessary to interfere in the violent image with life Casey.
Certainly, a question of management on the part of superconsciousness as group
Consciousnesses the person extremely complex(difficult) and separate, in this
chapter I wanted
On examples to show managerial process by development oustanding
Persons whom those or other "light" prophets are. What is
"Light" prophets? It first of all people which have brought in our
world not only
Knowledge of the future development of a civilization, but also the ordinary
life in
The physical world bearing(carrying) to environmental people it is kind in this
or that form.
These are people in the contacts to the Information universe used
Reasonable consciousness (RQ) as superconsciousness, instead of the Physical
Consciousnesses (FQ)
As the subconsciousness, used in the activity "dark"
The prophets, receptions of magic used in the experiences and occultus.
There is a unique way to learn(find out) whom you concern. The "Light"
Helps other people free-of-charge, or for a symbolical payment (I shall tell
to you
On a secret, it is forbidden to it(him) to have "income" of the activity,
as well as to anyone
To the reasonable, moral person. That is it(he) can accept money in
Quality of donations, alms, but has no right to accumulate them, to have the
In bank, and that
More to have from them the income). The "Dark" prophet all over again
speaks about money, and then
About business.
"Light" prophets was much on the Earth, let to name some of
Them believe, they are worthy human memory:
1. Моисей.
2. Христос.
3. Мухаммад.
4. Ранье Неро.
5. Michel Nostradamus.
6. Эммануил Сведеборг.
7. Vasily Vasil'ev (monk Avel').
8. Серафим Саровский.
9. Эдгар Casey.
10. Вангелия Пандева Гущерова (Ванга).
11. John Kronshtadsky.
And so on, during reception of the new information the given list will be
Is constant to extend. All the matter is that in the Information universe
Granting of a civilization of the information on its(her) future is engaged
The same Group consciousness, names of prophets vary simply,
Acting in the physical world in this or that century, in this or that
Millenium, and living in this or that country. So with reference to Bulgaria
Prophet Vanga spoke that she(it) knows that prophet that was in Bulgaria
Up to it(her), but does not know a name of that prophet that will live on the
Earth after it(her):
" Before relatives to it(her) people Vanga more than once spoke: "
At me three
Name. One of them - Vanga, another - Petca (sacred, living in XI
the author), and the third still to nobody is conducted (as the given prophet
will be born
On the Earth in the future. the author.)
"Vanga". Costadinova.
Probably the reader and has not understood about what there is a conversation?
The universe - huge quantity(amount) of superconsciousnesses - independently
developing bioservers in
Kind of Group consciousnesses, each of which individually (as the person on
the Earth),
It is defined(determined) by a level of development of Reasonable consciousness
(RQ), or, if to speak more
Clearly, a code of a DNC. But, if the person lives 50-70 years, everyone Group
Consciousness - 12 000 - 12885 years (provisional parameter). And all these
years from that or
Group consciousness in the physical world in physical bodies of plants, animal,
People souls (п - electronic bodies) and each person on the Earth take root
Is becomes the representative of concrete Group consciousness-
developing a bioserver.
The superconsciousness as Group consciousness has memory of development
Civilizations during all cycle of the development equal 12 000 - 12 885eao
( provisional
Parameter). It is a reasonable group organism, and if one of such Group
Consciousnesses the country as Bulgaria it(he) places to Bulgaria in operates
One epoch of one prophet, in another other prophet etc. And names of prophets
For concrete Group consciousness is insignificantly, this fact
Interests first of all people on the Earth.
I shall once again be repeated - superconsciousness as Group consciousness-
developing a bioserver, it is the new form of reasonable life to understand
Under force only to the person reasonable,
Or as it(him) named - to the person "believer" earlier.
It is impossible to expect from the prophet of knowledge of everything, it is
unreal. All the matter is that
Each prophet belongs to individual Group consciousness,
Which has " the sight " on developments of biosphere of the Earth.
You you see
From Эйнштейна you will not demand knowledge of biology or philosophy, from
Шопена knowledge of higher mathematics, and from Шилова deep knowledge in
Development to economic. Each person on the Earth is engaged in the
Business by which it(he) does(makes) maximum effectively and with maximal
Pleasure, whether it be kind affairs, or malicious.
In precisely the same way each Group consciousness develops also, one is engaged
Through people,
Representatives of the given Group consciousness mathematics, but " in
a framework " all
Globe, another biology, and too in "frameworks" of all globe, the
Business, the fourth management, the fifth, the sixth... Milliard...
Ten-milliard etc.
For this reason Casey has reached(achieved) the maximal effect in treatment
Patients, but in global forecasts it(he) could be not always exact. And the
The discrepancies of Casey was itself, when " пойдя on an occasion "
at the
Sponsors. Ламмерса and Мортона which not so interested medical
Diagnostics Casey, they were interested more philosophy,
Phenomena of mentality of the person, therefore so-called "readings"
Casey are not always concrete, sometimes (in my opinion. the author.) are erroneous.
It is necessary to change to " the dream ", the basic kind of activity.
" Accepts people (Vanga. the author), speaks, speaks and suddenly ceases.
Explains: " I am tired, and then the one who prompts me, have suddenly
And I can not tell anything to the visitor. I speak, I speak, I speak, and it(he)
- Also has disappeared. About what I transfer(pass) all from his(its) help,
never varies.
" The Truth about Vanga". Stoinova.
If to follow as example Vanga, she(it) at all did not like political
Forecasting. And its(her) superconsciousness as Group consciousness had no
Information on economic, political subjects on 100 % exact.
That she(it) in this occasion spoke:
" - it Is bad, when I go deep, and you come to me, it disturbs
Me though you also do not see with whom I talk... It Happens, I am surrounded
The maximum(supreme) chiefs, sometimes - their subordinates, but all of them
Space and when speak, put on to me on ears that - that like headphones,
Their voices are heard to me whence - that from apart and sounds, as an echo.
The calmness and silence is necessary for me.
Sometimes I am very nervous, and people think, that I nasty. I see
Ring which is gradually pulled together around of the Earth, I suffer
Torture of all people also I can not, and not смею explain it, because
One very strict voice continuously warns me, that I not
Tried to explain anything as people deserve that life which
Conduct. How to help these people which respect nobody, are born(carried) on
Distillations behind money and things... As if the person does not have other
Except for aspiration to trample all light and sacred that it(he) has reached
(achieved) the price
So expensive(dear) victims... "
" The Truth about Vanga". Stoinova.
The prophet is first of all the compiler and the executor on the Earth information
The Group consciousness, the Information universe, the God. Group consciousness
Condition to influence any representative on the Earth only to two
1. Evolutionary influence on the person, when Group consciousness
Gradually, day-to-day with the help of mental commands(teams) supervises
Consciousness of the person through Emotional making consciousnesses (EQ). The
person at
It perceives commands(teams) of the Group consciousness as... Own
2. Revolutionary influence, when during extreme emotional
Excitation there is a switching-off Intellectual making consciousnesses (IQ),
The left half of bark of a brain, and superconsciousness as Group
Consciousnesses "directly" starts to supervise over the person.
As against usual people, the prophet in a condition to communicate with the
Group consciousness at a level of consciousness. When it is possible? Only then,
When speed of some nervous centres of a bark of a brain
Will reach(achieve) a level of speed of this or that Group consciousness, not
Always even the. The brain, is all - таки not the iron computer,
Today it(he) can work with one Group consciousness, tomorrow with another to
Can even "low on reason", it is very difficult to adjust itself on
high reason Group consciousness.
"Dark" prophets, people working with those or other narcotic preparations
" To expand consciousness " receive the information as a rule from
low on reason
Group consciousnesses. There is one more reason of that prophecies do not come
Let's talk about it.
What in general such - prophecies, the information on the future whence undertakes?
Simply it is memory, memory of the God. We shall not get into such distances,
" We shall go down to the Earth " if to assume as a basis that the
Earth, is reasonable
Organism. The future which prophets inform up to people is memory of the Earth,
Group consciousness - developing a bioserver into which structure enter
Consciousnesses of representatives of all biosphere of the Earth. That is consciousnesses
of representatives
Flora, animals. People.
As you plan the future, for example the next day, and
The information universe, and this consciousness of the God (or in this case
the Earth)
Plans a cycle of development of a civilization. How it is possible, the sceptic
will exclaim?
And it is very simple, all the matter is that the массивнее a physical body,
More slowly for him(it) there is time. Thus at the butterfly one course of time,
The crocodile another, at the person the third, at the god the fourth etc. From
"point of view"
Butterflies, the person is eternal and constant, you see the butterfly lives
only one day " with
The points of view " the person. But if the butterfly could speak, she(it)
would tell,
That she(it) has lived the, "the batterfly" 70 years full of pleasure
and griefs,
Disappointments and happiness. The person speaks the same and about the God,
that it(he) is eternal
Also it is constant, and why? Yes all because 1 day of the God is 50 000
Human years.
3.. At the God, the lord of steps of a ladder, 4 on which angels and spirit
Go back to it(him) (God). Within day, which continuation
Fifty thousand years.
The koran in G.S.Sablukova's translation. Sura 70.3 - 4.
Let's continue. So 1 day of the God - 50 000 years. You the
Tomorrow's day you plan? What you to the God forbid it to do(make)? No, well
And it is fine. And time so receive the plan for development of a cycle modern
Civilizations in details. As far as it(he) will be realized by the God? The
Stages - on 100 %, but in intervals between the basic stages mankind
Freely in the choice. Well for example in the plan there is such item(point);
for the period in
140 years, that is - 2040 Russia should proceed(pass) 1900 to a stage
Intellectual development. Within the limits of 140 years slavs are free in the
Development of own intelligence, but!!! This plan in 2040 will be executed,
Let by tens millions lifes, but it is executed. It is possible to execute it(him)
And by smaller victims, it is possible in general without victims, on all will
of people, but - in
Limits of 140 years. Planning of the God rigidly, severely but if it(him) to
carry out,
That mankind will develop with a minimum level of violence. It in
Ideal, unfortunately in practice all is at all so what to do(make), people
Are so unreasonable and aggressive.
And so, whereas mankind freely approximately on 50 % in a choice
The development, by way of the God or the Information universe occur
Constant and dynamic changes, in precisely the same way and the person,
Can carry out the plan for tomorrow's day, and can and bring to him(it)
Changes, unless not so? And time so, also the reason of that sometimes
Prophecies do not come true.
People constantly have same question that the God or
The information universe it is too severe to people. It not absolutely so,
There is a law; more subordinate control system ALWAYS
Perceives a higher control system as system of violence.
The criminal always speaks, that it(he) did not make a crime, and that it(he)
Criminal, all are guilty around, but any image it(he). Yellow and
Black races always suspect representatives of white race of this or that
Insidiousness. And inside one race, slavs, orthodox, being
introverts, the most emotional part of white race always suspect
Intellectuals of Catholics, and it is especial the Protestants being
Extroverts in this or that insidiousness, violence. An introvert, or the person
Emotional always suspects an extrovert, the person intellectual in
The volume, that wants it(him) to deceive, humiliate that etc. the Subordinate
always reproaches
" In all sins " the chief. In precisely the same way and the person
Concerns to the God, a higher control system, reproaching her(it), or It(him)
Aggressions, cruelty, indifference, it is especial minutes of a pain and burning.
Well and
The person as concerns to a subordinate control system as
Vegetative and fauna? It(he) keeps her(it), preserves, develops? No,
It(he) only consumes.
And time so, whether that can expect the person for understanding and indulgence
Higher control system as this or that Group consciousness,
The information universe? Is not present certainly. And as the person concerns
to the
To physical body, it you see too subordinate
Control system? The barbarian, reacting only then on "cries" of the
Physical body when it already with the help of a pain, despair "speaks"
This or that site of a physical body is sick.
I ask to understand, that the Information universe operates physical
The universe, the superconsciousness as Group consciousness operates the person
The person and his(its) physical body, rather the reverse. There is a plan for
Civilizations during the cycle of development of a civilization equal of 12000-12885
( provisional parameter) in the Information universe. This plan everyone
The group consciousness, on the level of development perceives as own
The plan, the plan rigid, from the point of view of people severe and which
it is unconditional
It will be executed, and with which I and would like to acquaint you, even in
I ask to have in view of, the information of prophets is not in details clear
The majority of people. Why:
1. These are very rare and talented people, their brain works with the greater
In the speed, than a brain of the usual person, and consequently the information
of prophets
It happens clear not all people, and most reasonable of them,
Having raised(increased) "speed" neuron communications(connections)
of a bark
2. If in details to analyse creativity of prophets it is possible to see.
That all of them came in the physical world and carried out(spent) in it(him)
" operative
Work ", necessary to execute the Information universe in given
The historical moment of development of a civilization. Global prophecies,
Work on the future generations is faster "hobby" of prophets, their
Vanity " to show the talent " to the future generations. In it there
is nothing
Unusual, all of us people. But, I shall be repeated if to analyse
Creativity of prophets it is possible to see, that maximal their effect
Activity has brought to people living with prophets in same
The historical period. It is work and Серафима Саровского, Vanga,
Nostradamus, John Kronshtadskogo, Casey. Etc. However other and to be
Can not.
Activity Моисея, Jesus Christ, Мухаммада - completely other level
Creativity of these prophets, not зря them name Missions. These people have
To people of knowledge as the certain religions (at the present stage of religion
It would be more reasonable to name philosophies, or " directions public
Consciousnesses ", and that word "religion" so strongly pushes
away intellectuals-
Researchers from their researches that becomes ridiculous and it is bitter).
Therefore do not blame silly people of prophets what not all of their prophecy
Have come true, you and it are not capable to make. Think better, as it is a
lot of that
Or other "light" prophet to people of goods has brought in due time,
in it and was
His(its) overall objective, prophecies so, "for fun".
And how many "light" prophets have suffered for the attempts to inform
up to
People their future. So in due time the "light" prophet "monk
Avel'" (Vasily
Васильев) 21 year from 83 years of life has stayed in prisons, for the prophecies.
The charter
From so heavy life it(he) so answered countess Praskov'e Potemkinoj its(her)
To predict the future:
In the future process of forecasting of the future will be much easier and more
As the mankind will save up huge volume of the information on life and development
Biosphere of the Earth and the Information universe also will start to predict
The future with the help of a science. When? Not soon.
But it does not mean that work in attempt to understand process of the future
Civilizations are necessary for stopping. There is no she(it) on the contrary
it is necessary
To detail and expand. The civilization passes to a stage
Intellectual development, also it is necessary to correspond(meet) to this level.
" Secrets of the world about which I know, but I can not tell, - almost
Edges(territories) of a sluice. Remained absolutely a little bit that they have
opened, and
Then the God will come to us to the aid! "
" The Truth about Vanga". C.Stoinova.
Eventually I shall supplement constantly given chapter new
The information on activity of those or other prophets, having concentrated
on them
Primary activity - contacts to the Information universe and
The received results, at all not informing up to you the information on them
Daily life, as it not the most interesting and main in their life.
Copyright© Малышев Ivan.1999 - 2003.
Nizhny Novgorod