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The main page of the project "Malyshev-help"
Technology of storing of the important information.
Practice of realization reincarnation researches shows, that in the best way people recollect from the last lifes:
1. The visual information.
2. An accessory(a belonging) of the person to this or that global process in a history of development of a civilization and to spiritual self-development.
3. Individual coding.
Thus, if you can execute in " this life " all 3 items(points) of technology, you receive the exact information on a site of the financial assets in " new life ". We shall consider in more details all 3 items(points) of technology.
1. The visual information.
1. Create the small poster on which the information on a site of your financial assets will be written.
2. Find time, even once a week when you can having relaxed, being in a condition of the maximal relaxation of 20-30 minutes to sit before the poster, remembering his(its) maintenance(contents). Make this employment(occupation) certain a ritual - pray. Understand, from the information written on the poster, " new life " depends your quiet, provided. The quantity(amount) of a pain and pleasure in " new life " also depends on the information written on the poster. " Think of itself loved(liked) ". When you can understand, what the information on a site of your financial assets is acquired also your soul, superconsciousness of her(it) has perfectly remembered? As soon as having closed eyes, in any situation, you without effort can present original "screen" on which the important information for you from your poster will be represented.
2. An accessory(a belonging) of the person to this or that global humanistic process in a history of development of a civilization and to spiritual self-development.
I ask you to understand, as against your consciousness living in your body of 50-70 years, your soul (superconsciousness) it is eternal, and develops many thousand years, changing in process reincarnation the physical body. And than more significant human life on the Earth is, the more positive has put the person on the Earth has made, the it will be easier to reproduce to you in " new life " events of the previous embodiment. Practical reincarnation researches inform that at the moment of realization of a session of research of the previous human life, the information is reproduced not in the chronological order, and is grouped by series, around of the certain theme. Thus it is very important, that the themes around of which memoirs on the previous life are formed was closely connected to spiritual and psychological aspect of development of the person. Therefore for successful realization of the project I shall include you in historical development of a civilization. How you can become the historic figure, made the positive contribution to process of spiritual development of a civilization?
1. Independently it is necessary to direct you a part of the financial assets on process of humanistic development of a civilization. Not people, race, namely a civilization. I repeat, you can be born in " new life " in family of poor, unfortunate people. Therefore it is necessary for you to make now so that life of a civilization in the future was less painful(unhealthy), steadier and controlled. Then to you, in " new life " will live less painfully and more happily. Actually you are not engaged in the donation, you finance the future, is simple in some other. Exotic (as it seems now) to the form.
You independently should direct 80 % of the donations to address of the international organizations struggling for the rights of children, the women financing formation(education), medicine, humanitarian programs in the underdeveloped countries. Redistribute the money, direct them not on development of military programs, and programs developing in the world morals, morals, reason. Money directed in humanitarian projects do(make) world around more kindly, raise in it(him) a level of survival rate of the weak person: women, the child, the invalid. Think of the future, create his(its).
You should direct 19 % on development reincarnation researches, preparation and certification of experts, development in the different countries of the world reincarnation the centres "Malyshev-help", advertising. This work is necessary for carrying out(spending), that experts in different areas of the world have appeared, and these experts in due time could assist you in " new life ". Your financial assets as will be directed on development of new philosophical humanistic outlook in the world with which details you can get acquainted, having opened page
You should transfer 1 % to the that person who has helped you to communicate with me.
3. Individual coding.
I done not interested with a place of your residing, your surname, official and a financial position etc. But to include you in uniform development of a civilization to me your photo executed usual (instead of electronic) is required by the camera. All the matter is that your photo bears(carries) a particle of your biofield, and it is necessary for me to unit a particle of your biofield with the, for that. That you have joined in universal humanistic development of a civilization. Coding also will be the guarantor of that in " new life " you can reproduce the information on a site of your financial assets more successfully.
Copyright ©2001-2002 Malyshev Ivan
Nizhni Novgorod.
The phone: (8244) 5-22-49 (russian)