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Regression therapy.
What is such - regression therapy?
It is a hypnotic method of influence on consciousness of the person on the part of the doctor (or the expert in the field of psychology, hypnosis). Many people having a dominant Emotional component in consciousness (EQ) in a condition to enter of in a condition of self-hypnosis. But, if you the intellectual if at you domination of the Intellectual component in consciousness (IQ) I ask you to not experiment, better to address to experts. However, if you will experiment in the field of self-hypnosis, please look a practical example of application of new technology of self-hypnosis. More than probably, that to you itself will be possible to make travel to " the last life " and without assistance, especially if you experiment in the childhood, youthes when at you it is still insufficiently strongly advanced Intellectual making consciousnesses (IQ).
In 1980 in the world International Association Regression of Researches and Therapies (IARRT.) The address in internet: http: // www.
This association unites experts in area a regression of medicine all over the world. People perceive activity of experts in area a regression of therapy, researches of the last lifes of the concrete person faster as exotic, than as practical necessity. Why? By virtue of usual human wildness.
But I think, that with arrival of my technology, and your financial support of my project, a situation in the field of development reincarnation researches will be possible to change in the best party(side). I shall be repeated, you can be born worldwide, in any people, race, and it is extremely important to make so, that any person of the Earth could receive the help from the expert in area reincarnation researches. To receive the help in Asia and Africa, Europe and Central America etc. In a village and city, settlement and a farm. And for this purpose it is necessary to develop and propagandize technologies reincarnation researches to prepare for experts, to be engaged in advertising, to create the centres reincarnation researches worldwide.
How there is a work of the expert in area reincarnation researches? It is simple, you enter in a condition of superficial hypnosis, and you, together with the expert in area reincarnation researches, start to recollect the last life.
You should interest, whether in a condition you will recollect number of the bank account in the last life, or that place where you have hidden the money, jewelry and ets?
Yes, if will take advantage of my technology. If you will read materials of my site will understand, that researches in the field of superconsciousness I spend(see off) many years, and perfectly I know the subject. I have developed own technology which will allow you to recollect that information from your last life which is connected to that period when you have postponed a part of the financial assets for their use in " new life ", after your reincarnation.
I am going and I shall certificate experts in area reincarnation researches, the list.
You can use in the new life of any of experts or address in the local organization "Malyshev-help".
Whether you can take advantage not of my services, and services of experts of association " IARRT " (http: // www. Certainly, but I can not give you a guarantee, that in new life you can recollect the information necessary to you. Why? All the matter is that to recollect this or that episode of " the last life ", the information on this episode is necessary " in this life " carefully to prepare, that I and do(make) with the help of the technology.
Copyright ©2001-2002a Malyshev Ivan.
Nizhny Novgorod
Phone:(8244)-5-22-49 (russian)