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Library esoteric Malysheva (LEM)
Part 2.
Creation of biosphere of the Earth.
So what image forms biosphere of this or that planet? Certainly
Evolutionary. It is one of organic laws of development of Consciousness physical
The universe - EVOLUTION ALL PROCESSES. Any aliens any
Special conditions etc. Why? If we as an example shall take the person,
That creation of nervous cells(cages), their development and steady communications(connections)
arise only
Then, when the person has applied(put) a maximum quantity of efforts, energy
Creations and formations(educations) of these nervous cells(cages). And when
nervous cells(cages) are created
Brain also there is a development of a bark of a brain? Then, when the person
Is engaged IS AMPLIFIED(STRENGTHENED) thought process. This training, reception
Life experience etc. Only the bark of a brain in this case develops,
Intelligence of the person, so also Consciousness of the physical universe (God).
As soon as
On this or that planet conditions for occurrence of reasonable life are created,
The microorganisms delivered to a planet with meteorites,comets become more
The rests, and... Life begins. Certainly, such conditions of occurrence
Reasonable life what are created on the Earth - enough unusual occurrence, and
It be especially valuable for development of Consciousness of the physical universe.
I shall be repeated, the God
( the Consciousness of the physical universe) - structure developing, and is
Sponsors those planets on which development of biosphere occurs most successfully,
But, I shall be repeated, with observance evolution all developments.
The person is engaged in this also. If at him(it) those dominate in development
or others
The nervous centres of a bark of a brain that assumes development of those or
Talents, abilities the person makes all additional efforts for more
Successful development of these dominant nervous centres. You see from it
The success in life, prosperity, glory, riches depends at the person. In this
is engaged
And Consciousness of the physical universe. It sponsors, helps, supports the
People etc. which helps to develop to Consciousness of the physical universe
How " the Group consciousness " lives, what it(he) likes, than is
engaged? A civilization
Develops cycles. So the modern civilization was created approximately 8 000-10
000 years B.C.. The end of a cycle of development of a modern civilization -
approximately 4
000 year of our era. For this period the civilization in the development passes
The following stages:
Emotional (the civilization lives in 2002 this stage),
And if the person lives 60-70 years, " Group consciousness - a developing
The bioserver " lives all cycle of development of a civilization, all 10
000 - 12 000 years. And in
Current of all cycle of development of a civilization lives and " Group
consciousness ". In the beginning
Cycle, as a rule everyone " Group consciousness " includes consciousnesses
of few people
Living on the Earth and engaged in practically unique problem(task) - a survival.
About any development spiritual and speeches do not go. People live, die, and
Are born, gradually forming memory, the purpose and meaning of the life of everyone
" Group consciousness ". And after the death on the Earth each person
The proprietor of the of " Group consciousness " becomes also the
proprietor of memory,
Systems of the analysis, interests, sympathies and антипатий the " Group
developing a bioserver ".
The person is immortal, but immortal& first of all at a level of the consciousness.
The person dies, and his(its) consciousness becomes a part of consciousness
" Group
Consciousnesses ". E... Life proceeds for consciousness, memory of the
died person, but
Already in the new form, new quality. Moreover, consciousness of the died person
Becomes itself... " Group consciousness ". It is possible to lead(carry
out) analogy with
Information networks existing in the world. Present, that is present
Information network consisting of 100 computers which are taking place in various
The Earth. All management of computers, the basic memory is on a server,
Managing work of all of 100 computers. Has broken, has burned down one of 100
(has died)
Computers. It is tragedy for all information network? There is no certainly,
you see all
The information which was created by the broken computer is on a server.
If the world of the usual person is limited to an area of his(its) activity,
and it(he) as a rule
It is insignificant (quarter, city, area, the country) that " the Group
consciousness " lives, works
Already in scales of all world. For him(it) there are no borders, you see it(he)
can through people
Being his(its) hands, eyes, memory etc. in various regions of the world to like
And to be engaged in a science, to sing and draw, be engaged in business and
Crimes and wars etc. etc. As a rule at everyone " Group
Consciousnesses " the hobby in which it(he) is engaged thousand years.
Why? Simply as well as at
People, to one to " Group consciousness " one business, to another
another is closer.
But, and it is very important, opportunities of everyone of " Group consciousness
" are limited
Level of his(its) development. About what there is a speech. I shall explain
on an example of work computer
Networks. Present, that in a network are included 100 computers established
in different
The countries of the world. One computers are connected to banks, others to
To cinemas, concert halls, chambers established on streets etc. you can
All services of these computers to use, but only in one case, if you
You have access to the given computers as passwords for example. If at you is
not present
Access to resources of computers, what sense in such network? Any, you to it(her)
It is connected, but simultaneously you can not work in it(her) (or to work
The limited volume). The same occurs and to " Group consciousness ".
Maximum opportunities use only " Group consciousness "
Uniting people having harmoniously advanced bark of the brain, being
Reasonable, fair, moral people. These people in the maximal degree
Submit to the to " Group consciousness ", and at a level of consciousness
to " Group consciousness " is simple to operate them. Such reasonable
people, " open
Access " to " Group consciousness " to resources of the brain
that is similar to process
Opening of access to information resources of 100 computers of a computer network.
Other business occurs, when structure " Group consciousness " includes
people with
Insufficient development of a bark of a brain. If it is intellectuals, people
Domination Intellectual (IQ) a component in consciousness. Such people not
Trust .в existence of " Group consciousness ", and it means block
Activity in this or that measure that is similar to introduction of passwords
Information computer networks. That occurs to " Group consciousness "
Uniting people having domination Emotional (EQ) a component
Consciousnesses? Here a situation other, the Person with domination Emotional
Making consciousnesses easily submits to the to " Group consciousness ",
"Luggage" of his(its) knowledge, interests, aspirations of people
included in similar " Group
Consciousness " it is extremely small, that is similar to a situation of
connection to the computer, not
Having in the memory of any information (or having an insufficient level
Information). Therefore I shall be repeated, the maximal opportunities has "
Consciousness " uniting people reasonable, moral. Merciful, conscientious,
Harmoniously advanced bark of a brain.
The sceptic can ask, why such people are most oppressed in environmental
The world, time at them such perfect control system as " Group
Consciousnesses "? The answer is very simple, the person with harmoniously
advanced bark head
Brain has no right to steal and plunder, select the property and life, to humiliate
And to offend people, so - it(he) the derelict on the Earth, a victim in evolutionary
Development of biosphere where wins and well the boor and the villain, the rascal
and the liar lives,
As a rule the person with domination Intellectual (IQ) a component in
Consciousness, or the person of violence with dominant Physical (FQ) a component
Consciousness. And in it there is nothing unusual, offensive or humiliating,
Process of evolutionary development of biosphere survives the strongest, and
the meanest
Certainly, the modern term of a similar category of people - "pragmatist",
" The rational person ".
You do not want to be the villain? Means you will not be also the leader, you
will not have authority,
Money, you can not operate people. The person with harmoniously advanced bark
Brain, it first of all an example for imitation, the observer, the adviser
Each person is born on the Earth to carry out the task of the
" Group consciousness - independently developing a bioserver ". As
you can understand the purpose
The birth? It and is difficult, and simply simultaneously. Present, that at
Is, money, meal, pleasures etc. Than you then were engaged as a hobby in
The free time with the maximal pleasure? It also is the purpose of yours
Existence. It can be employment(occupation) by a science and sex, murders and
Charity, the help the homeless and business etc. etc. All is defined(determined)
Level of evolutionary development of consciousness of " Group consciousness
", his(its) age
genom. " The Group consciousness " also can to be the cannibal.
Can love and regret people immensly, all depends on a level evolutionary
Development of his(its) consciousness - genom, his(its) age.
That occurs to the person who does not wish to submit to the " Group
To consciousness " or how people frequently speak "soul"? Depression,
Vital failures and tragedies, death at last. Here it is possible to result comparison
Control system of lower level, for example a physical body of the person-
His(its) consciousness. If it hurt this or that body in you, what you with it(him)
You treat, you train, you will amputate etc. Same is engaged and
" Group consciousness ".
At you the question and as far as you are free in a choice and acceptance can
Decisions in the life? Approximately on 50 %. " The Group consciousness
" is interested
First of all in realization of the vital program, all other your life
It(him) does not interest. At you precisely same mutual relation with your physical
Body, unless not so? You are borrowed(occupied) with own problems and try, that
The physical body disturbed you as small as possible. You provide it(him) a
Rest etc., and everything else time you devote to work, rest, entertainments,
The hobby etc. you at this time interest problems of the physical body? Almost
No if only it will not send to you a signal as a pain or desires. Only then
You will pay attention to problems of the physical body. Precisely same
Mutual relation are established between consciousness of the person and it(him)
" Group
Consciousness "." The Group consciousness " reacts positively
(pays on you
The attention, helps you, preserves etc.) only then, when you in the life
You will realize the program of development of the of " Group consciousness
". Only then at you
All turns out, you in harmony with the " soul conscience ", at you
Mood, you " are glad lifes " though frequently you do not have money
or health, at
You it is a lot of difficulties in life, and frequently there is a threat to
health, and even most
In general you always instantly in a condition to feel the communication(connection)
with the " Group
Consciousness ", His(its) reaction to your actions in world around. So
" угрызение
Conscience ", the shame, depression comes at the person only then when
it(he) does(makes) that
- That causes unpleasantly it(him) of " Group consciousness ".
" The Group consciousness " has unlimited opportunities? There is
no certainly, it(him)
Opportunities are limited to opportunities of those people which create the
Resounding consciousnesses given " Group consciousness ". So in structure
of one
" Group consciousness " the joiner from Mozambique and the pensioner
from Sweden can enter,
The child from Angola and the businessman from Canada, the fisherman from China
and the teacher from Georgia and
Etc. Yes, these people never nothing learn about each other (will not die yet
"Will enter" the consciousnesses the " Group consciousness -
a developing
Bioserver "), but nevertheless they " genetic brothers ", are
a part of one
Reasonable organism also carry out on the Earth the same problem(task), but
in different
The countries of the world having for this purpose different opportunities.
And as itself " Group consciousness "
Perceives itself? As person, the usual person, but capable simultaneously
To live and in Mozambique, Sweden, Angola, Canada, China, Georgia etc. This
" Group
The consciousness " is simultaneously the joiner, the businessman, the
fisherman, the teacher and т.д..
He(it) has hobby, but it(he) is compelled to survive to own many
Trades. At him(it) is many families, relatives, he/she is PERSON very much borrowed(occupied).
In what " the Group consciousness " is interested?
1. In expansion of the opportunities, that is in increase in the world of people,
Resounding the consciousnesses - genoms with the data " Group consciousness
2. In realization of the interests, the purposes, problems(tasks), plans on
the Earth.
3. In increase in making own consciousnesses, its(her) maximum(supreme) part,
Emotional (EQ) and Intellectual (IQ). What for it is necessary? All the matter
is that
For " Group consciousness " there are no restrictions in development
of the abilities and
Opportunities. And it(he) is interested as the "social" person to
live any more in frameworks
Biosphere of the Earth, and Solar system, galaxy etc. " Group consciousness
Would like to visit(attend) other planets and there to take part in development
of consciousness
Local civilizations to travel in scales of the physical universe, but... To
The low level of development of consciousness of " Group consciousness
" interferes. Therefore on
Genetic level in everyone " Group consciousness " (as well as in the
usual person)
The program of self-development as increase of speed of a bark head is incorporated
Brain, to increase of productivity of the consciousness - a bioserver. A civilization
Arises, develops and... Perishes. But the civilization is huge reasonable
The organism being " Group consciousness - independently developing a bioserver
" in
Scale of biosphere of the Earth which does not want to perish, it wants at the
moment of destruction
Civilizations to make a power throw and... To proceed(pass) to a new coil of
Development, lifes and managements any more a civilization, and Solar system.
Names this " to get in Paradise ".
I shall explain this process more clearly. What is "hell"? Consciousnesses
in the world of people
Act from fauna. As only the consciousness - a gene of an animal has reached(achieved)
High level of development suffices (there is a high level of components
Emotional (EQ) and Intellectual (IQ) consciousnesses), are created conditions,
Which result after death of a physical body of an animal his(its) consciousness
- a gene
Can it will be moved to higher part of a spectrum longitudinal electromagnetic
Waves (ПЭМВ) and the consciousness - a gene of a former animal already can be
born in physical
Body of the modern person. BUT, the return variant is possible(probable) also.
If the person in
Current of life evolution also the maximum(supreme) very poorly, very poorly
- genom, it is consciousnesses making it(him) Emotional (EQ) and Intellectual
(IQ). And if except for that the person during life made a lot of evil, it(he)
as though
It is artificial increased a level Physical (FQ) making part of the
Consciousnesses, and... After death of the physical body can the consciousness
To move in " Group consciousness " - fauna. It also is "hell"
Consciousnesses of the former person, a place for the tyrant, murderers, the
cannibal, the maniac,
The villain, the terrorist. I would name definition "hell" a spectrum
of frequencies longitudinal
Electromagnetic waves (ПЭМВ) borrowed(occupied) with group consciousnesses of
the world of minerals,
Plants, animal. And "Paradise" - a spectrum of frequencies of longitudinal
electromagnetic waves
(ПЭМВ) borrowed(occupied) with " Group consciousnesses " people having
high and harmonious
Level of development of the maximum(supreme) making the genom - consciousnesses.
Therefore each spiritually advanced person in every possible way actively should
suppress in itself
Emotions, ideas making active development Physical (FQ) parts of the consciousness.
Hatred and rage, greed and vindictiveness, sexual activity and envy,
Meanness(low act) etc. Only such work on self also allows to fix consciousness
The person at a level genom in that part of a spectrum of longitudinal electromagnetic
(ПЭМВ) in which there are consciousnesses of advanced people of a civilization.
People of thousand years conduct polemic on questions of application of a death
penalty to people,
Made grave crimes. That it is better to execute the villain or to sentence it(him)
To life imprisonment? Certainly it is better a verdict to life imprisonment.
Why? Because life is given to the person that it(he) even a little
developing even if it is the person - an animal. Such people very much
It is a lot of on the Earth, they the consciousnesses just went in the given
embodiment from
Fauna in the world of people, and " do not know that create ". To
kill such person-
The animal, it to mean to not promote development of " Group consciousness
" such
The person, therefore given " the Group consciousness " will continue
to create evil on
To the Earth. But it is much more reasonable to isolate such person - an animal
from a society,
And to create conditions for positive development of his(its) consciousness
- genom. Yes, to create
Conditions for spiritual development of the murderer, the tyrant, the cannibal.
The TV, conditions
For employment(occupations) by sports, meal not containing an animal component,
Music, medical preparations lowering a level testosteron. It is necessary
To create conditions at which at the person - the animal would not be the reasons
To make active the fury, hatred, rage. Thus live in isolation from
People, the person - the animal will modernize gradually the consciousness-
Gene, so also consciousness - a gene of the of " Group consciousness ".
Also it will be great
The probability of that gradually will start to decrease making(component) Physical
In consciousness of the person - an animal, so also a level of aggression, violence,
People living in the world and being representatives given " Group
Consciousnesses ". Gradually given " the Group consciousness "
will apply ever less
The violence, is angry in the physical world at dialogue with other people,
and in it the blessing
Life imprisonment.
As to punishment. In the world in general there is no case when the criminal
would not be
It is punished. Simply in the world of " Group consciousnesses " other
system of punishment. Everyone
" The Group consciousness " consists of set of people living in the
different countries of the world. And
" The Group consciousness " knows everyone, who has killed, has crippled,
has raped, has humiliated,
Has offended his(its) this or that representative. And everyone " Group
consciousness "
Decides, as to it(him) to punish the offender of the representative. For example
the villain has killed
The representative of " Group consciousness " living in Vologda. To
The villain, " the Group consciousness " should have in Vologda:
1. Other representative who would engage in the decision of this problem.
2. To move from other city to Vologda the representative.
3. To create conditions that the representative has gone to Vologda (to it(him)
you see
"Directly" you will not explain his(its) problem(task)).
4. Etc.
Therefore process of punishment of the villain becomes long on time. It you
see at
The person life short, and " the Group consciousness " lives thousand
years. Besides
If a level of development of consciousness of " Group consciousness "
it is high, it(he) can and forgive
The villain. Yes, structure of one " Group consciousness " can include
thousand, tens
Thousand people, and loss of one of them... Everyone " Group consciousness
Makes a decision, I would like to tell only one, any evil is punishable. And
The person itself can define(determine), is punished angrily which is accomplished
in relation to
To the person close to him whether or not. As soon as at the person " the
pain " ceases, it means
That angrily it is punished or people, or " Group consciousness "
person, or
" The Group consciousness " has forgiven insult.
Whether "direct" contact to the " Group consciousness "
is possible(probable)? And it(he) and so it is constant
Occurs, it is simple:
1. " - a developing the bioserver " processes Group consciousness
acting to
To it(him) the information with very big speed, and consciousness of the person
simply all this
To the information "turns a deaf ear". I already spoke earlier, that
it is possible to raise(increase)
Speed of processing of the information with the help of additional energy acting
Blood, but this way is ineffective. The person can as a result of respiratory
Technologies, drugs to be connected not to the to " Group consciousness
", and less
High-speed, taking place for example in a spectrum of longitudinal electromagnetic
(ПЭМВ) fauna or plants. And to receive the negative information, what in
It pleasure except for mental disease, an insult, madness?
2. " Group consciousness " civilizations, as well as any person plans
in details all
Development of a civilization. And sometimes it(he) allows, and sometimes people
Be admitted(allowed) to His(its) memory. Such people name "prophets".
But as such
To the prophet to transfer His(its) superfast information? Sometimes to this
Traumas of a brain of the prophet (Vanga, Casey), " the blessed person
" or it(him)
Special way of development, during which it(he) gradually (and as a rule
Violently) reconstructs power of the physical body, preparing(going) for it(him)
To perception(recognition) of the high-speed information of the of " Group
consciousness "
( Nostradamys, S.Sarovsky and set of other people). And all these people in
Condition to receive the high-speed information rather quickly, with
Huge power expenses of an organism, running frequently in consciousness close
To mental attack, trance etc. Deterioration of a physical body at such moments
It happens it is simply huge, that creates at prophets set of illnesses, especially
Connected to blood supply, mentality. The set of the information at the moments
is unconditional
Its(her) receptions it is simply lost it (is forgotten).
3. What promotes direct contact of the person to it(him) " Group consciousness
Blocking of work his(its) Intellectual making consciousnesses (IQ), minimization
Activity of a physical body, that is decrease(reduction) to a minimum of activity
(FQ) consciousnesses. And meditating people, yogas manage to reach(achieve)
this condition,
But... Whether it is a lot of information on development of a civilization gave
such yogas? Is not present
Certainly. Why? Yes it is simple for the reason, that yogas, not the person
The physical body, and the person actively recustomizing and leveling the
Consciousness. Such people in India name "yogas", in the Arabian countries
"Moslems", in the countries preaching christianity "believers".
Well and more
The modern term - the person reasonable, moral, conscientious, bashful.
4. So promotes direct contact of consciousness of the person to it(him) "
Consciousness "? A high level of development of a bark of a brain as Emotional
(EQ) and Intellectual (IQ) making consciousnesses. - POTENTIALS EMOTIONAL
It is extremely important, the intelligence can not dominate above emotion
The person (it results in egoism - to a pragmatism - to atheism), emotion not
Can dominate over intelligence (that results in stupidity, fanaticism,
To dogmatism). Only harmony in development of a bark of a brain promotes that,
That the person at a level of intuition will be connected to the to " Group
consciousness ".
That occurs to the person at the moment of death. It(he) loses consciousness,
Gradually " the Group consciousness ", gradually moves in his(its)
"Wakes up" in the " Group consciousness " and... Life proceeds.
But already in
To other physical form. Whether there are his(its) contacts to relatives,
Children etc. Only at a level genom or intuitions, direct contacts are not present.
Why? That the died person could meet with the relatives
The person, it(he) should have in that district where his(its) friend lives...
The representative of the bioserver - " Group consciousness ". Therefore,
if died
The person would like to be a number(line) to help the person expensive(dear)
to him, it(he) as a rule
Moves one of representatives of the Group consciousness to that district,
Where the person close to it(him) lives the road.
And each person can meet the there is no time the died relative, the father
Or mother, the friend and the wife, the child or the grandmother, certainly,
(if they of it
Will want a priority in contacts it is kept for the died person). As it
To see? All the matter is that though externally all people included in uniform
" Group
Consciousness " have a different floor and physical appearance, but a level
of development of consciousness
- genom at such people it is identical, they " genetic brothers "
so have one
And the same habits, bents of sympathy and antipathy. Therefore, as soon as
you in
The life you will meet the person with the same habits, sights on environmental
The world, behaviour as at yours is no time the died friend, loved(liked,favourite)
or loved(liked,favourite),
The relative, know, you have met again the there is no time died relatives
The person, other physical body is simple at him(it) now.
And what such " a ghost, a phantom "? After death of the person, his(its)
Making consciousnesses (Emotional (EQ) and Intellectual (IQ)) move
In " Group consciousness ", and the lowest making consciousnesses,
Physical (FQ)
small dynamics also breaks up in process of disintegration of a physical body
of the person. It
The exact electronic copy of a physical body of the person, but is created with
the help
Longitudinal electromagnetic waves (ПЭМВ). Therefore also it is seen it happens
only by those,
Who sees in this or that part of a spectrum of longitudinal electromagnetic
waves (ПЭМВ),
Or it is fixed with the help of devices recording longitudinal electromagnetic
Fields (ПЭМВ). A site of "phantom"? As a rule on a place of death
(a place
Last strongest stress), or there where the person has lived (has worked)
Last years before death. People should remember, that their subconsciousness,
Which is possible to include belly, a spinal cord, subcrustal departments of
a bark head
Brain, nervous system, also thinks. It develops, protects, protects
Physical body of the person during all his(its) life. This subconsciousness
Physical (FQ) making consciousnesses - energy also is a brain of "phantom",
Primitive, but a brain. Dies the physical body, but information (breaks up)
The body of the person dies (breaks up) much later. It is not necessary for
it(him) a lot of energy
For the life, has "phantom" at a level of longitudinal electromagnetic
(ПЭМВ) energy of a breaking up physical body. Therefore it is necessary to betray
Physical body of the died person as practically instantly there will be a disintegration
His(its) "phantom", energy - an information component. How "phantom"
In any way, he(it) still had unconditional reflection from life there is no
time alive physical
Bodies, it(he) also uses them. Therefore as a rule the phantom does(makes) those
affairs, which
Did(made) long time before death. For example movement on the same route
For work, performance of habitual works on a facilities(an economy) etc. Why
people so
Seldom notice "phantoms"? The civilization develops, at it(her) is
constant in consciousness
The level of the Physical component (FQ) consciousnesses, therefore "phantoms"
Modern people have small power and quickly break up (but them see
Animals). Also that spectrum of frequencies which is fixed with eyes certainly
The modern person. Ask inhabitants of jungle of Amazonia, Africa or South-
East Asia. They can tell much about life of "phantoms". In general
to me this
The theme is not especially interesting, and perhaps when that I in more detail
on it(her)
I shall stop (though to me it and it is unpleasant to discuss). But people so
like itself to frighten
And to think out various nonsenses and wildnesses(absurdities).
The consciousness of a civilization, is a huge reasonable organism which develops
To the laws. Any object of biosphere of the Earth, a molecule or people develop
To the same laws, passing stages of development:
Physical (birth and the childhood),
Emotional (youth),
Intellectual (maturity),
Reasonable (old age).
What then? Death or transformation in the new form of life. For example people
To go on a way of self-isolation, prompt ageing own genom and
Self-degeneration (that the white race so now shows
Promptly degenerates), and can go on a way of updating genom with more
Young peoples (mised marriages with representatives of yellow and black races),
Hence to prolong the existence. Each person, people does(makes) the
The choice (also is responsible for the choice) Now a civilization is on
Stage of Emotional development (there is a growth of its(her) number), but inside
Civilizations each people is at this or that stage of the development. White
The race is at a stage of intellectual Development (has stopped its(her) numerical
Growth the probability of destruction and degeneration), yellow race at a stage
also is rather great
Emotional development (steady growth of number of race is observed), black
The race has passed on a stage of Emotional development (at the end of 20 centuries
Steady growth of black race). That waits a civilization in the near future besides
Climatic accidents. " Change of authority ". The white race should
" transfer authority "
To yellow race. It can be made evolutionary and painless image, but
The mankind is still too ridiculous, therefore will choose variant the most
In Russia there is a constant decrease(reduction) of number of slavic peoples,
Number of representatives of yellow race constantly grows. And it is fair,
The person as a biological kind is obliged to struggle for the survival, and
if it(he) of it
Does not do(make) - it(he) dies out. That raises survival rate of such complex(difficult)
system as
People, race?
1. Growth of its(her) number.
2. Speed of crossing with other peoples,
Races. Earlier these processes occured due to wars, natural accidents, that
Or other violence. I am disturbed very much with that fact, that people, voluntary
Wish to make racial mixing genoms so on the one hand brake
Development of the "young" peoples having in genom a high level Physical
Consciousnesses (FQ) as aggression, survival rate, physical activity. If such
"Young" peoples to not mix at a level genoms with "old",
development "young"
Peoples it is sharply slowed down. The "Old" peoples having high levels
of development
Emotional (EQ) and Intellectual (IQ) making consciousnesses without " injections
Fresh blood " in the a gene promptly grow old, more and more falling ill
Senile illnesses at younger age and... Degrade becoming
Homosexuals, lesbians, impotent men, addicts, people actively
not loving sports, violence. This behaviour of suicides, is unconditional "
Consciousness " civilizations (I do not think that it there was more high
a system
Managements) will be engaged auio again in violent crossing
Peoples, races due to wars, accidents, revolutions. It is hurt to me to speak
about it, but
What to do(make), if the person to itself the enemy. I only also need what to
observe as
This process is developed(unwrapped).
Who you such, the person? Why so frequently the person, the mankind so poorly
thinks about
Volume how less painfully, more happily to live the life. In what the reason
Such behaviour of the person? The reason is the low level of development of
a bark
Brain of the majority of people on the Earth. The person is the most advanced
The representative of group of primates on the Earth. Scientists everyone argue,
how from
Monkeys the person reasonable " could turn out "? The answer is simple,
in any way. " The Person
Reasonable " also there is a monkey, and unless all history of development
of a civilization not
Confirms my words? Look at behaviour of people, their acts, the attitude(relation)
To itself and anothers, unless it, in many respects, behaviour of the PERSON?
We shall leave emotions.
Development of group of primates occurs not consistently, when from one kind
Monkeys due to own development or genetic crossing appears
Other kind of monkeys. At all is not present, development of group of primates
occurs in parallel.
That is formation of group of primates was stretched(dragged out) on time, and
in group
Primates on a level of development genom kinds having "old" genom
enter, and
Kinds of monkeys having "young" genom. And so, family gominid, from
Which there was modern " a person reasonable " is in group of primates
Most the old family having most "old" genom. And
The neanderthal man, and кроманьонец occured from family gominid (from the lowest,
Its(her) least advanced part). Moreover, each racial kind, people,
The individual person on " an evolutionary ladder " has various age
genom. During evolutionary struggle, assimilation and crossing appear and
New kinds of people, peoples disappear. So was when - that the neanderthal man,
but " has left with
Distances " not having sustained " evolutionary race ". Same
destiny has comprehended(overtaken) and
кроманьонца. And among modern peoples, types of people time and many will come
Will disappear, that have appeared during evolutionary struggle others, more
From the point of view of physiology, but imperfect in intelligence, reason.
And that then
Will be with them? They will grow old genetically and physiologically,receiving
The intelligence, reason, also will disappear, and on "life arena"
new kinds of people will appear.
Gene the person, people, a civilization can not be static, it(he) is dynamical
in the
Lifes, being born, live, growing old and being transformed in more or less perfect
Gene - consciousness of other person, people or race. People can not understand
in any way
Very simple fact, any object of biosphere, whether it be a bug or the person,
Does not struggle for the survival it is doomed on degradation and extinction.
It is the basic
The law of development of biosphere. The consciousness - a gene of any object
of biosphere consists from 3
Physical (FQ).
Emotional (EQ).
Intellectual (IQ).
The consciousness - is formed by a gene of a mineral, a plant basically from
Consciousnesses (FQ).
The consciousness - a gene of an animal is formed basically already with 2 components:
(EQ) and Emotional (EQ).
The consciousness a gene of the person is formed with 3 components: Physical
Emotional (EQ), Intellectual (IQ).
These 3 making consciousnesses-genom also create all types of people on the
I shall be repeated, each person on the Earth the consciousness - genom is on
Or other "step" of " an evolutionary ladder ". One is close
the consciousness-
genom to fauna, another to the God. We shall disassemble this question in more
In view of that the consciousness a gene appears in the world of people from
fauna, in it(him)
Dominates Certainly physical (FQ) making consciousnesses, such a gene it is
To name "young" genom. It is expressed in a good level of survival
Human physiology, his(its) raised(increased) level of aggression, propensity
to inadequate
To behaviour, it is especial at the moment of emotional excitation when it is
Work of a bark of a brain. The level of development of a bark of a brain is
insignificant. As
A lot of such type of people in the world? Approximately 10-20 %. The majority
of criminals-
Executors of the world belong to this category of people. Their sphere
Activity: army, mercenaries, terrorists executors, those or others
Repressive bodies, sports, especially contact, heavy physical work. It
It is very difficult for types of people to receive formation(education), by
him(it) it is simply hardly given
Dynamical information, and a society gradually squeezes out
People with "young" genom in social "bottom". The slightest
Excitation, drugs very quickly block work Intellectual (IQ)
Making consciousnesses of such people, and already before you an animal(animal),
which only
Has appearance of the person. As the meeting with such "person" in
such is terrible
Instants. Certainly there is a huge fault of a modern society, which
Has already saved up enough of financial assets, that финансово,
Socially, phamacologist to support life of people with low dynamics(changes)
of a bark
Brain, "young" genom. In what it will result? To decrease(reduction)
of a pain in the world,
Criminality, suicides, to reduction of social conflicts etc. Mankind
Pays extremely huge payment (even to imagine difficultly as far as
Huge) as wars and murders, rapes and a genocide, violence various
Kind and cruelty that does not supervise, does not sponsor, does not support
Having "young" a gene. The formula of consciousness of the person
with "young" genom:
FQ > (EQ=IQ);
FQ > (EQ > IQ);
FQ > (IQ > EQ)
What it is possible to tell about people with "average" age genom?
These types of people already have
More advanced bark of a brain. Evolution has divided(shared) a gene - consciousness
on 2
Parts, it is "predator" (the consciousness in which dominates Intellectual
Component) and "victim" (the consciousness in which dominates Emotional
Component). The predator has a gene in which traditionally dominates besides
Physical (FQ) making consciousnesses also Intellectual (IQ) a component.
Here there is nothing surprising, traditionally to a predator to have for capture
Victims to carry out(spend) the big level of cogitative work on development
Variants of a hunt. Therefore it is not surprising, that a gene - the consciousness
of a predator has
The greater level of development Intellectual (IQ) a component. Such type of
the person
With domination in the consciousness Intellectual (IQ) making(component) modern
The psychology names "extrovert". He/she is the leader among people,
achieving success
In business, management, manufacture, a science. In structure of a civilization
Intellectuals make minority (no more than 15-20 %), but they
"Move" progress in the world. To tell the truth, and all wars, revolutions,
social disasters
Also intellectuals - extravert, they create all таки "predators".
The formula
Consciousnesses extravert:
IQ > (FQ=EQ);
IQ > (FQ > EQ);
IQ > (FQ < EQ).
The formula of consciousness introvert:
EQ > (FQ > IQ)
EQ > (FQ=IQ)
EQ > (FQ < IQ)
The civilization is a huge reasonable organism which lives approximately 10
000 - 12
000 years, passing gradually stages of development:
Physical (a slaveholding, patrimonial, breeding social order),
Emotional (the serf, feodalism, a communal social order),
Intellectual (a social order on the basis of free economy),
Reasonable (a democratic social order).
So gradually, in process of development of a civilization in its(her) structure
becomes more and more
People having more advanced bark of a brain, number of people with
Low level of development of a bark of a brain gradually decreases. Certainly
All races, peoples, people develop extremely non-uniformly and in the subsequent
Works I in more detail shall show development of races, peoples, religions,
The future.
Copyright © 1999-2003g. Malyshev Ivan.