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Library esoteric Malysheva (LEM)
Part 3.
Let's return to an introvert. It(he) perceives world around any more only with
the help
Unconditioned reflexes, but, already with the help of the of the Emotional component
Consciousnesses (EQ), the right half of bark of a brain, reacting emotionally
All processes occuring around of an introvert. Speech does not go at all that
The introvert does not develop the brain, no, it(he) develops it(him), but faster
Voluntary, and compulsorily, at school, on work etc., but as soon as
There is a choice as reaction to this or that event from environmental life,
Demanding acceptance of decisions with the help of emotions or logic - an introvert
Reacts to the given decision emotionally, making thus a plenty
Mistakes in life. So remember, introvert is first of all unwillingness
To use Intellectual making consciousnesses (IQ), his(its) logic,
The analysis at the decision of those or other vital problems(tasks), and use
Instincts, intuitions, sensations, feelings, emotions. It is not necessary to
forget, that
The introvert rather frequently happens closer to the person with domination
Making consciousnesses (FQ), than to the person with domination Intellectual
Making consciousnesses (IQ), to an extrovert, all in this case depends on a
Spiritual development of the concrete person - an introvert.
Maximum effectively the introvert of realizes in art, culture,
The humanities. Certainly, works people emotional very much
- Introverts and in a science, manufacture, business, management, but they not
Condition there to achieve successes and borrow(occupy), as a rule, the subordinated
position. In
Volume a case if the introvert receives an opportunity to supervise, it is especial
in conditions
Free economy, competition - anything good from this process, as
The rule, is impossible, for weak power of thinking, indecision,
Short-sightedness, absence of logic do not allow to create competitive
The enterprise and to supervise over him(it). For understanding of the given
process it is necessary to understand
What fact; management, business, free market economy demands from
The person of flexibility in the thought processes occuring in his(its) brain,
and not
Only flexibility, but also some kind of accelerated process of acceptance of
those or others
Decisions and the responsibility for the accepted decisions. A brain "
the person physical " and
" The person emotional " - an introvert be not capable to carry out
so big
Volume of cogitative activity for it(he) has got used to live in quieter rhythm,
To think with the help of pictures - images. The person with low dynamics(changes)
Activity, during life accumulates in the memory the certain volume
Images - pictures of his(its) behaviour in this or that situation of daily life.
Process passes in a brain of each person, since his(its) birth. Psychologists
Name " people emotional " - introverts, and " people intellectual
The extroverts conceiving with the help of pictures - images manipulators. An
Manipulates in the memory of a picture - images, and that approach and coincide
Conditions created at the present moment it(he) takes from the memory, and conducts
Itself according to available at him(it) a picture - an image. For example,
having got in
Unfamiliar conditions, introvert - the manipulator chooses that picture in memory-
Image (from his(its) last personal experience, or from the information received
from books, from
Familiar, the cinema, TV etc.) which coincides, in his(its) opinion, with given
Conditions in which it(he) has got, and begins itself(himself) messages as one
of characters
Available in his(its) memory of a picture - an image, identifying itself with
that or other
The prototype of a picture - an image. It(he) as smiles, goes, speaks and answers
Questions. The introvert - manipulator does not live, it(he) plays life, moreover,
The extrovert is not free from artificial "life" in own pictures-
Images, but an extrovert, the person with domination of the Intellectual component
Consciousnesses (IQ) very much frequently realizes all unnaturalness of an event,
and frequently
Tries to resist to this game, the introvert the manipulator is not capable
"To get out" of this artificial life in which it(he) has got ("
as about me
Environmental people will think "," I should support own image ").
Weak independence constantly pushes the person emotional, an introvert-
The manipulator in those or other group formations(educations) where there is
no necessity
To make active the cogitative activity, it is less than responsibility and it
is easier
To survive. At an early stage of development of a civilization it there was
a sort, a tribe, and in the present
Time of sect, clubs on interests, various groups of artists, actors,
Writers, religious formations(educations), lawyers, singers, people connected
Ornament of a body of the person (fashion designers of clothes and footwear)
etc., to list(transfer) not
Has sense. Thus, the below a level of spiritual development of the person, the
More it(he) aspires "to get off" in this or that about group formation(education),
flight, herd
At a level of a reflection trying to be covered from this or that responsibility
Group formation(education). Let's look, that experts speak about it from
The countries of Europe and Northern America.
" Life of the civilized person of our time extremely скушна, is empty and
It is senseless. Our contemporary is reliable in work, but is deprived alive
Desires, aspirations. It(he) is dead, it(he) is similar to a doll, his(its)
behaviour deliberately and
Purposely, similarly to behaviour of a puppet. It(he) manipulates others, and
is caught in
Networks of own manipulations. The manipulator can be determined as
The person who with a view of self-defense by that or a different way maintains,
Uses and (or) supervises itself and others as objects and things.
The manipulator is a legion. It(he) - all that in us, that is conscious, subconsciously
Is not realized applies обманные tricks which allow to neutralize,
To muffle our original nature, reducing itself and our relatives up to a level
of things,
Subject to management and the control. Certainly, not any manipulation is angrily,
Sometimes it is necessary from the point of view of struggle for existence.
However in
The majority of cases it brings doubtless harm, masking real illness,
Which can be shown once as the upset life, the broken family and
The destroyed career. Representatives of humanistic psychology consider present
Tragedy that fact, that as a result of the manipulation the modern person
Has completely lost spontaneity, and also from ability creatively to experience
Existence and to express itself, having turned in the anxious automatic device
Time allocated(removed) to it(him) for constant attempts to keep the past and
to insure
The future (all this concerns to the western civilization, but the same way
is necessary
To pass in the future and to slavs. The author). Yes, it(he) speaks about the
feelings, but is rare
Them tests. It(he) is rather garrulous concerning the alarms, not capable
To begin before them face to face. It(he) ощупью makes the way on life, using
Arsenal of masks and evasive applications not understanding the valid riches
Lifes. So, hardly begun(started) to go the child is soon trained for achievement
of the
The purposes to bear(carry) any nonsense to coo or show tantrums.
The environment both encourages it(him) thus, and trains all in new subtleties
of art
Manipulations. It(he) adopts some tricks from the father who plays a role
The responsible(crucial) parent, part - mothers who desperately manipulates,
To be kept for tapes of an apron, then there is a cinema, TV etc. Manipulations
Became so habitual part of our daily life, that the inexperienced observer
Notices only the most obvious or harmful of them. Paradox of the modern person
It(he) consists in that, being an essence reasonable and involved to scientific
To knowledge of the world, remains to the extremely irresponsible in all that
concerns it(him).
The person is not born the manipulator (it incorrectly, a level of manipulation
in everyone
The person it is incorporated at a genetic level. авт.) it(he) develops abilities
To manipulate other people to avoid troubles and to achieve
Desirable, and it(he) develops this ability unconsciously. Due to it(her)
Existence of the person becomes more comfortable, but due to it(her) it(he)
Loses ability to experience completeness of the existence. Concealment of the
Emotions - the destiny of the manipulator is those. Some manipulators try to
Environmental to speak in the language and do not suffer(bear) the slightest
objections, others
On the contrary, at the slightest pretext speak: " About, it is very interesting
", - whereas them
Eyes speak about the opposite. The manipulator sees the basic problem(task)
in, that
To make certain " due impression ". From the alive person it(he) turns
The anxious automatic device, doing not wish to admit the mistakes and is constant
Accusing of them of whom - that or that - that another. " (Дайжест E.Shostrem's
" The Human choice - manipulation or actualization "." The Rate
Psychologies " R.R.Kashapov.)
Among " people emotional " - introverts of the woman make the majority,
70 %, in the various countries this parameter changes considerably. Among men
The number of introverts is much less, depending on a spiritual level of development
This or that country it is 30 - 60 %. The reason is first of all
Evolutionary process of a civilization. The woman is first of all mother,
Compelled huge quantity(amount) of time and energy to spend for children, domestic
Facilities(economy), about the same circle of operations made during
Decades. All this certainly does not stimulate growth Intellectual
Making consciousnesses (IQ). And only in the most advanced countries of the
world, the woman in
Condition a lot of time to devote not only to children, the house and a life,
And to self-development, business, management, a science, gradually replacing
men in
Traditionally man's trades. Certainly " not all goes smoothly ", women
Men, in them can not work with the same productivity yet, as
To work it is a lot of both peacockery, and a marriage(spoilage), but process
of acceleration of growth
Intellectual making consciousnesses (IQ) at women in the most advanced countries
The world it is constantly accelerated. So interrogation of magazine "
Мэннер вог " has shown, that in the list
Daily fears of men, at number two appeared "пауэрфрау" - " strong
The woman " which oders about the man not only work, but also houses. This
Has noted 88 % of the interrogated men. But it " one party(side) of a medal
". With growth
Intellectual making consciousnesses (IQ) egoism of the woman grows, and
Emotional making consciousness (EQ) decreases, the woman ceases to be
Mother and that basis that strengthens family. In result - acceleration of process
Disintegration of families, decrease(reduction) of birth rate of the population,
and as the basic danger-
Gradual degeneration of white race, as most intellectually advanced race in
Structure of a civilization. Initially more a high level Intellectual
Making consciousnesses (IQ) men, and the lowered level Emotional
Making consciousnesses (EQ) was caused by that on the man always existed
Duties of a hunt, protection, attack, search etc., and all this in much more
Degrees stimulates power of thinking of the person, results to accelerated
To occurrence and fastening of the acquired reflexes. And if is closer(more
To look narrowly at a bark of a brain of men and women it is possible to see,
At the man left half of bark more advanced and sated with neurons
The brain, forming so-called " analytical mind(wit) " that is primary,
From birth assumes the accelerated fastening acquired during life
Reflexes. External attributes of an introvert.
1. The introvert, is the person who is not able simultaneously intelligently
to carry out a little bit(some)
Operations. So that the information was better remembered, to an introvert
The silence, that is absence of other irritating factors is necessary.
2. The introvert does not trust the brain, and constantly uses in the life
Advice(councils) of other people.
3. The introvert is extremely difficultly retrained and loves performance monotonous
The operations which are not demanding cogitative efforts.
4. The introvert lives the past, does not love the present and is afraid of
the future.
5. The introvert does not like, and does not trust and envies an extrovert -
to the intellectual, it(him)
Abilities to be dynamical, successful in world around.
6. An introvert - always the pessimist, the sceptic.
7. The introvert always searches to itself for support and protection as the
friend, the husband or wives,
Trade union, the states etc., with one desire - to shift a part of the
Problems, and the most important of the responsibility on this or that partner.
Let's talk about the person intellectual - an extrovert, the person in which
Dominates Intellectual making consciousnesses (IQ), the person, it is more
Thinking " consciousness of the person ", a bark of a brain, than
" animal consciousness ",
Subcrustal departments of a bark of a brain. I already explained above, that
the majority
Extroverts are men, the civilization is more and more and develops in more
Areas of development of intelligence, and it means, that in its(her) structure
The quantity(amount) of extroverts, people with domination Intellectual is increased
Making consciousnesses (IQ), both men, and women. Certainly, a level
Development Intellectual making consciousnesses (IQ) it is various in the different
In the countries with totalitarian modes where the citizen is suppressed by
the state and it(him)
The repressive device Intellectual making consciousnesses (IQ) develops
Extremely poorly, for for this purpose there are no conditions, there are no
conditions for intense
Cogitative activity of the majority of the population of the given country.
Otherwise put
Is in the countries developing free economy and system of self-management
(Democracy) at various levels of management. Here already the majority of the
The countries as much as possible should make active and develop cogitative
Activity to succeed, survive in uneasy economic
Situations to learn to count the incomes and charges elementary. To an introvert
to live
In such country it is the extremely difficult, if it(he) has no support as money,
The states, trade union etc. for environmental society seems to it(him) rigid,
Prudent, egoism. But unless it not a duty of any person
Is conscious to concern to the world environmental it(him)? " The Person
intellectual "-
The extrovert has domination Intellectual making consciousnesses (IQ), that
Besides positive qualities gives the person as well one of the extremely negative
Qualities are an egoism or selfish.
Thus the basic original quality, which " the person physical "
Differs from other types of people cruelty is; " the person emotional "
- An introvert - stupidity; " the person intellectual " - an extrovert
- egoism;
" The person reasonable " - validity. ведя speech about the person
Extrovert, it is not necessary to think, that to it(him) the term is inapplicable:
the person-
The manipulator. Yes, the extrovert also is the manipulator, but as against
Introvert it(he) understands a role of a manipulation, realizes her(it) and
actively uses,
Especially if the level of spiritual development of an extrovert is insignificant.
External attributes
Extrovert, the person with domination Intellectual making consciousnesses
1. Ability to carry out simultaneously some actions.
2. Successes in the exact sciences, business, management.
3. Egoism - a pragmatism expressing that an extrovert from all that it(him)
Surrounds " wants to have the income ". I shall tell more fairly and
frankly, though
Certainly enough roughly, for what I am sorry - the basic dream of an extrovert
- "трахнуть" all globe, but so far as as opportunities of the majority
Are limited enough - it is necessary to limit and the abilities. But this dream
All - таки is realized at this or that extrovert, for example Гитлера and Ленина,
Чингисхана and Рокфеллера, Остапа Бендера, Сахарова and Калашникова, Нобеля
and Ivan
Terrible etc., etc.
4. Aspiration to leadership, since the very first instants of the life aspiration
To dominate over people. For this reason the extrovert very much early gets
used to take
The responsibility on itself, occurs the accelerated growth of number of neurons
in a bark
Brain, as against an introvert aspiring in any case " to hide
Head in sand ". All this accelerates process of spiritual development of
an extrovert growth
Intellectual making consciousnesses (IQ).
5. An extrovert interests only the present.
The world around into which the person enters is those, appearing on the Earth.
All world
It is constructed on group interests and suppression of the person within the
framework of this or that
Groups. It and family, collective at school, institute, manufacture, armies,
the country and
т.д.. Etc. And to leave from this or that group to go against its(her) interests
Condition only the strong personality, for in case of the conflict to this or
that group
It(he) becomes the derelict of her(it). In modern psychology such type of the
person carries
The name the person - an agent (or the person - controlled). This type of the
Is not still the person reasonable - a self-agent (or the person
самоуправляющимся), but it(he) already by itself tries to supervise instead
of to use in
The development by influence of this or that group. If " the person physical
" not always
Copes even laws of criminal law, an introvert - the manipulator and
Extrovert - the manipulator basically (but it is far from being always) already
Laws of criminal law, and even civil law, they voluntary
Submit to the organic laws proclaimed in this or that country. The person
The agent copes not only laws criminal, civil law, but also
Administrative law, putting above other laws the constitution of the country.
The person reasonable - a self-agent is outside of laws of the country
( it is unconditional it(he) of them honours and carries out), it(he) to aspire
practically in the life
To not break at all laws, being guided thus conscience,
Morals, reason.
The main law for the person reasonable - to not break validity in
Mutual relation with that or other person, a society. The main difference
Agent from the manipulator is (has no value, whether there is a speech about
Introvert or extrovert), that the agent starts to understand all фальш and
Artificiality of life environmental it(him) also tries to resist to this (in
a measure
The forces and opportunities). At the initial stage it is more similar to attempt
The person to stand apart from those groups to which it(he) contacted earlier.
Intensity in dialogue with structure of these groups, it and family, work, public
The organizations. From an agent the big courage is required to rise
For a way of independent spiritual development for basically it is a way of
the single,
As demands from the person of increase spiritual энергий, increases
Requirements to itself, and it is unconditional to other people, into contact
with which enters
actualization the person. The person can not succeed in business any more, for
His(its) successful conducting it is necessary to lie, dodge, deceive, and it
It is unacceptable for actualization the person. Process of falling begins
Standard of life, and behind it it is natural conflicts in family, for an agent
Is responsible for development of the family, close people. There comes a stage
of struggle and
Conflicts as it is difficult both for an introvert, and for an extrovert, you
see all
Only recently there was everything, money, authority, communications(connections),
friends, understanding of relatives and
Friends, and, all falls. But the way of spiritual development of each person
is those,
Aspiring to become the person reasonable - self-actualizator. Let's look,
And that the western psychologists speak about development actualizator to the
" The Alternative of psychology отвержения can be defined(determined) as
the natural control.
The decision to reject what - that the part in a name of the control above the
First of all it is inefficient: it does not give desirable result. It is necessary
to respect all
Human tendencies, it would be unreasonable to chop off a careless left hand
To use only the right hand. It would be so unreasonable to amputate anyone
Part of the person. However, as all these parts can be shown or
Absurdly, or creatively, there is a problem of a choice of the responsibility.
Freedom in
This sense - a choice and the responsibility, полагаемые the individual as style
Self-expression. This approach is connected with отвержением or elimination
of a part of the person,
But faster with comprehension of that occurs when we prove
In the self-destructive image. I name self-destructive manipulation
The behaviour, actualization behaviour is a behaviour creative.
The agent understands value of the originality. Мартин Вубер spoke about
It as follows: " Each person who has been given birth in this world, represents
Itself something new, something not existing before... To know and take into
account, that it(he)
It is unique, that never before was anybody similar to it(him), for if it was
Not so, there would be no need in it(him). Each separate person - something
new in the world and
Is called to carry out here the feature... " Наипервейшая a problem(task)
of everyone
The person - actualization, display unique, unprecedented and
Unique potentialities, instead of reproduction of that who has reached(achieved)
- that another,
Be it even the greatest achievement. Being staticized, proving, you proceed
From full value of and others, accept itself and others so, that necessity
In manipulation, the control, " reduction norm " disappears. On the
contrary, the manipulator
Proceeds from an assumption of own inferiority, its(her) distribution on all
Representatives of a sort human, (the phrases typical for the manipulator, when
It(him) try to set thinking above own individuality: " all
Steal "," itself such "," I am not guilty, it that is guilty
- that and that - that "," all
Such " .author.) it(he) believes, that this inferiority can be overcome
by way
Struggle against self and other people. For him(it) (manipulator) life is a
fight with
Specially developed strategy and tactics, receptions and the fights necessary
For a survival. When it(he) loses fight or competition, it(he) feels, that
Has lost all. The agent sees life not as fight, and as process of growth and
Studies to understand it(him) in process of natural self-development.... Look
The businessman unable even to try to become(begin) by an agent, while unexpected
Heart attack will not set it(him) thinking, that such life. True
Half of life, specifies Charles Jung, includes purchase of formation(education),
Professionalism, marriage and career whereas the second is the time allocated(removed)
For development internal "?". If such development does not occur,
Юнг, the individual starts to be sick, as rules of afternoon life (and this
The stage, stage of judgement of the life and making of those or other conclusions
comes at
Each person approximately in 38-42 years. Than the level spiritual is higher
Development of the person, that there comes a stage " judgements and leading
Preliminary results ". Юнг it is not right a little, speaking that if the
It is thoughtless and in second half of life it(he) will be comprehended with
illnesses, it
Not so. It is a lot of people not realizing the life, behaviour,
For what them to punish? They, the behaviour, неумеренностями,
Excesses of will punish. The author) others, than morning. (Дайжест E.Shostrem's
" The Human choice - manipulation or actualization "." The Rate
Psychologies " R.R.Kashapov).
Earlier I spoke already to you, that in opinion of scientists development of
this or that person
On 40 - 50 (and I insist on 50 - 60 %) it is predetermined and defined(determined)
Individuality генома the person. It is made by what image? Before
In total that from the birth each person has strictly individual
Set spiritual энергий, proceeding from existence making consciousnesses:
Physical (FQ), Emotional (EQ), Intellectual (IQ), Reasonable (RQ). And
Each person is individual due to a variation above named four
Making spiritual energy - consciousnesses. These consciousnesses form development
Those or other zones of a brain, a saturation of these zones neurons and as
a whole
Define(determine) a level of speed of a brain. I share people on 12 types
Persons on two parameters of a brain: 1. Speed of a brain,
Expressing in speed of an establishment of communications(connections) between
neurons of a brain.
2. Individual structure of the brain, expressing that a brain
Each individual has, according to genetic predisposition,
Determined by a level of various potentials of spiritual consciousnesses - energy:
Physical (FQ), Emotional (EQ), Intellectual (IQ), Reasonable (RQ).
Let's consider the table showing all of 12 types of the person of the person.
1. Intellectual making consciousnesses (IQ) it is equal to the Emotional component
Consciousnesses (EQ) and these two components dominate over the Physical component
Consciousnesses (FQ).
2. Intellectual making consciousness (IQ) more than the Emotional component
(EQ) and more Physical (FQ).
3. Emotional making consciousnesses (EQ) more Intellectual (IQ) and it is more
Physical (FQ).
4. Intellectual making consciousnesses (IQ) dominates above equal among themselves
Emotional (EQ) and Physical (FQ) making consciousnesses.
5. Emotional making consciousnesses (EQ) dominates above equal among themselves
Components Intellectual (IQ) and Physical (FQ).
6. Intellectual making consciousnesses (IQ) more Physical (FQ) and it is more
Emotional (EQ).
7. Emotional making consciousnesses (EQ) more Physical (FQ) and
Intellectual (IQ).
8. Intellectual making consciousnesses (IQ) it is equal Physical (FQ) and these
Components dominate above Emotional (EQ).
9. Emotional making consciousnesses (EQ) it is equal Physical (FQ) and these
Component dominate above Intellectual (IQ).
10. Physical making consciousnesses (FQ) dominates above equal among themselves
Emotional (EQ) and Intellectual (IQ) making consciousnesses.
11. Physical making consciousnesses (FQ) more Intellectual (IQ) and it is more
Emotional (EQ).
12. Physical making consciousnesses (FQ) more Emotional (EQ) and it is more
Intellectual (IQ).
Thus, each person passes a way of the development about 12 types of the person,
The person with a minimum level of development Intellectual making consciousnesses
(IQ) up to 1 type, " the person reasonable " in which two are balanced
The maximum(supreme) making consciousnesses, Emotional (EQ) and Intellectual
(IQ). In
Whether a condition the person during the life to pass all 12 types of the person
in the
Development? Certainly is not present, it is extremely difficult, but I do not
think possible(probable)
Is concrete to speak about quantity(amount) of types of the person, which person
in a condition
To overcome during one life for it will not be the truth, evolutionary process
All alive on the Earth - process evolutionary and individual. Do not overlook,
Each of 12 types of the person is first of all a "starting" set energy-
Consciousnesses, which person receives at the birth. The way further begins
Individual development, in structure of this or that group: family, people,
The state etc. Certainly this or that type of the person is determined first
of all
Genetically, and time genetically also the brain of each person is formed
Individually. Thus, the brain of each type of the person has features,
Persons inherent in such type. And scientists are available to, that
To detail those or other types of the person of the person.
"... But already today with probability of 80 % I can tell about abilities
of the person in
This or that area. Thus, for example, artists or musicians we are able
To select with hundred-per-cent probability, because visual and acoustical fields
Are investigated better others.... The Method and technology are developed,
this main thing. But we
Only in the beginning of a way. It is necessary to find physical carriers of
other abilities. " (From
Interview of the head of laboratory of nervous system of the person of scientific
research institute of morphology
The person of Russian Academy of Medical Science, the doctor of medical sciences
Sergey Savel'eva. The newspaper " Miracles and
Adventures " ? 15 for 1998)
Be unconditional detailed elaboration such as the person can not too exact with
the help
Researches of a bark of a brain, in the future, in process of studying a molecule
of a DNC
The person more exact techniques based on "perusals" will appear
The information which have been written down in a molecule of a DNC. Process
of spiritual development of the person is uniform
For all mankind, it is process of gradual reduction of a level Physical
Making consciousnesses and growth, "alignment" of maximum(supreme)
making(components), Emotional
(EQ) and Intellectual (IQ). Look at table 1 (look above). A way spiritual
Development to " to the person reasonable " - to a self-agent it is
impossible for " the person
Physical ", only an introvert or an extrovert, gradually developing NOT
Making consciousnesses DOMINANT in (an introvert Intellectual (IQ), and
The extrovert Emotional (EQ)) in a condition to come nearer (even at the end
of the
Lifes) to " to the person reasonable ", to 1 type of the person.
You can ask me: " And if I do not want to develop spiritually, and not
I aspire to be the person reasonable - a self-agent? ". I shall answer
you it
So, for the one who does not wish to develop spiritually is realized, there
is a variant
Spiritual development not realized which is more painful(unhealthy) and it is
long, and passes
For the person automatically, but each person uncontrollably goes on a way
Spiritual development from 12 types of the person, to 1 type of the person.
It reminds
Process of evolutionary development of a civilization, it is possible to brake
it(him), but not
It is possible to stop. Aspiration to self-development, frequently primitive,
Limited, it is incorporated in the person at a genetic level and operates the
Besides his(its) consciousness. Having broken 12 types of the person on groups:
1. " the Person physical ".
2. " The Person emotional " - an introvert - the manipulator, and
then an agent.
3. " The Person intellectual " - an extrovert - the manipulator, and
then an agent.
4. " The Person reasonable " - a self-agent.
I have not given an explanation on 1 type of the person, " to the person
reasonable " or as speaks
Modern psychology, to the person self-actualizator, mentally healthy.
Who it? Definitions of the person - a self-agent are given to mankind many
Thousand years back. In the documents which have reached mankind from those
times " the person
Reasonable "refers to" as the person the believer ". Read these
documents, it is Shabby
Precept, the Gospel, the Koran, you will understand these documents exactly
so, as far as you
It is reasonable. Synonyms of words the believer, reasonable, self-actualization
the person
Words the bashful, conscientious, moral, fair person serve.
Accordingly types of the person with 2 on 12 in Sacred писаниях refer to as
People. Accordingly as a synonym of a word the non-believer words immoral serve,
Unscrupulous, shameless, unreasonable, the manipulator. We will address to results
of those
Researches which were received by scientists, investigating type of the person
? 1,
The person reasonable - self-actualizator. That I at once should warn not
It agree with the author as it(he) considers, that number of people reasonable-
self-actualization people in the world are not exceeded with 1 %. Actually in
the world
The quantity(amount) of people reasonable - self-agents should be not less people
Unreasonable, physical, with domination Physical making consciousnesses (FQ).
It is necessary for balancing a level of goods and evil in the world.
The mankind, conditionally speaking, developing a civilization " goes on
an edge of the razor ",
Always ready to be lost on fault of the people - manipulators which are not
understanding where it is kind,
Where it is angry. And only presence in the world " people reasonable "
- self-agents,
Mentally healthy (1 type of the person), extroverts - agents (a part
The second type of the person) and introverts - agents (a part of the third
To the person) promotes that the mankind till now " has not fallen in a
precipice ".
The quantity(amount) " reasonable " in this or that country the is
more than people, than are more advanced
In the country such virtues as formation(education), public health services,
equality between
Floors, democratic bases of self-management, supervise aggression
Criminality and the unguided members of a society which are taking place at
low steps
Spiritual development. Whereas to such virtues answer most
The advanced countries of Europe and Northern America, with confidence it is
possible to tell, that
The quantity(amount) " reasonable " in such countries is higher than
people, than in other countries of the world. And
On the contrary, than it is more in a society of violence, aggression, незаконопослушания,
Uncontrollability, totalitarianism in this or that the form (communism, fascism,
And it is easier than any suppression by the majority of minority to which it
is possible to attribute(relate) and
Patrimonial, clan, communal forms of management), the it is less in the environment
of such people
Representatives 1 - 3 types of the person. So, that show researches of scientists.
In the Scriptuses a highest level of spiritual development of the person on
the Earth
The person is considered " the believer " (synonyms of this word words
can serve:
Bashful, conscientious, moral, reasonable), analogue of " the person of
the believer "
Modern psychologists have unanimously chosen: "superego" (Z.Frejd),
" Mentally mature person " (G.W.Allport), " self-actualization
the person "
( A. Маslou), " it is high-grade functioning the person " (Charles
Rodzhers). I, in
Quality of the information on the first type of the person, the person reasonable,
has chosen results
Researches А. Маslou. I think it the reasonable decision for to give
The information in the given book about " the person reasonable ",
taken from the Scriptuses I
Simply I do not risk, in view of неготовности the majority of people adequately
To perceive. Therefore, if you will have necessity for deeper
Knowledge, address, I shall give you more detailed information.
Simultaneously giving the information on results of researches of A.Maslou,
I choose
Only that information which concerns, in my opinion, to correct
Information, and certainly I answer for the choice (as too frequently to A.Maslou
Confuses the person reasonable to an extrovert not simply an agent, i.e.
Taking place in a transitive condition between 2 and 1 types of the person,
but also with
Extrovert - the manipulator. The reason is extreme simple, culture Northern
America, the Western Europe is a culture of an extrovert, it is culture of a
The cogitative device, frequently with artificial suppression эмоциональности,
and it
It is bad, extremely bad, for the extrovert in this case turns to the person-
The robot deprived сострадательности, mercies, partnership with other people.
" Anything personal " - a favourite phrase of the person who is squeezing
out from anyone
Positive emotions, transforming the work in process, love in sex, suppressing
Mutual relation with people of display of pity, сострадательности, partnership,
Kindness. This problem is more and more and covers most economically more
The advanced countries, bringing economic progress and suppressing the spiritual
beginning in
The person).
" In informal experiment with group of students of college it was clearly
found out
The tendency of less disturbing (that is) people is more exact to judge more
healthy the
Teachers, than it was done(made) by more disturbing students. For the first
time this feature
It was noticed as unusually advanced ability correctly and effectively
To judge them. In process of development of research it was found out, that
this efficiency
It is distributed and to other spheres of life (whereas at given people
Speed of a brain is higher, higher also a level of the analysis, logic in acceptance
of that or
Other optimum variant. The author), - as a matter of fact on all, which we
Considered(examined). In painting and music, in intellectual problems, in a
science, in
Policy(politics) and public affairs - everywhere the group of our examinees
saw complex(difficult) and
The confusing reality is more exact and it is correct, than others. So, informal
Inspection has shown, that forecasts done(made) by them for the future appeared
more often
Correct; they connected them to the desires, inclinations, alarm less and
Fear, with optimism peculiar to character or pessimism (more and more time
I shall speak, " the person reasonable " on all event around of him(it)
Impartially, not allowing neither to the mind(wit) (brain), nor the emotions
To dominate over the person. Only in this case the person "thinks"
the reason.
The author.). It was revealed, that самоактуализирующиеся (саморазвивающиеся)
Much better others distinguish fresh, concrete and individual from general(common),
Abstract and stereotyped. Therefore they are capable to live in the real world,
instead of in
To that artificial weight of concepts, abstraction, expectations, belief, stereotypes,
Which majority of people accept for a reality. For this reason they much more
Are more capable to perceive object, instead of own desires, hopes, fear
And alarms, or divided(shared) by their group of theories, prejudices. "
The Innocent eye "
- Has named this ability Герберт Рид (whereas at the birth p-
Electronic body (soul) of the reasonable person "has started" in the
physical world from
" Group consciousness " the high level appropriate 2 - to 3 type of
the person,
The reasonable person is initially deprived by that internal " a spiritual
dirty ", inherent
To people whose " p - electronic bodies " (souls) "have started"
in the physical world with more
The low types of the person 4-12 having a high level of the lowest emotions,
such as
Greed, suspiciousness, impudence, envy, flattery, rudeness, fury, etc.
Nobody speaks, that the reasonable person has no in the consciousness above
Negative emotions, feelings, it is unconditional they is, but whereas they
Are insignificant on power, reasonable, self-actualization the person in a condition
Is successful to suppress them. The author).... Healthy people (reasonable people,
Self-agents. The author.) really will feel fault (or shame, alarm,
Regret) for: 1. irreparable lacks (laziness, бездумье, a divergence; for
The pain caused by another; 2.aieaciaiiua vestiges (prejudices, jealousy,
Envy); 3. habits which, being irrespective of structure of character, can
To be strong; 4 Lacks of culture or groups, with which they of
Identify. In general(common) healthy people sharply feel a divergence meanwhile,
Is, and that should be and quite could be. All self-actualization
( reasonable. The author.) people can be described as in a sufficient measure
spontaneous in
Behaviour and considerably more spontaneous in internal life, ideas, pulses
Etc. Their behaviour is marked by simplicity and натуральностью, absence
Artificialities and desire to make effect. It unessentially means
Consistently not conventional (not traditional. The author) behaviour. If we
Have counted quantity(amount) of cases, in which self-actualization (reasonable.
The author.)
The person behaved what - that in the unusual image, figures would not be especially
It(him) неконвенционность (not traditional character of behaviour, ideas. The
author.) not
Superficial, but internal and intrinsic. Безыскусны, are spontaneous and natural
His(its) pulses, feelings, ideas (the reasonable person to aspire to speak that
Thinks and to do(make) that speaks. The question is first of all about full
The responsibility of the reasonable person for the words, acts. The author.).
Understanding, that people with which it(he) lives, will not understand and
will not accept them (frequently naming
" Reasonable people " lunatics, gawks, недотепами, лохами, "outsiders"
Etc. the author.), and not having desire to shock them or to struggle with them
on trifles,
It(he) passes through rituals of reserve with kind humour and the maximal grace
( speaking people: " Yes, I the fool, mad, etc. the author.).
... These people (reasonable. The author) have own, rather independent and
Distinguished from accepted, ethical code. The superficial observer can accept
Their behaviour sometimes for immoral. If a situation, in their opinion, that
Demands, they can break not only conditional, but also the law (for the main
Which is introduced into the reasonable person at a genetic level only one:
It is fair to all people, and respect them more, than, and this law can at times
To enter confrontation, and very much frequently, with the official legislation
of that or
Other country, if still besides the country has a low level of development
Democratic bases in a society. The author.) In practice it is most moral people,
Though their morals is not similar to ethical representations of people environmental
Our supervision convince that usual ethical behaviour, that is
The behaviour based on acceptance of fundamental principles, perceived as
True. From - for this alienations from usual reserves, hypocrisy, lie and
Discrepancy of public life they (reasonable people. The author.) sometimes feel
Itself strangers or derelicts, and sometimes also behave accordingly (for reasonable
The person can not " go on an occasion " at the family, collective,
a society, people and
Etc., conducted, appeared it is possible to tell from birth by ideals, the purpose
Lifes to which realization the reasonable person goes frequently completely
Is not realized, intuitively during all life. Reasonable,
самоактуализирующаяся the person will never do(make) and act " as all ",
ища frequently erroneous, (as a rule in youth), but the way to lifes. It not
The obstinacy, all the matter is that the reasonable person aspires to intelligent,
Life controllable by the reason. As I already spoke, at a genetic level in
The person the basic marks of his(its) future life are brought. The consciousness,
a brain be not capable
To understand this way, this program, but search of the way the person conducts
Life, the unreasonable person - the manipulator does not think of the life,
движет not intelligence in behaviour, and emotions, instincts, desires, therefore
Copes and goes on the vital way with the help of a pain. Present before
Itself three roads. Only one of them - your way, but you can choose not that
Road and to go on it(her) but on what - that a stage with the help of a pain
you will be revolved
On that road which is intended only for you. Thus develops
Each person. But only reasonable, self-actualization the person IS REALIZED
The way of development incorporated in it(him) at a genetic level for understands,
Only then the pain and weight of a vital way will weaken, will come internal
Pacification and understanding - when the person will find the way in environmental
Lifes, and it very much and very uneasy, such raised(increased) by " search
activity "
Two types of the person have in the world only, he/she is the person - an agent
(2 - 3 types
Persons), and self-actualization, the reasonable person (type of the person
? 1. author).
Clinical research of this ability (ability of comprehension reasonable
The person of the behaviour, acts, desires, the purposes etc., comprehension.
The author.) completely confirms stated, in particular, Fromm, regulations about
Volume, that the average, normal, well adapted individual (has no value,
The extrovert, it or an introvert, in any case is the manipulator. The author.)
frequently not
Has the slightest representation about what it(he) is that wants also what it(him)
Own opinion on what - or. The understanding of it and the facts similar to it(him)
has resulted to
To opening of the deepest distinction between self-actualization people
( reasonable people. The author.) and all others. Motivational life
self-samoactualization the person has not only quantitative, but also
Qualitative difference from motivational life of other people. It seems quite
Probable, that for motivation self-actualization people to us should be constructed
Completely special psychology which central concept the motivation becomes not
Lack, and motivation of growth or метамотивация (yes there is such psychology,
Many millenia show the Old Testament, the Gospel, the Koran as should
To develop self-actualization, reasonable or as speak the Scriptuses-
" The believing person ". And I, offering you evolutionary psychology
also try
To you to show motivation of spiritual growth for people of this or that type
of the person,
Resulting as an example for imitation a highest level of spiritual development
The person on the Earth, 1 type of the person, the person of believing(believer),
Moral, fair, conscientious, bashful, self-actualization,
Mentally healthy person etc. the author.). Usual concepts of motivation
приложимы only to not self-actualization to people (to manipulators. The author.).
Examinees (reasonable, self-actualization people. The author.) to anything do
not aspire
In the usual sense this word (we detail it " usual understanding ".
self-actualization the person - the person self-sufficient, it(he) does not
The needs(requirements) inherent in the manipulator. For it(him) it is not necessary
special ("class",
"Firm", exclusive, prestigious to meal, clothes, habitation etc.,
it(he) is modest
In the physical needs(requirements). But the reasonable person tests a constant
Need(requirement) for development of the brain, memory, the emotional device
- it(he) always
It is open for knowledge of world around, from the birth, and to the death,
It is one of the main features distinguishing the person of the first type of
the person, from people,
Concerning other types of the person. The author) - they develop (before, faster,
In total in spiritual development. And it is necessary to mean spiritual development
Only the cogitative, logic device, but also emotional.
The author.). They grow in the direction of perfection, developing more and
more the
Unique, own style. Motivation of the usual person - aspiration to
To absent satisfaction базальных needs(requirements) (and it is fine,
The dissatisfaction in what - or stimulates development of the person, a civilization,
One only is necessary for understanding, the manipulator develops environmental
it(him) physical
The world, and self-agent, the person reasonable develops a spiritual world
of the person,
People, civilizations. Everyone on the Earth does(makes) the business, one malicious,
another kind.
The person reasonable does(makes) more has put kind for he(it) has less level
of self-interest,
Envy, greed, " less personal " in affairs, and more public,
Social. It is possible to enter one more term for the person reasonable,
Self-agent - " the person social ". The author.). But self-actualization
In it do not test lack, all of them базальные needs(requirements) are satisfied
It is inexact, it is simple they are minimal. The author.), and nevertheless
they work and
Assert(approve) itself, though not in usual sense (" the person reasonable
" движет a duty
First of all. It(he) always should, well work, well themselves messages serve
Example etc. It is certainly difficult for other people but what to do(make),
" everyone
Bears(carries) the cross ". The author.). Their motivation is a growth,
development, maturing and
Expression of their character, - in a word, self-actualization. Can be, only
self-actualization people are people? Can be, they, and only they
Realize a true biological nature, human nature as kind (here I
It completely agree from A.Maslou. The author.) As a rule, our (reasonable,
self-actualization people. The author) in the strongest degree are focused on
Problems, external in relation to their person (for have the lowered level
Egoism first of all, frequently named, it is not clear for what reason,
Pragmatism. The author).... They проблемно - центрированы, instead of эгоцентрированы.
In general(common), do not represent a problem for itself and are not too anxious
with itself,
That, undoubtedly, contrasts with usual интроспективностью unhealthy and
The disturbing person. Our individuals (people reasonable, self-agents. The
Usually have vital mission, the problem(task) demanding execution(performance),
external on
To the attitude(relation) to the purpose, which achievement demands the most
part of their energy ("
Who, if not I " the motto of the person reasonable, a self-agent. But speech
Goes about the certain fanaticism, no, the question is about voluntary, realized
Self-sacrifice in a name of this or that, but by all means positive idea bearing(carrying)
Kindness to people, the countries, a civilization as a whole. The author.) It
not necessarily such
The purpose which they chose and have preferred for themselves: it can be and
the purpose,
Which they perceive as the responsibility, the duty, the duty. In
General(common) these purposes внеличностные, they are various; it can be kindly
Mankinds, for the nation, for several members of family. But for rare
Exceptions, our examinees are anxious with the basic and eternal problems of
Type which we on tradition name philosophy or ethics. Such people have got used
To live the widest interests. They never come nearer to trees
So, to cease to see a wood. They live and work in the world most
Wide, universal and long-term values. Anyhow these people
Are philosophers, let sometimes and domestic scale. Widest horizon,
Universal system of readout, the largest scale, the point of view of eternity,
Skill to look atop of trivialities (and thus inability to material success
In world around, glory, authority, to riches. The author.) - all this has huge
Social and interpersonal value, delivering wisdom and calmness, which
Facilitate life not only to these people, but also everyone who is connected
to them. All
Our tested (people reasonable, self-agents. The author.) could transfer
Loneliness without what - or harm or inconvenience for itself. Moreover, almost
About each of them it is possible to tell, that they positively aspire to loneliness
The much greater degree, than the average person (the reason that is
The reasonable person, aspiring to self-development, as a rule, accumulates
all life
Significant spiritual "luggage" during life that allows the reasonable
To create the original private world "parallel" and independent world
Physical. This "parallel" world which exists and develops on
To laws of an individual on the basis of this or that information, the analysis,
Constructions, and in this world be not capable neither to understand nor to
recognize people environmental
The person reasonable. The author.). For them (people reasonable, self-agents.
It is quite possible to be above fight to remain not involved that grasps
Also absorbs others. They find convenient and easy estrangement, non-interference,
Coldness, they do not react to personal misfortune with that force, with which
Does(makes) it the usual person (the usual person, the manipulator, even in
mountain " plays on
Public ", that is unacceptable and it is disgusting for " the person
reasonable ". I already spoke
Earlier, that at " the person reasonable ", a self-agent there is
a balance, provisional
Equality making consciousnesses Emotional (EQ) and Intellectual (IQ),
There is a person equally, to the same event reacts also mind(wit), and
Heart, it also is reaction to event of " the reasonable person ".
And that speaks
Reason? There was this or that sad event, I as the person, has repaid this
To event, I do not forget it(him) and I do not reject, but life proceeds, and
consequently I
Owe her(it) is realized to continue. Do not overlook, the introvert lives the
past, an extrovert
Hereby, " the person reasonable ", a self-agent - the future, and
it is unconditional
" Reasonable " it is easier to person to consult(cope) with past events.
Moreover, having
Flexible system of the analysis and logic, " the person reasonable "
in a condition to expect
The future, and therefore events of the present are not than - that unexpected,
The author.) they (reasonable people. The author) are capable to keep advantage
even in
Unworthy situations. Probably, it in part is consequence(investigation) of their
To be based on own interpretation of a situation, instead of that think or
Other people feel in it(her). This ability to self-elimination is connected
Their some other features. My (reasonable,
Self-agents. The author.) it is possible to characterize as more objective (in
All senses of this word) people in comparison with average. We saw, that they
More проблемно-, than эгоцентрированы. It is fair and then, when a problem
They are, their own desires, motives, hopes, claims. Them
Ability to a concentration on a problem considerably surpasses average
Level. Intensive concentration has collateral consequence(investigation) such
As absent-mindedness, forgetfulness, ignoring of a direct environment. With
Other party(side), at them (reasonable, самоактулизирующихся people. The author.)
it is kept
Good dream, healthy appetite, humour etc. during concern, burning and
The big responsibility. In social attitudes(relations) this dispassionateness
The certain inconveniences and problems. She(it) with ease is interpreted
"Normal" people as coldness, snobbery, insensibility, недружелюбность
Or even animosities (on the business it:
1. Unwillingness to interfere with another's life, for the reason, that it always
Responsibly(crucially) enough, to interfere in another's life.
2. Understanding of that an indispensable condition of spiritual development
of each person
Is " the decision of problems own forces " if speech does not go about
3. Understanding of that all the same given person will not apprehend your advice(councils),
Wishes, and will make on the. Usually it occurs then when meet
People, distance in spiritual development between which it is very great. The
As opposed to attitudes(relations) our tested usual friendly attitudes(relations)
Are closer and are exacting, in the greater degree mean mutual support,
Heat, exclusiveness (it is connected first of all by that " the person
reasonable "
Lives and works on idea, on group, социум This work takes away this or that
Huge quantity(amount) of energy, and when a part of this energy " the reasonable
person "
Transfers to a concrete individual, it(he) demands and from the friend, comrade
The same sacrifice, is present in view of more full feedback in friendship,
for once again
I shall be repeated, the person reasonable, a self-agent is a person social,
Working first of all on this or that group. The author.). Really,
самоактуализирующиеся persons do not require others (people. The author.) in
Sense, it complicates attitudes(relations) with them and uneasily is accepted
by other people.
Other consequence(investigation) of their autonomy is ability to independent
To self-management, were strong, active, responsible(crucial), resolute
The subject of the action, instead of a doll in hands of other people. They
come to
To the estimations, opinions and decisions (a self-agent, " the person
reasonable " all
Comprehends by own tests and mistakes, aspiring " to not shift the
Problems on other people. " The author.). Дайжест A.Maslou's books "
Motivation and
The person ". A rate of practical psychology ". R.R.Kashapov. 1995.
The purpose of citing of works of conducting psychologists of the world is attempt
to show that
Communication(connection) which exists between psychology and parapsychology,
between a science and
The god who has stated thousand years back ideas which only now
Hardly "reach", and that not up to all people. Thus one person differs
From another only in one parameter - number of communications(connections) between
neurons and speed
Establishments of these communications(connections) in the biocomputer of the
person, his(its) brain. Will come
Time, and people will understand that it so. On the Earth creation of new communities
also will begin,
Which will be united among themselves not on racial, class or
To national attribute, color of a leather(skin) or language, and on an accessory(a
belonging) to one and
To the same type of the person, same to " Group consciousness ". But
for this purpose
It is necessary to learn to define(determine) with the help of testing of a
bark of a brain
Accessory(belonging) of this or that person to this or that type of the person.
Even will settle to a spiritual attribute, an accessory(a belonging) to this
or that
Steps of reason, to this or that type of the person. And it will begin to occur
Soon enough, during the nearest 100 - 150 years. "Микроши" will live,
To love, develop with "Микрошами", " 486 РС " with "
486 РС ", and " Пентиум III " with
" Пентиумами III ". All this will occur to the big pain, blood, but
The future, both fine, and awful. In the Information universe similar
Communities exist many thousand years, and I it still in details рассмотрю in
To the book, you probably and so is tired to read the given chapter. In the
books " the Alphabet for
the PERSON "e" to Everyone the " I have tried to consider types
of people in more details and
Their communication(connection) with the Information universe and if it is interesting
to you, read them.
Copyright© 1999-2003. Malyshev Ivan.