Library esotetic Malysheva (LEM)
Copyright ©1999-2003 Malyshev Ivan
Part 1.
From the author.
About what this book? These are results of researches in many fields of knowledge,
Allow to find the answer to many questions, for example:
Who such person?
In what meaning of the life of the separate person and all civilization?
Whether there is a life after death and whether really the person is immortal?
Whether there is a life on other planets?
Why so it is hard to live in this world to the decent(considerable) person and
it is easy for the villain?
Who such God?
What waits a civilization in the future?
Etc. it is possible to answer these questions? Yes, but my answers will positively
Are perceived(recognized) only by that part of people which have high and harmoniously
Bark of a brain. My products, it is the analysis of creativity of the most advanced
People of a civilization living on the Earth, and living on it(her) many thousand
years back.
They are conducting thinkers of the world, conducting prophets of the world
created Scriptuses,
The koran, etc., writers, scientific in various fields of knowledge. I
Has made very simply, has united their creativity which has been stretched(dragged
out) on time for thousand
Years in a uniform narration. That from this has left - to you to decide.
Who is such, the God? Consciousness of the physical Universe. I shall try to
Elementary simply, but as my practice, and such has shown, the extremely simplified
Language, a little to whom is clear. Any object consists of what components
Material world? From a physical matter, any person will answer. E... Consciousnesses
This material object, anyone on complexity. Remember this word, consciousness,
And we shall study it(him). A civilization will suffice to study material objects
World around, it is time to get acquainted with even more interesting part closer
The physical universe - its(her) Consciousness. But for studying consciousness
it is necessary
Completely other physics. What? If objects of a material world mankind
Has comprehended (overtaken) studying cross electromagnetic waves, perpendicular
to a direction
Fields and to carry of his(its) most energy, that, for studying consciousness
is necessary studying
Longitudinal electromagnetic waves. I.e. any material object
The physical universe simultaneously is the generator - the consumer and
Cross electromagnetic waves, and the generator - the consumer longitudinal
Electromagnetic waves. The civilization develops gradually.
First she(it) investigates the most simple part of world around, physical, and
Only then, having saved up experience and knowledge in a condition to start
studying consciousness
The physical universe. In what difference of longitudinal electromagnetic waves,
On the basis of which the consciousness of any object of the physical universe
From usual, standard cross electromagnetic waves?
1. Quantum of energy of longitudinal electromagnetic wave approximately in 100
000 times
Surpasses quantum of energy of a cross electromagnetic wave.
2. Longitudinal electromagnetic waves will penetrate through any objects
The physical universe. Quantum of longitudinal electromagnetic waves (ощлб)
as the carrier
Information influences biological objects small number
High-energy quantums, operating thus on a long distance.
Each star radiates the broadest spectrum not only cross electromagnetic
Waves, but also simultaneously is the generator of longitudinal electromagnetic
waves. Thus for example the atom of calcium resounds on the same frequency
Longitudinal electromagnetic waves IRRESPECTIVE OF the SITE of ATOM
CALCIUM. It is very important for noting, atom of calcium taking place in Europe
Taking place in South America resounds on same longitudinal
To electromagnetic wave . And the atom of calcium on the Earth and the Jove
resounds on
To the same frequency of longitudinal electromagnetic waves? Yes, but we shall
To consider(examine) first of all processes occuring on the Earth.
Let's continue. And that it is possible to tell about more complex(difficult)
objects of biosphere of the Earth,
Considering(examining) not one atom, and group of atoms, molecules, at last
this or that object
Biosphere of the Earth as consciousness of a plant, an insect, animal, the person?
The consciousness of any object of biosphere of the Earth as a whole also resounds
but already the
genomos on this or that part of a spectrum of frequencies of longitudinal electromagnetic
What creates consciousness of any biological object? During life in genom
EACH cell(cage) of an alive organism there is a record of all processes which
were having place with
Cell(cage) during life. After division of the cell(cage), the new cell(cage)
receives with genomos
ALL memory from a "parental" cell(cage). A gene of each cell(cage)
resounds on that or
To other frequency of longitudinal electromagnetic waves. the SUM of consciousnesses
of all cells(cages)
Biological object also create his(its) consciousness resounding on these or
To group of frequencies of longitudinal electromagnetic waves. It is certainly
To distinguish consciousness of muscular cells(cages), cells(cages) of bodies,
bones biological
Object, and consciousnesses of nervous cells(cages) of a brain of biological
object. It
As they say " the big difference ", very big. All most valuable part
Consciousnesses of biological object certainly create nervous cells(cages) head
Brain. So on the average the person consists from 100 - 120 billion cells(cages).
On a share
Nervous cells(cages) of a bark of a brain it is necessary no more than 15 billion.
The consciousness of any biological object consists of the following components:
Physical making consciousnesses (FQ).
Emotional making consciousnesses (EQ).
Intellectual making consciousnesses (IQ).
Formation of the lowest part of consciousness of the person, Physical (FQ),
are engaged
Approximately 100-120 billion cells(cages) of a physical body, and on formations
of the maximum(supreme)
Parts of consciousness of the person as Emotional (EQ) and Intellectual (IQ)
Making consciousnesses - all 15 billion cells(cages) of a bark of a brain.
I shall be repeated, for example one atom of iron territorially (physically)
can be
In Australia, and another in Scandinavia, BUT... Both these of atom resound
the friend with
The friend on the same frequency of longitudinal electromagnetic waves (ощлб).
The same
The processes occur and by consideration more complex(difficult) biological
Objects of biosphere of the Earth, for example plants, animal, people. So territorially
Two the twin (having maximum identical level of development
genomos) can live in the different countries of the world, but nevertheless
their consciousness is
WITH EACH OTHER CAN BE NOT CONNECTED IN ANY WAY. So consciousness of a population
" a grass white "
Common and at a plant living in Asia, and at a plant living in Spain. Consciousness
Populations " a bear brown " it is uniform and at an animal living
in Siberia, and at an animal
Living in Northern America. The consciousness of a population "pike"
is uniform and at a fish living in
To Europe, and at a fish living for example in China.
And the person? Here it is more complex(difficult). With plants, animal it is
easier, their resonance of consciousnesses
Frequently huge populations it is connected by that in consciousness of a plant
or an animal
The most part makes Physical making consciousnesses (FQ). This part
Consciousnesses it is inactive at a biological population, precisely also it
is inactive in
Change and a gene of a plant or an animal. This circumstance and
Stability(resistance) of a concrete population this or that mutation is defined(determined).
But together with
It is necessary for that to recognize, that consciousness of this or that population
of plants, animal
Does not resound rigidly 100 % on this or that longitudinal electromagnetic
(ощлб). Even inside one population constantly goes huge evolutionary
Struggle and always is present disorder in a level of development genom an individual
This or that population. It is easier to tell that consciousness of each population
Resounds in the certain strip of frequencies of longitudinal electromagnetic
And the person? The person is the most advanced animal who is included in group
Primates. In consciousness of the person the maximum(supreme) part of consciousness
has a huge role,
Consisting from Emotional (EQ) and Intellectual (IQ) components. These
Parts of consciousness are most dynamical in the development, the brain of the
person is more
In total develops in the person, as against other part of a physical body.
The physical part of consciousness (FQ) is least dynamical in the development,
Stabilizes development genom the person at a level of his(its) physical body.
The person,
As the maximum(supreme) representative of fauna borrows(occupies) with the consciousness
conditionally the maximum(supreme)
Part frequency a spectrum of longitudinal electromagnetic waves.
Conditionally the spectrum of frequencies of longitudinal electromagnetic waves
can be broken on
Sites. The bottom part of a spectrum borrows(occupies) with consciousnesses
of minerals, then there is a site
Waves borrowed(occupied) with consciousnesses of plants, then animals. And the
person, as the owner
With the most advanced consciousness borrows(occupies) the maximum(supreme)
part of a spectrum longitudinal
Electromagnetic waves.
The consciousness of each of people on the Earth when "has started"
that in the physical world
Millions years back from the world of minerals. This primitive consciousness
then had
Only the physical part as Physical component consciousnesses (FQ). I
Should tell rather important thing. If in the physical world this or that object
Biosphere is born, lives and dies, development of consciousness occurs on a
Other laws. The consciousness NEVER DIES, it only is transformed and
Develops, constantly becoming complicated and being modernized. So consciousness
for example
Plants after death of a physical body of a plant, at the moment of death does(makes)
The power throw also moves in other, more advanced part of a spectrum
Longitudinal electromagnetic waves. After that the given consciousness (as
The individual reasonable organism) can be born in a plant of higher
Level of development of consciousness-genom. In the same way there is a transition
of consciousness
From physical bodies of plants in physical bodies of animals, and from physical
Animals in physical bodies of people. I shall be repeated, at the moment of
death of a physical body
Any object of biosphere there is a power throw, and consciousness of anyone
Object of biosphere borrows(occupies) on evolutionary "ladder" of
a spectrum longitudinal
Electromagnetic waves higher status. Why? Because in process
Lifes on the Earth by that or other object of biosphere it was carried out(spent)
Evolutionary work as a result of which the level of development genom has changed
Consciousnesses of biological object. It(he) became more perfect, is more advanced
In total in the field of development Emotional (EQ) and Intellectual (IQ) components
Consciousnesses. This higher status genom biological object only after
His(its) death can be fixed in certain(determined), parts of a spectrum longitudinal
Electromagnetic waves. Thus consciousness of this or that
Biological object, during improvement of the genom during
Hundreds thousand, millions years gradually moves on a spectrum longitudinal
Electromagnetic waves, as on original "ladder", being born on the
First in physical bodies of the world of minerals, then moving in fauna,
Then people. This process it is perfectly visible at the moment of development
of a fruit of an animal or
The person. During the development the fruit gradually passes all stages
Evolutionary development genom. A gene it as though "passport" or
the certificate
Persons of this or that person. In genom all evolution of development of that
is written down
Or other alive organism. So germs of fishes, lizards, the rabbit, have the person
A lot of similar: the form of a body, presence of a tail, rudiments of finitenesses,
Pockets on each side drinks. All all over again have chord, and then a backbone
cartilage, blood system with 1 circle of blood circulation, identical
The structure of kidneys etc. the Germ of the person has branchiate cracks as
at fishes, heart
The foul place as at putting eggs represents a pulsing tube. A brain
Monthly germ of the person consists of 5 bubbles reminding a brain of fishes.
Thus the person also became "wreath" of creation of biosphere of the
Earth, having
The most advanced and accomplished(perfect) genom - consciousness. Accomplished(perfect)
not physical
Body, namely consciousness.
Let's return to consideration of consciousness of the person. I shall be repeated,
it consists from 3
Components: Physical (FQ), Emotional (EQ), Intellectual (IQ). I already
Spoke earlier, that consciousness of representatives of ONE population in the
world of minerals,
Plants, animal resounds on the same group of frequencies longitudinal
Electromagnetic waves. It " Group consciousness ". Other kind of consciousness
The physical universe also does not exist, any kind of consciousness is group,
Is consciousness which unites in itself set of physical bodies
Representatives of biosphere living on the Earth. It concerns both plants, and
animals, and
People. To you it is probable not clear? I show this important definition.
The mankind has studied (and that is rather superficial) only one kind "
Consciousnesses ", this consciousness twins. They have as much as possible
Identical genom, so the consciousnesses incorporated into group, taking place
Frequencies of longitudinal electromagnetic waves (resounding) on the same group.
People are amazed always with that fact as behave НДМНЪИЖЕБШЕ twins,
Even living in the different countries of the world, and at times and speaking
in different languages. At them
Wives, children carry the same names, they are sick of same illnesses,
Have the same sympathy and antipathy. In it there is nothing unusual, you see,
I shall be repeated, at twins same " Group consciousness "-
developing a bioserver, same "control centre" of their behaviour and
Development. On the Earth always live a little bit(some) person, having same
Level of development genom- consciousnesses. It can be both 5 person, and 500,
and 50 000
The person. All these people live in the different countries of the world, BUT...
Are incorporated in uniform
Reasonable organism,managering uniform " Group consciousness " - developing
Bioserver. People of thousand years name this reasonable organism "gods",
"Angels", "spirits", "ЯЮРЮМЮЛХ", "devils"
etc. I simply would like
To use more modern term, such as " Group consciousness ". It is new
The form of life which lives on the Earth and operates its(her) development.
Not you operate
This world, and " Group consciousness " - developing a bioserver.
And you of all
Only a part of " Group consciousness ", his(its) agency. As you operate
The hands, legs, eyes etc., and " the Group consciousness " operates
You, and all people entering at a level of a resonance by the consciousnesses
in given
" Group consciousness ".
Any person can tell, that if his(its) consciousness is part " Group
Consciousnesses " why it(he) does not feel it? The answer is very simple.
1. The person uses the brain only on 5-7 %, and " Group consciousness "
on 100
%. If the person could use all of 100 % of neurons of the brain, it(he)
Undoubtedly.... Became " Group consciousness ". But it is impossible,
as the person
The person is an intermediate link between his(its) physical body and "
Consciousness ". Our blood system is constructed in such a manner that
Energy acting in a brain it is strictly limited (splitting of glucose and reception
Approximately 38 molecules юFр). Certainly if to a brain to those or a different
way to direct
It is more than energy - a lot of nervous cells(cages) can be connected and
To process of thinking but... Thus there will be a fast deterioration of a brain,
Insults etc. Whereas the person can not submit to a brain big
The quantity(amount) of energy, it(he) can not and take advantage of a brain
on all of 100 %. Therefore
The person processes the information acting from sense organs gradually.
For example " translating a sight " from one subject on another, it(he)
gradually in details
Considers(examines) separate subjects taking place in a zone of his(its) eyes.
Too most
Occurs and to hearing. From general(common) the person allocates with a component
Focuss the attention only to those sounds, which for him(it) in given
The moment are most important. " The Group consciousness " works on
other principles
Processings of the acting information, it(he) in a condition to process at once
all volume
Information acting to sense organs of the person.
Consciousness of each person (or an animal) included in uniform " Group
The consciousness " can be presented as developing a bioserver included
Structure of the uniform information network consisting of set same
Biocomputers. Read the information on how computer networks where in work
Quality of managing machine the server is used, and you will understand, how,
and on what
Principles " the Group consciousness " works. If to tell easier, in
" Group
Consciousness " there is as though an association in a uniform information
resource of consciousnesses
All people - the biocomputers which are included in concrete " Group consciousness
", and for
The account of it occurs amplification(strengthening) of speed of processing
of the acting information
" Group consciousness ", as against consciousness of the separate
2. Each person on a level of development of consciousness is on this or that
to " Evolutionary ladder ". I already spoke earlier, that the consciousness
of the person moves
On a spectrum of longitudinal electromagnetic waves (ощлб) from fauna, where
Had raised(increased) making Physical consciousnesses (FQ) and a low level
Development Emotional (EQ) and Intellectual (IQ) parts of consciousness. He/she
is the person
With "young" genom, the wild, undeveloped person. It(he) lives primitive
Interests, instincts, reactions to world around. Certainly his(its) nervous
The centres responsible for development Emotional (EQ) and Intellectual (IQ)
Consciousnesses are advanced too poorly. The person with "young" genom
uses a bark
Brain of all on 2-3 %. What here understanding of the God, " Group
Consciousnesses ". Ideas of the person with " young "genom"
do not rise above a belt(zone) ", I
So has told. The person having "young" genoms has a level of development
of consciousness
Similar to speed of primitive computers, and even controllers.
The person with " middle age genom" has already more advanced Emotional
(EQ) and Intellectual (IQ) making consciousnesses. This level of development
It is enough consciousness for daily life, but for understanding of the God
Own " Group consciousness " level of development of a bark of a brain
Certainly still it is not enough. Though the person already during thinking
is more and more
Passes from thinking with the help Physical making consciousnesses (FQ) as
Instincts, on process of thinking with the help Emotional (EQ) and Intellectual
(IQ) making consciousnesses or intuitions. The person having " middle age
genom" has a level of development of consciousness similar to the computer
of an average level
The person with "old" genom has most harmoniously advanced centres
of a bark
Brain, and the maximal development Emotional (EQ) and Intellectual
(IQ) making consciousnesses. All religions of the world name such person
"Believer". It is the maximum(supreme) degree of development of consciousness
of the person on the Earth. I also can
To name such person "reasonable", "moral", "conscientious",
"Fair", "merciful" etc. the person with "old"
and it is harmonious
Advanced genom and in a condition to understand, accept and the God, and "
Group consciousness ".
The person with "old" genom is similar to the modern computer of a
high level
Speed. Only the person with harmoniously advanced bark of a brain
In a condition and to understand and accept existence of " Group consciousness
". Here again is not present
Anything unusual. That gives the person a high level of development of a bark
Brain? The person becomes more and more "social", at him(it) border
perception of the world
More and more extend. The area perception of the world an animal is determined
by his(its) borders
Site, the child - his(its) mother, a room. The rat knows only one kind
Movements, all " to itself ". In process of development of a bark
of a brain extend and
Borders perception of the world the concrete person. It(he) becomes the person
ever less
Animal, involving in sphere of the interests not only or the family, but
Already and the neighbours familiar. The level of egoism - a pragmatism is reduced.
The person all
More interests development not only the country, but also other countries, peoples,
Civilizations as a whole. And at top of development of the genom - consciousnesses
the person already
Realizes with the help of intuition, logic, the analysis existence of Consciousness
The universe, " Group consciousness " and he(it) has desire of the
realized service
Not only to people, but also Consciousness of the physical universe (God). The
person becomes
The "social" person who is not belonging to, and the employee meaningly
to idea
The " Group consciousness ". The above described development concerns
only to
To the advanced person whom during one life in a condition to pass it(him)
All. Such person has already "old" genom, a high and harmonious level
Development of a bark of a brain. Basically process of spiritual development
" Group
Consciousnesses " and accordingly people being by His(its) part it is stretched(dragged
out) on many thousand
Years of life of " Group consciousness ". Therefore in the development
anyone " Group
The consciousness " before becoming sacred was when that both the villain,
and the murderer, and
The cannibal. And people entering in such " Group consciousness "
on the Earth created evil,
Wars, violence, terror. Everyone and the person, and " the Group consciousness
" uses the
Brain exactly so as far as it allows it(him) his(its) level of development genom-
Consciousnesses. It is possible to consider as analogue construction modern
Information networks. The person - developing the biocomputer consisting from
The hardware (physical body), the software (consciousness).
The consciousness of the person is part of a bioserver carrying the name "
Consciousness ". This bioserver includes consciousnesses also other people
in the world, having
Identical a gene resounding on same longitudinal electromagnetic
To wave. Thus everyone " the Group consciousness " is unimportant,
as we of it(him)
Let's name, "god", "angel", "spirit" or "satan",
it first of all a bioserver.
And in world around consciousness of any chemical element, a mineral, a plant,
Animal enters as into structure of the bioserver uniting in consciousness of
Or other chemical element, a mineral, a plant, animal, resounding on
To this or that longitudinal electromagnetic wave.
And who such God? To tell simply, this Consciousness of the physical universe
Huge information network such as "Internet". Each Supergalaxy-
Bioserver. In a bioserver of the Supergalaxy are included a bioserver of galaxies.
In a bioserver
Galaxies are included a bioserver of stars. In a bioserver of stars are included
a bioserver
Planets having biosphere. Biocomputers of consciousnesses are included in a
bioserver of a planet
All alive essences occupying a planet, including person.
All this information network in scales of the physical universe also carries
the name
The god, Superconsciousness, the Maximum(supreme) Reason etc. Is complex(difficult),
developing system
It is interested in development of biosphere on as it is possible a lot of planets
The physical universe. What for? It is elementary simple, aspiration to self-development
It is incorporated at a genetic level at each biological system, whether there
is a speech about
Consciousness of a bug, the person, or about Consciousness of the physical universe.
Your brain is arranged by the same principle, as the God or "Internet".
Consists approximately of 15 billion nervous cells(cages) - developing
Biocomputers. Nervous cells(cages) are incorporated into the nervous centres
- a bioserver,
Managing those or other bodies of a physical body. The active form of consciousness
The person (EQ+IQ) form all of 15 billion nervous cells(cages) a brain,
From 120 billion. Cells(cages) of a physical body participate in formation of
the lowest
Making consciousnesses of the person, Physical (FQ). And active consciousness
Bioserver of the Earth (conceiving) form first of all consciousnesses of all
6 billion
Inhabitants of the Earth in spite of the fact that the structure of biosphere
includes billions alive
So, each object of the physical universe is allocated consciousness. Elementary,
Primitive, but consciousness. The sum of elementary consciousnesses creates
" Group
Consciousness " object. People can not understand work of complex(difficult)
systems yet, and in it of them
The mistake as to understand development of the physical universe and Its(her)
Consciousness it is possible
Only on the basis of studying activity of complex(difficult) systems. Everyone
higher on
To priorities the bioserver of Consciousness of the physical universe is "god"
( higher managing system) for subordinate. For example for all 120
Billions cells(cages) of a physical body of the person of 15 billion nervous
Brain are "god", you see they operate cells(cages) of a physical body,
Rather the reverse. For a civilization "god" the consciousness of
biosphere of the Earth is. Etc.