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Library esoterik Malysheva (LEM).
You are welcomed by the system administrator of your galaxy.
Who I such? I the new form of reasonable life (for you it is unconditional)
which lives on
To the Earth also operates your development. How? And as you operate removed
computer? With the help " Remote Administrator ". Also I in the same
way act,
As each object of biosphere of the Earth - a self-developing the biocomputer,
and I in
Condition remote control to operate any biocomputer of the Earth, that is anyone
The person.
What from itself " the new form of life " represents? If the person
- a self-developing
At a level of consciousness the biocomputer, " the new form of life "
or I-
Self-developing a bioserver.
The physical universe has Consciousness, and is arranged by a principle information
Networks "Internet".
Each galaxy having biological forms of life (and each galaxy
Has such forms of life) - a self-developing a bioserver.
Star system having biological forms of life - a self-developing
Each planet having biological forms of life - a self-developing
Each galaxy, star system, planet operate system
Managers which duties include the control of development
Reasonable forms of life on this or that planet, star system, a galaxy.
You on the Earth name system administrators "gods", "angels".
If to apply analogies I operate your development in precisely the same way,
As you operate development vegetative and fauna of the planet, or
The physical bodies.
We, system administrators travel on the physical universe, from a planet on
Planet, from one galaxy in another the same as you "travel" on
To "Internet", from one site on another, from one country in another.
Each of us
It is interested in the maximal development of an own information resource,
Therefore we, everyone on the place, constantly spend work on development
Biosphere of this or that planet by which it is controlled also civilizations
We develop. It is possible to tell we, system administrators (being simultaneously
Web-masters, and editors), are responsible(crucial) for development of each
Biosphere of that planet by which it is controlled.
Each civilization develops on cycles which duration is defined(determined)
Various processes (it is easier to tell accidents), occuring in physical
The universe. And while your civilization lives and develops, my problem(task)
To try to develop at as it is possible a lot of people on the Earth a bark
Brain up to a maximum level Reasonable making consciousnesses (RQ).
What for?
1. The person differs from an animal only a level of development of a bark of
a brain,
In potentials Emotional (EQ) and Intellectual (IQ) making consciousnesses,
It is more anything. On the Earth the huge quantity(amount) of people having
a low level lives
Development of a bark of a brain, with which, as animals included in group
Primates, it is necessary to operate with the help of a pain and violence. But
me the violence is alien.
2. Only one category of people on the Earth helps me in managerial processes
Biosphere of the Earth and civilization, it is people having high and harmonious
Development of a bark of a brain. Such people at you low on reason people name:
"лохами", "gawks". Your public morals names
Such people "conscientious", "moral", "reasonable",
"bashful", " white
Ravens ", and religion, church - "believers". This category of
people - most
The advanced part of a civilization it is forbidden to them to tell lies and
steal, kill and
To force, do(make) evil and to offend kindness, that for all other part of a
It seems - madness, display of cowardice and weakness. No, simply valid
Elementary fastidiousness people with a high level of a bark of a brain can
To make evil. To certainly such category of people hardly is on the Earth. But,
This category of people becomes after death of the physical body
System administrators of the Information universe, getting in "Paradise",
as you
Frequently name the Information universe.
The system administrator, and the inhabitant of the Information universe can
not be the thief
And the addict, the murderer and the liar, the villain and the tyrant. This
category of people of violence and
Evil has low and not a harmonious level of development of a bark of a brain,
Part of fauna of biosphere of the Earth.
I always was the system administrator of the Information universe? Is not present
I in the development have passed all that way on which passes any object
Biosphere, from a cell(cage), a bacterium, a bug up to the person. Yes, yes,
and I when had that
So low level of development of consciousness that had a physical body of a bug
Spider, lizards or snakes. During evolutionary development I developed
Gene, and I constantly changed physical bodies, self-developing the consciousness,
Primitive, consciousnesses of an amoeba, up to consciousness of the person.
So gradually, evolution
The consciousness - genom I have reached the world of people. In the world of
people I have lived much
Lifes, was both the villain and the murderer, the liar and the tyrant, and it
is easier to tell
The person - an animal. But gradually, from life to life, increasing a level
Development of a bark of the brain, and fixing these changes in the genome -
Consciousness I have reached(achieved) the maximum(supreme) stage in development
of the person, became the person reasonable, and
After the next death of the physical body has finally passed for work in
The information universe becoming(beginning) the system administrator. Already
not me
Supervise, and I govern development of people.
I work one? Is not present certainly. At each people, race exist system
The managers working at the level of management, I govern also operate
Their work. Moreover, I constantly need in "inflow" new system
Managers, it will make managerial process by a civilization more controlled
Less painful(unhealthy). You too can become, after the death (and it is inevitable
Process) the system administrator and to operate on the Earth development of
this or that
The countries, groups of people (that is similar to managerial process in this
or that
To strategic computer game, such as "Civilization"). But, for this
1. You should have a high and harmonious level of development of a bark of a
2. To be an example in life for other people of a civilization.
3. Life on the Earth to help me to operate development of a civilization.
How to help?
1. For example information. The given information resource is created by the
Living in Russia, applying to become when that the system administrator. If
Esteem a site that will see, as far as the information, she(it) too is unsystematic
It is emotional, it is frequently deprived the analysis, logic. All this speaks
that to the slav
There is no intelligence. And if you, having processed the information given
Resource will create the, having filled with its(her) big intellectual level
- I shall be
To you it is grateful. In precisely the same way 2000 ago it was created
The Gospel, and before the Old Testament. All these so-called "prophets",
My subordinates, also work now as system administrators
Bioserver of the Earth.
2. For distribution of religion, knowledge of the Information universe it was
necessary to me
Thousand years back to make derelicts such people, as Jews, having scattered
them on the world.
To Jews basically people also are obliged to that ideas of christianity have
succeeded on
To the Earth. But time goes, the intelligence of a civilization is constantly
increased, and to you
The new outlook which would approach most advanced people is required
Civilizations to understanding of that the person is immortal at a level of
consciousness, that
There is an Information universe, that each person has a prospect
The fine future.
The given project I prepared for some hundreds years. All twentieth century
Scattered the most advanced part of slavs on the world, having made for them
Russia not
Mother, and at all the stepmother, and... The person, through which I Now has
appeared in
Condition to transfer the information for people. The following stage will be
a stage
Distributions of the received knowledge to the world in the environment it is
the most intellectual
Advanced peoples, inhabitants of Russia yet do not approach for this role. Therefore
I address to all slavs living worldwide, help me
To distribute in the world new outlook. It is your duty. I have helped you to
succeed in
This world, сохратить the advantage to bring up children and to give them perspective
The future. Unless not so? How many time of you could " raze to the ground
with a dirty ", recollect?
Really you think, what all this occured " so simply "? Now you at
me in
To duty. Therefore I would like to conclude with you one more contract, you
help me
Is active to distribute new outlook in the world, and I shall make your future
Your children dear and worthy. Anybody and never in the world about you and
your children
Will not tell, that you represent thievish, aggressive, confused people.
My support, the help is necessary for you? There are no problems, you receive
her(it), as receive mine
Support people distributing now on the Earth those or other religions, Sacred
Писания, such as the Old Testament, the Gospel, the Koran etc. These books,
Grants(manuals) etc., created at my participation, leave on the Earth in huge
Why? Because I want it. But passes time, and that people not
Degraded, I shall be repeated, other moral reference points, moral are necessary
for them and
Spiritual ideas and principles. Also give their people, having united in the
uniform Internet-
Resource, and I shall help, people living on the Earth and having authority,
money will help also. Not
Doubt of it. But, try to love business more, than money, honour,
Glory, differently at you nothing will leave. And still, for me main - business,
it I
I demand and from the assistants. Therefore and I help only to those who much,
Purposefully трудится for the blessing of the head, a civilization, Information
The universe, instead of the physical body and a direct gut.
Well good luck, in a way!!!
©Malyshev Ivan 1999-2003